In the period of market relations and integration into the world economic processes acute need to ensure a high level of professionalism, improve their general culture, moral and ethical qualities is a priority and special attention of Ukrainian state. System of future professionals training is based on the principles of continuous professional education, humanization, democratization, continuity, integration and individualization. Caliber professional is a leading component of his professional life at the present stage, new trends in the development of professional and ethical qualities. The central object of social and educational work is the person, his needs, personality orientation in all manifestations of diversity, the future expert of social sphere should deeply understand regulators of the personality moral life, be able and ready to help, to do it qualified, friendly, patiently . Despite preferences, dislikes in relation to the other, the future expert of social sphere should objectively perceive the client and his attitude should be based on tolerance, tolerance, benevolence, and respect for his dignity. There are two layers of manifestation of moral regulators in professional relationships – at the level of external ethical standards of behavior, which is manifested, for example, in the human courtesy, tact and a deep inner understanding of moral categories and concepts that go into belief: ideas about good and evil, professional duty, and the like. In the proposed article the author examines the moral values and the requirements for the formation of professional and ethical qualities of future specialists of social sphere, proving their relationship and interdependence, as moral standards reflect the specific nature of social and educational work. The article notes that there are personal moral qualities that are valuable to social and educational work, namely: commitment, responsibility, justice, willpower, integrity, tact, tolerance, moderation, love for people, self-criticism. However, sociability, empathy, tolerance, care and observation and professional features are signs of professionalism. The degree of their manifestation indicates the level of their formation, which is manifested in a focus on the acquisition of ethical knowledge, skills, moral attitude to the professional duties.
During the transformation of modern Ukrainian civil society is facing new challenges and problems. Their magnitude and consequences threaten not only for the further development of a single person, but also Ukrainian nation as a whole. The traditional systems and mechanisms cannot effectively resist the emergence and spread of abuse and violence, human trafficking, exploitation of different skills and abilities. Since the problem of human trafficking still remains a serious one in Ukraine, there are improvements in recognizing the importance of prevention, care opportunities for those who need it. Particularly vulnerable to trafficking situations are the students of vocational schools. This is due to the peculiarities of adolescence and age psychological difficulties. This period is extremely important as the need for social identification, selection of values, choosing the life course, significant adults, and professional self. One of the goals of educational work with the pupils is a socio-educational prevention of human trafficking as a part of prevention of negative phenomena among the youth. The problem of combating trafficking in scientific literature is mainly seen in the context of sexual exploitation of women and children and criminal responsibility for crimes. Human trafficking is a causal relationship with other relevant violations of human trafficking such as abuse, violence and exploitation. It acts as both a cause and effect with respect to such anti-social phenomena. In the article the features of social and educational prevention of trafficking in vocational-technical schools are described. The factors including social, educational, existence and extent of the problem of child trafficking are given. They are classified into the following categories economic, political, psychological, legal, and social. Among the social and educational factors the author has singled out the low level of legal culture, an inadequate system of legal education and training, a lack of awareness of the problem and its possible consequences among the pupils and students, among the parents and society in general, a lack of social consciousness perception of the problem of human trafficking as relevant, difficulty of socialization and resocialization vulnerable victims of trafficking unwillingness teaching staff to implement prevention activities, inadequate communication between different entities prevention of human trafficking.
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