The article presents chosen results of research carried out twice in the field of professional careers of graduates of pedagogy in the Pedagogy, Sociology and The Health Science Departments at the University of Zielona Góra. The first edition of the research, completed in 2010, included the graduates of 2005-2009. The second edition of the research completed in 2013 diagnosed the following graduates of pedagogy (2010-2013) by means of the same method and tool. The answers to the following questions were sought: what is the current professional situation of the graduates, what were their expectations towards their first employment, what requirements on the employers’ part did they encounter at the very beginning of their careers, which factors facilitated or hardened their start? The research also allowed for the retrospective assessment of preparation to employment, the choice of studies specialisation as well as recommendation of the university, department, specialisation to others. The results of the research do not confirm the current opinion about the particularly unfavourable situation of pedagogy graduates in the labour market viewed as inferior compared to the situation of graduates of other specialisations. Although the comparison of professional situation of the participants in the first and the second edition of the research seems more favourable for the first group. The positive aspect is the fact that majority of graduates were satisfied with their chosen path of education, moreover, they recommended their university to others.
W artykule przedstawiono wybrane wyniki, prowadzonych dwukrotnie, badań losów zawodowych absolwentów kierunku pedagogika Wydziału Pedagogiki Socjologii i Nauk o Zdrowiu Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego. Pierwsza edycja badań, zakończona w 2010 roku, obejmowała roczniki 2005 – 2009. W drugiej edycji, zakończonej w 2013 roku, tą samą metodą, tym samym narzędziem diagnozowano kolejne roczniki (2010-2013) absolwentów pedagogiki. Poszukiwano odpowiedzi na pytania o to, jaka jest aktualna sytuacja zawodowa absolwentów, jakie mieli oczekiwania wobec pierwszej pracy, z jakimi wymaganiami ze strony pracodawców zetknęli się na starcie w zawodzie, jakie czynniki pomagały lub utrudniały ten start. W badaniach uwzględniono także retrospektywną ocenę przygotowania do zawodu, wyboru kierunku studiów oraz rekomendację uczelni, wydziału i kierunku innym. Wyniki badań nie potwierdzają obiegowej opinii o szczególnie niekorzystnym położeniu absolwentów pedagogiki na rynku pracy, gorszym od absolwentów innych kierunków. Chociaż porównanie sytuacji zawodowej uczestników pierwszej i drugiej edycji wypada korzystniej dla pierwszej grupy. Pozytywnym akcentem jest fakt zadowolenia większości absolwentów z wybranej ścieżki kształcenia i udzielone uczelni rekomendacje.
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The article will present the results of the research performed on chosen at random graduates of the Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences, University of Zielona Gora. It is important to say that the authors understand the concept of a graduate much broader than it is seen in the surveys run by GUS (Central Statistical Office) or employment offices. Research subjects are people who graduated from the University of Zielona Gora within the last five years. The choice of the interval is connected with the transformation of Higher School of Pedagogy (WSP) into the University of Zielona Gora, which supposedly has changed the importance of diplomas on the labour market. The presented research focused on the career path of the graduates, thus the answer to the following questions was searched: Whether and, if yes, where did the graduates of a chosen faculty obtain a job? What requirements from employers did they encounter while looking for a job and if they met them? The authors also asked the graduates for a retrospective evaluation of professional competencies they had acquired at the university. Analysing the non-scientific activities of graduates during their studies, the authors tried to establish to what extent a university is responsible for equipping students with competencies important on the job market, and how much this responsibility is determined by student activities. The dynamic development of higher education market in the recent years forces particular universities to become interested in learning outcomes. Kazimierz Denek (Pomiar efektywnosci ksztalcenia w szkole wyzszej, Warsaw 1980), speaking about the effectiveness of education, indicates the internal effectiveness (i.e. acquiring knowledge, skills and attitudes enclosed in the university curriculum) and external effectiveness (i.e. implementing knowledge and skills at work). Internal effectiveness is constantly monitored by academic staff, while the other one is verified by the job market. However, due to the competitiveness of universities their authorities should also be concerned with the chances their graduates have on the job market and what position they occupy there. The knowledge about professional careers of graduates can be used in two ways: to improve the process of education and for marketing purposes when recruiting new students.
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