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The object of the analysis requires outlining a more extensive exposition as well as rendering several issues more precise. The authoress examined the question of a Polish minority existing 'here and now', in a concrete geographic space; the well-enrooted indigenous population possessed its own historical and regional traditions, and was involved in complicated relations with other nationalities, particularly the Lithuanians, for whom Vilno (Wilno, Vilnius) and its environments remained the object of years-long controversies with the Poles. The chronological boundaries of this sketch are the years 1944-1945. The situation in which the Lithuanian state found itself produced qualitatively new circumstances for the Polish minority, different from the ones which had prevailed since 1939. During this period, Vilno changed its state affiliation upon a number of occasions. It remained the capital of Lithuania for not quite a year, and subsequently was incorporated into the Soviet Union; in the years 1941-1944 it was occupied by the Nazis and then once again became the capital of a Soviet republic. Memory about the Polish past was gradually limited, and assumed 'local' and 'native' qualities. By retaining its language and oral tradition it became a regional 'Polishness' , encompassing customs, songs, and narrated 'stories'. Hence the predominant element consolidating tradition was embedded in individual and collective memory; it was also transmitted in individual and collective memory. This type of cultural behaviour was, basically speaking, passive and defensive, and favoured the relative stability of the number of Poles in Lithuania. Another conducive circumstance was the existence of schools (elementary and secondary) with Polish as the language of instruction. Regardless of the 'curricula adapted to' Soviet needs, they influenced the retention of certain rudimentary components of 'high culture'. The promoted initiatives and ventures favoured both the preservation of old 'codes' of tradition and their expansion. Undertaken in difficult and unfavourable conditions, they passed the test of time.
W artykule przedstawiono zmiany przechowalnicze następujące w serze twarogowym kwasowym tłustym w dwóch opakowaniach, w samym papierze pergaminowym oraz w papierze pergaminowym i dodatkowo w folii dwuwarstwowej, z polipropylenu i poliamidu, zamkniętej próżniowo. Do oceny zmian przechowalniczych wybrano niektóre cechy organoleptyczne i chemiczne. Z organoleptycznych oznaczano smak, zapach, strukturę i konsystencję, z chemicznych: kwasowość ogólną, zawartość wody, zawartość białka oraz zawartość tłuszczu. W artykule opisano zmiany, które następowały w partii twarogu tłustego przetrzymywanego w kontrolowanej temperaturze przez trzy tygodnie.
The paper is presenting the comparison of impact of two varied packages on properties and quality of curd cheese. One of that packages is a parchment paper the second is paper and composite PE/PA foil. To determine the influence of packages on the cheese some organoleptic and chemical properties were chosen.
Исследования выполнили на 15 ягнятах. Для изготовления вакцины использовали лиофилизованные штаммы L. monocytogenes (серотипы 1 и 4 о). Листерии выращивали в триптозовом аэрированном бульоне в течение 48 ч в темп. 28°С. Бульонную культуру сепарировали, а осадок суспендировали в физиологической жидкости с pH 7,6, содержащей 5% глицерола и 2% сахарозы. Вакцина тодержала в 1 мл 10⁸ палочек листерий. Первую группу ягнят иммунизировали подкожно дозой 5 мл, вторую — дозой 2 мл и третью — вакциной, хранимой в темп. 4—8°С 6 мес. в дозе 2 мл на голову. Челленж выполнили через 6 мес. после иммунизации. Вакцина из бульонной аэрированной культуры, свежо изготовленная как и хранимая 6 мес., показывала хорошие защитные свойства. У животных, иммунизированных живой вакциной, не отметили носительства и севства.
The examinations were carried out on 15 lambs. For vaccine preparation there were used lyophilized strains of L. monocytogenes (serotype 1 and 4b). The bacteria were cultivated in aerated broth with tryptose for 48 hours at 28°C. The culture was centrifuged and the pellet was suspended in a 0.85% NaCl solution, pH 7.6, containing 5% glycerol and 2% saccharose. The vaccine possessed 10⁸ bacterial cells in 1 ml of the preparation. The first group of lambs was immunized with 5 ml of the vaccine given subcutaneously the second one with 2 ml, and the third group with 2 ml of the vaccine stored for 6 months at 4—8°C. The challenge was performed after 6 months since immunization. The fresh vaccine and the stored one proved to have good protective properties. Immunized animals with the vaccines did not carry the strains of L. monocytogenes.
Badano 18 linii wsobnych kukurydzy o bardzo zróżnicowanym pochodzeniu. Linie wyprowadzono z form: amerykańskiej, francuskiej, niemieckiej i węgierskiej oraz z mieszańców pojedynczych i międzyliniowych. Wybrano losowo po 5 roślin z każdej linii, na których dokonano pomiarów następujących cech: długości i grubości kolby, liczby rzędów ziaren na kolbie, liczby ziaren z kolby, masy kolby i ziarna z kolby, grubości osadki oraz zawartości suchej masy w ziarnie. Do oceny podobieństwa linii zastosowano analizę skupień metodą średnich skupień na podstawie odległości euklidesowych. Analizowane linie zgodnie z pochodzeniem zostały podzielone na grupy. Wykorzystano również analizę regresji wielokrotnej do określenia zależności masy ziarna z kolby od pozostałych cech. Otrzymany model w 94% dopasowany jest do danych empirycznych. Masę ziarna z kolby determinują przede wszystkim liczba ziaren z kolby oraz masa kolby.
Eighteen inbred maize lines of different origin were tested. The lines were derived from American, French, German and Hungarian forms and from hybrids. Five plants of each line were chosen at random to evaluate the following features: ear length, ear diameter, number of grain rows in a cob, number of grains per cob, cob weight, grain yield from one cob, rachis diameter and dry matter content. Cluster analysis using a mean cluster method based on Euclidean distance was applied to estimate a similarity of maize lines. The lines were divided into groups based on their origin. Moreover, a multiple regression analysis was used to assess the extent to which the grain yield from one cob is affected by the other features. The model so obtained is fitted in 94% to the empirical data. It was found that the grain yield from one cob is determined mainly by a number of grains in the cob and cob weight.
The examinations were carried out on 20 sheep of which 12 animals were immunized in the second half of pregnancy, 5 were infected and 3 served as controls. All the lambs (17) coming from the sheep were infected with virulent strains of L. monocytogenes (aged 8 weeks) to assess the state of immunity acquired from mothers. For immunization an attenuated vaccine prepared by the authors was used. Sheep and lambs were examined clinically, immunologically, bacteriologically and at necropsy. It was found that vaccinations with the vaccine developed the immune response of humoral and cellular type. The level of agglutinins in the immunized sheep was higher than that in controls. An increase of phagocytosis of neutrophils expressed in the tests of chemiluminescence and NBT pointed to a high reactivity of neutrophils following vaccination. An increased index of blastic transformation of lymphocytes took place after two weeks since immunization until the end of observations. Biological tests indicated that an active immunization of sheep in the second half of pregnancy influenced the immunity of mothers and their offspring.
The observations were done on three groups of sheep: immunized before mating, immunized before mating and experimentally infected in the 2nd half of pregnancy, unimmunized and uninfected controls. The progeny of sheep was experimentally infected by pathogenic strains of Listeria at the age about 8 weeks to examine the level of maternal immunity. Adults were vaccinated with an own live avirulent vaccine against listeriosis. The animals were examined clinically, microbiologically, serologically and anatomopathologically. The vaccine used before mating protected pregnant ewes and their progeny. Vaccination before mating also increased the concentration and prolonged persistence of agglutinins in colostrum and milk.
17 inbred lines of maize (K335, K352, K254, K247, K233, K285, K299, K369, K354, K370, K112, K324, K231, K154, K296, K376, K382) of different origin were tested. The lines came from American, French, German, Hungarian hybrids; and also from single and interlines hybrids of Polish origin. 5 plants of each line were chosen randomly. The following traits were measured: length and thickness of cob, number of grain rows per cob, cob weight, grain weight, number of grains per cob. The results were statistically analyzed. Analysis of variance by cross classification method for two factors was conducted. Cluster analysis of cluster single method based on Euclidian distance was used to estimate the association of lines. The analyzed lines were divided into groups according to their origin.
Badano 17 linii wsobnych (K335, K352, K254, K247, K233, K285, K299, K369, K354, K370, K112, K324, K231, K154, K296, K376, K382) o bardzo zróżnicowanym pochodzeniu. Linie wyprowadzono z następujących mieszańców: amerykańskiego, francuskiego, niemieckiego i węgierskiego oraz z mieszańców pojedynczych i międzyliniowych polskiego pochodzenia. Wybrano losowo po 5 roślin z każdej linii, na których dokonano pomiarów następujących cech: długości i grubości kolby, liczby rzędów ziarn na kolbie, masy kolby i ziarna z kolby oraz liczby ziaren z kolby. Wyniki opracowano statystycznie. Przeprowadzono analizę wariancji metodą klasyfikacji krzyżowej dla dwóch czynników. Do oceny podobieństwa linii zastosowano analizę skupień metodą pojedynczych wiązań na podstawie odległości euklidesowych. Analizowane linie zostały podzielone na grupy ze względu na pochodzenie.
Цель исследований состояла в исключении возможной реверсии вирулентности штаммов листерий, используемых для производства вакцин. Исследования выполнили на 240 морских свинках и 9 ягнятах, клинически здоровых и серологически отрицательных, относительно листериоза как и на 440 мышах. Морских свинок и ягнят в период наблюдений исследовали клинически, гематологически и иммунологически, а после усыпления — секционно и бактериологически. Исходные штаммы листерий и после пассажей исследовали на движение, гемолиз, каталазу, разложение сахаров и алкоголей. Штаммы листерий пассажированные 5-кратно морскими свинками, ослабляемыми гдирокортизоном, не стали вирулентными, что одновременно проверили на 2 группах мышей, подвергнутых и не подвергнутых действию гидрокортизона. Подобные результаты получили в группе морских свинок, не подвергнутых действию гидрокортизона. Штаммы листерий (серотип 1 и 4b), полученные из 5 пассажа, введенные ягнятам, оказались безвредными. Помимо некоторых разниц в сохранении некоторых биохимических признаков обоих штаммов во время пассажирования признак невирулентности для животных, чувствительных к листериям, оказался стабильным.
The aim of the work was to exclude the possibility of L. monocytogenes strains reversion which after attenuation were used to vaccine production. The studies were carried out on 240 guinea-pigs, nine healthy seronegative (against L. monocytogenes) lambs, and 440 mice. The guinea-pigs and lambs during observation were examined clinically, haematologically and immunologically, and at necropsy grossly and bacteriologically. The original strains under study and after passages were examined for motylity, haemolysis, catalase, sugar and alcohols splitting. The strains passaged 5 times through guinea-pigs treated with hydrocortisone proved to be stabile; they were not virulent for normal mice and mice treated with hydrocortisone. The same results were obtained following inoculation of healthy guinea-pigs. L. moncytogenes strains (serotype 1 and 4b) coming from the 5th passage and given to lambs were not harmful. Although some differences were noted between the strains passaged and non-passaged they proved to be stabile and avirulent for sensitive animals.
Для иммунизации ягнят применили в течение первых 3 лет вакцину, содержащую 2 серотипа (1 и 4b) палочек L. monocytogenes, приготовленную в агаровой культуре, сполосканной физиологической жидкостью с pH 7,6 до густоты 10⁸/мл. В 4-ом году ягнят иммунизировали стабилизированной вакциной, содержащей палочки листерий из бульонной аэрированной культуры, центрифугированные и заново суспендированные в физиологической жидкости, содержащей 5% глицерола, 2% сахаразы. В течение 3 лет, предваряющих вакцинацию против листериоза, на 6099 ягнятах отмечали в общем 406 случаев падежа, из чего 214, т.е. 53% на листериоз. По введении вакцинации из 7805 вакцинированных ягнят пало 318, из-за листериоза только 10 голов, что составляет 3,1%. Этот падеж касался первых 2 лет по введении вакцинаций. В последние же 2 года по применении вакцинаций не отмечали падежа из-за листериоза.
In the first three years of lambs immunization there were used two serotypes (1 and 4b) of Listeria monocytogenes. The strains were prepared from the agar cultures, rinsed with a 0.85% NaCl solution, pH 7.6 containing 10⁸ ml⁻¹ bacteria. In the fourth year the lambs were immunized with the vaccine containing the bacteria derived from an aerated broth culture, pelleted and suspended in a physiological solution containing 5% of glycerol and 2% of sucrose. Within there years before immunization against listeriosis out of 6099 lambs there were noticed 406 deaths including 214 (53%) due to listeriosis. Following vaccination of 7805 lambs there were 318 dead, however, only 10 (3.1%) because of listeriosis. These deaths were observed in the first two years after vaccination, while in the last two years following immunization no deaths were found on account of listeriosis.
Исследования выполнили на мышах породы BALB/c. Для иммунизации мышей применили собственную живую невирулентную вакцину против листериоза. Мышей исследовали клинически, а после усыпления иммунологически (реакция агглютинации, критерий ИВТ, критерий с нейтральным красным, критерий химиолюминесценции), секционно и бактериологически. В биологических пробах отметили, что активная вакцинация мышей как перед случкой, так и во второй половине беременности, существенно влияла на иммунитет матерей и их потомства. В реакции агглютинации низкие титры противотел наблюдали на 1 и 2 неделе после иммунизации. Высокий рост уровня противотел отметился у мышей, иммунизированных и затем заяаженных вирулентными штаммами. Рост фагоцитарной активности макрофагов периферической крови наблюдали через неделю после иммунизации. Особенно высокие величины отмечали 1—3 недели после заражения. Высокую фагоцитарную активность клеток показали у залаженного потомства от иммунизированных матерей в противоположность потомству от неиммунизированных мышей.
The examinations were performed on mice, BALB/c breed, immunized with the vaccine containing attenuated strain of Listeria monocytogenes. The mice were assessed clinically and post mortem by means of immunological tests (agglutination, NBT test, the test with neutral red, and the chemiluminescence test), grossly and bacteriologically. It was found that active immunization of non-pregnant mice and in the second half of pregnancy influenced the immunity of mothers and their progeny. Low titres of agglutinins were observed in the 1st and 2nd week since immunization. High levels of the titres were noticed in mice immunized and infected with virulent strains. An increase of phagocytic cells of the peripheral blood was observed in the first week after vaccination. Particularly high values were found between the 1st and the 3rd week since infection. A high phagocytic activity of cells was niticed in the progeny infected which had come from mothers immunized in contrast to the progeny derived from non-imminized mice.
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