W 1577 roku król Polski Stefan Batory postanowił założyć w Krakowie kolegium na wzór kolegium królewskiego w Paryżu. W tym celu zaprosił z wykładami najwybitniejszych zagranicznych uczonych. Wśród nich był padewski filozof i logik Jakub Zabarella (1533−1589). Odmawiając hojnej propozycji króla, zadedykował mu swe Opera logica (1578). W historiografii europejskiej Obecny artykuł jest wprowadzeniem do wydania tej dedykacji, ukazującym jej historyczny oraz historiograficzny kontekst. Tekst rozpoczyna się od przedstawienia sylwetki Jakuba Zabarelli oraz jego wyjątkowej pozycji w świecie ówczesnej nauki. Następnie omawiany jest historyczny kontekst zaproszenia przez króla Batorego oraz historiografia tego faktu. Część trzecia prezentuje kontekst społeczno-ekonomiczny zaproszenia i odmowy Zabarelli oraz kontekst kulturowo-literacki dedykacji. Porównanie z analogiczną literaturą epoki pozwala zrozumieć jej panegiryczny charakter, a porównania tego dopełnia prezentacja włoskiego epigramatu Zabarelli ku czci króla Stefana i jej angielski przekład.
In 1577, Stefan Báthory King of Poland decided to create a college in Krakow modelled on the royal college in Paris. To this end, he invited eminent foreign scholars to lecture there. One of them was Paduan philosopher and logician Giacomo Zabarella (1533−1589). He rejected the king’s generous offer, but dedicated to him his own work Opera logica (1578). This fact has been variously described in European historiography due to an erroneous indication given by one biographer. the present article is an introduction to the edition of the dedication and presents its historical and historiographical context. It opens with a presentation of Giacomo Zabarella’s life and work and his exceptional position in the academic world of the era. Next, the historical context of Báthory’s invitation and its historiography are discussed. the third section contains socio-economic aspects of the invitation and Zabarella’s refusal as well as a cultural and literary context of his dedication. A comparison with similar literary works of the epoch allows to understand its panegyrical character and is supplemented with a presentation of Zabarella’s Italian epigram in praise of King Stephen along with its English translation.
One of the main problems of modern rationalistic theories of science is the non-eliminability of the subjective factor in the development of science. Temperate rationalism of Newton-Smith was an attempt to solve this problem. J. Życiński developed his own version of temperate rationalism in which the subjective factor played much more substantial role. In the article I am presenting his specific idea of the personal commitment as a necessary condition for rationalism and science. In the first section I proceed to reconstruct ˙ Życiński’s argument leading him to the conclusion of this epistemological necessity. Next in the section 2 I present his idea of the epistemological uncertainty principle as a consequence of the subjective commitment. In sections 3 and 4 I explore axiological and pragmatic aspects of the Życiński solution. Finally, in the section 5 I do compare his temperate rationalism with Newton-Smith’s proposal in the context of the Polanyi’s idea of personal knowledge showing differences in their respective approach to the role of the subjective factor in science and rationalism.
The paper deals with the problem of a language or terminology that would be appropriate for the interdisciplinary debate about moral issues related with the recent developments of science and technologies. In particular it deals with the appropriate terminology for the articulation of the idea (or intuitions) of normativity of nature. The evidence of historical changes undergone by the notion of nature is used to warrant the thesis, that the traditional notion of natural law, being originally in the Middle Ages only a variant of the notion of law of nature, has lost its original capacity to convey in the interdisciplinary context of dialogue of theology (or religion) with empirical sciences the idea of normative and moral aspects of nature created by God. On the other side it is shown, that this intellectual and emotional alienation of the concept of natural law from the contemporary culture does not need to lead to the disavowal of the idea of normativity of nature. The intuition of normativity is still present in the common experience of nature, what has changed is only the way of its articulation. Today a good candidate for these purposes seems to be the language of ecological values of nature, environmental equilibrium etc. It could provide a stable (and common) to some extent ground, based on the quite common experience of the value of nature, for interdisciplinary debates, where participants endorse different axiological perspectives. Finally, it is discussed, how this ecological (or similar) terminology of normativity of nature fits the fundamental contemporary epistemological idea: the intrinsically hypothetical, probable and conditioned character of every kind of an a posteriori knowledge.
Philosophical interests of Joseph Życiński (1948-2011) in the domain of the philosophy of science were focused on the debate concerning the nature of science and philosophy of science that followed the Einstein-Planck revolution in science. The unexpected discovery of the philosophical, extra-scientific presuppositions in science, as well as of the extra-rational factors determining the way these presuppositions are accepted in science were to be explained within the meta-scientific framework. It is the aim of this paper to present ˙ Życiński’s diagnosis of this post-revolutionary situation in the philosophy of science as well as his critique of the metascientific answers to this challenge. The reasons will be given why all those answers are put under two dichotomous rubrics of internalism and externalism. It will be also explained how Życiński intends to supersede this false in his opinion opposition with a new concept of the doxatic rationality. However, the details of the metascientific proposal of Życiński will be given only in the subsequent paper. In order to perform the aim of the paper the metatheoretic tools set out by Popper (1979) will be used.
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