W artykule zaprezentowano nową metodę autonomicznej układowej korekcji błędu nieliniowości przetwornika czas-cyfra opartego na noniuszowej linii opóźniającej. Wyniki symulacji pokazały, że możliwe jest zmniejszenie błędów nieliniowości o rząd wielkości. W symulacji Monte Carlo dla szesnastokomórkowej linii noniuszowej zaprojektowanej w technologii CMOS 0.35 m i średnim opóźnieniu komórki wynoszącym 10 ps, otrzymano błędy nieliniowości sumacyjnej INL mniejsze niż 1 ps.
The paper presents a new autonomous nonlinearity error correction method for vernier delay line (VDL, Fig. 1) based time-to-digital converter (TDC). The described VDL consists of flip-flops and two delay chains. The first chain is composed of voltage controlled delay buffers (Fig. 3a) and the second one utilizes digitally controlled shunt capacitor scheme (Fig. 3b). In order to accomplish nonlin-earity correction both delay chains in VDL are first set to the same delay using voltage controlled buffers, then the delays of buffers in both chains are compared with use of flip-flops and adjusted with shunt capacitor controlled buffers. Finally, once more the voltage controlled buffers are used to increase VDL delay and achieve the needed LSB. The simulations show that nonlinearity error reduction by an order of magnitude is possible with this method. Monte Carlo simulations performed with 16 stages VDL (CMOS 0.35 m) indicate that integral nonlinearity (INL) error can be less than 1 ps (Fig. 4b). Some predictions about max INL error based on time model are also presented. Moreover, nonmonotonic VDL can also be corrected, which improves attainable resolution. In opposition to the previously proposed VDL calibration methods[1, 3, 4, 5, 6], there is no need for either implementing accurate signal sources or generating a large number of uncorrelated time events like in the code density method.
The ultrasonic flowmeter which is described in this paper, measures the transit of time of an ultrasonic pulse. This device consists of two ultrasonic transducers and a high resolution time interval measurement module. An ultrasonic transducer emits a characteristic wave packet (transmit mode). When the transducer is in receive mode, a characteristic wave packet is formed and it is connected to the time interval measurement module inputs. The time interval measurement module allows registration of transit time differences of a few pulses in the packet. In practice, during a single measuring cycle a few time-stamps are registered. Moreover, the measurement process is also synchronous and, by applying the statistics, the time interval measurement uncertainty improves even in a single measurement. In this article, besides a detailed discussion on the principle of operation of the ultrasonic flowmeter implemented in the FPGA structure, also the test results are presented and discussed.
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The paper provides description of very accurate measurement method of ferromagnetic rod Young modulus variations (ΔE effect) as a function of the magnetic field. The Young’s modulus variations measurement principle is based on change of sound velocity. The high resolution time of flight of ultrasonic wave measurement was applied. High resolution as good as 15 ps TDC (Time to Digital Converter) implemented in FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) was used. This feature allows measuring ΔE with accuracy of about a few ppm. The measurement accuracy mainly depends on resolution of time of flight measurement and sound speed in the tested material. The analog front-end part which is responsible for the time location of the reflected ultrasonic wave is very important part of the measurement system. In the article the results of measurements for different samples made of carbon steel are described.
W artykule przedstawiono metodę pomiaru zmiany modułu Younga w pręcie ferromagnetycznym pod wpływem pola magnetycznego. Zastosowana metoda pomiaru zmiany modułu Younga polega na wysokorozdzielczym pomiarze czasu przelotu fali ultradźwiękowej. Zastosowano układ TDC (Time to Digital Converter) zaimplementowany w strukturze FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) o rozdzielczości rzędu 15 ps, co pozwala mierzyć zmianę modułu Younga z dokładnością kilku ppm. Uzyskiwana rozdzielczość pomiaru zależy głównie od rozdzielczości pomiaru czasu jak i od prędkości rozchodzenia się fali ultradźwiękowej w ośrodku. Ważnym elementem systemu pomiarowego jest analogowy układ do lokalizacji w czasie czoła odbitej fali ultradźwiękowej. Zaprezentowano również przykładowe wyniki pomiarów dla różnych gatunków stali węglowej.
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