W artykule przedstawiłam wyniki badań nad początkiem kształtowania się myśli metodycznej towarzyszącej nauce pisania. Większość opisu opiera się na materiałach dostępnych w Bibliotece Naukowej Państwowego Uniwersytetu im. Iwana Franki we Lwowie, a także na księgozbiorze własnym oraz tekstach i opracowaniach dostępnych w internecie. Problem badawczy stanowi określenie, kiedy pojawiły się publikacje o charakterze metodycznym oraz w jakim stopniu realizowały one ustalenia teoretyczne badaczy języka. Przywołane zostaną terminy „grafika”, kaligrafia, ortografia służące uporządkowaniu nazewnictwa w zakresie istoty oddawania dźwięku za pomocą pisma, wzoru graficznego liter oraz pisania poprawnego, a więc zgodnego z przyjętymi regułami. Uznaję, że istotnym nowym elementem w badaniach nad dydaktyką pisowni prezentowanym w moich badaniach jest porządkowanie pojęć: grafika, kaligrafia, ortografia. Po raz pierwszy zostanie też zaprezentowana w tym kontekście książka do kaligrafii Nauka o dobrem piśmie autorstwa Onufrego Kopczyńskiego datowana na rok 1807. Prezentacji towarzyszy refleksja metodyczna dotycząca zasad kształtowania się wzoru pisania po polsku prowadzona z perspektywy historycznej, tzn. od początku pisania słów polskich aż do czasu omawianej publikacji, czyli okresu Komisji Edukacji Narodowej.
This article presents results of the research on the emergence of a methodology of teaching writing. A major part of the article is based on the materials available at the Scientific Library of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, on the author’s personal collection of books, as well as on texts and research reports available online. The research problem was to determine when the first methodological texts on the topic were published and to what extent they applied the theoretical foundations that had been laid by language researchers. The article uses such terms as graphic design, calligraphy and orthography to systemically rganise the terminology related to translating sounds into writing, the graphic standards for letters and correct writing, i.e. writing in accordance with the established rules. The author believes that the presented systematisation of the terms graphic design, calligraphy and orthography constitutes an important new contribution to the research on teaching orthography. Furthermore, this is also the first study to present in this context the book Nauka o dobrem piśmie (‘Learning to Write Well’) by Onufry Kopczyński, dated to 1807. The analysis is accompanied by a methodological reflexion on the rules that govern the shaping of the standard correct Polish writing from the historical perspective, that is, from the emergence of Polish words to the time when the aforementioned book was published, i.e. to the period of the Commission of National Education.
The article presents some aspects of maintaining effective and proper communication standards between partners in dialogue in an extended school educational discourse. Based on the outcome of the research on an interactional relation in communication between the teacher and the parent, the analysis raises the issue of ethics in communication behaviours. A multifaceted approach to standards of language use becomes part of an interdisciplinary research on communication within the educational space of school.
The article contains several theoretical statements connected with the research of mechanisms of relevance in the extended educational discourse. The author revoked both the ostensive and inferential theory by Sperber and Wilson as well as Sultz's theory of interpretive relevance. The relevant procedure of conceiving an utterance leads towards the constant trawl for the proper interpretation of message and may provide a theoretical basis for the research into the key mechanism in the teacher-students-parents communication.
The present paper discusses different ways of preparing a lesson synopsis. The author refers to the patterns traditionally established in methodology and presents the way they can be changed. It considers the student’s sensory preferences as well as the theory of multiple intelligences. Moreover, the author discusses the benefits of using mind-maps as a possible form of a lesson synopsis.