Turczyk Małgorzata, Kategoria praw dziecka w refleksji dydaktyki akademickiej [The category of children’s rights in the reflection of academic didactics]. Kultura – Społeczeństwo – Edukacja nr 2(14) 2018, Poznań 2018, pp. 119–126, Adam Mickiewicz University Press. ISSN 2300-0422. DOI 10.14746/kse.2018.14.10. This paper concerns the place and meaning of a new category of children’s rights, which also finds its place in the area of interest of academic didactics. The current approach to human rights in schooling is basically normative, thus, the present academic didactics is challenged to prepare students of education – and teaching – related faculties to confront the issues in the field of children’s rights at work in a professional manner. The paper illustrates an author’s concept of didactics in terms of education to children’s rights at higher schools which was elaborated based of the research on the didactic aspects of children’s rights education for teachers and educationists on the academic level. The following issues were put in question and served as a basis for specific approaches to academic didactics in terms of education on children’s rights: an essence and need for inclusion of content related to children’s rights in academic learning practice, didactic tools at teacher’s disposal and their role in education for children’s rights. On the one hand, the paper presents a discussion on theprofessional preparation of teachers and educationists to face challenges related to protection and promotion of children’s rights within educational environments. On the other hand, it includes an attempt to merge the discrepancy between theory and practice in this field.
The article is preconceptual in its nature, as it is an introduction to a planned research project in the area of pedagogy and law. The author describes the research in current trends in modern childhood studies, choosing the protection of children’s rights in the event of their parents’ separation as the basic research category. This category will be analyzed in ontological, epistemological and meth- odological dimensions. In view of the growing scale of family breakdowns, it becomes justified to ask a question about the way of experiencing, understanding and constructing knowledge about the subject of pedagogical and legal interactions – the child themself. Building knowledge about a child whose parents separate is not only intended to expand and build interdisciplinary theoretical knowl- edge, but also to provide a basis for designing adequate tools and activities to protect the rights of a child experiencing their parents’ separation. This article provides an outline of a research concept aimed at protecting children’s rights. The article contains extensive justifications for the research topic and the framework of the methodological concept.
Celem tekstu jest ukazanie kształcenia na odległość, które zostało wprowadzone w Polsce w czasie epidemii COVID-19, w kontekście prawa dziecka. Główne wątki są skoncentrowane wokół przejawów wykluczania uczniów i uczennic oraz nierealizowania ich praw. Nie chodzi tylko o prawo do nauki tych dzieci, które nie mają warunków do realizowania obowiązku szkolnego online, ale też o niedostateczne pełnienie przez szkołę funkcji opiekuńczej i wychowawczej oraz pogłę- bianie w konsekwencji nierówności między osobami o niższym i wyższym kapitale rodzinnym. Podstawą tekstu jest manifest autorek upowszechniony w kwietniu 2020 roku na stronach Komitetu Ochrony Praw Dziecka i Fundacji Ja Nauczyciel’ka. Badania oparto na metodzie analizy treści literatury przedmiotu oraz analizy prawnonormatywnej obowiązujących aktów prawa dotyczących kształcenia na odległość. W pierwszej części ukazana jest szkoła jako instytucja inkluzji normatywnej w perspektywie historycznej oraz współczesnej. W drugiej naświetlono obszary wykluczenia w kontekście wprowadzanych zmian związanych z pandemią.
The aim of this article is to analyze distance learning, which was introduced in Poland during the COVID-19 outbreak, in the context of children’s rights. The main issues discussed herein are connected with incidents of excluding students and failing to respect their rights. The right to education of those children who do not have the conditions to fulfill their obligation of compulsory online schooling is not our only concern. This article also touches on the issue of school’s insufficient guardianship and protective function and, in consequence, the aggravation of inequalities between people with lower and higher family income. The analysis is based on the authors’ appeal that was disseminated in April 2020 by Komitet Ochrony Praw Dzieci [Committee for the Protection of Children’s Rights] and the Ja Teacher’ka [I Teacher] foundation. The study was based on a perusal of the literature on the subject and a legal and normative scrutiny of the binding legal acts on distance learning. The first section presents the school as an institution of normative inclusion in the historical and contemporary perspectives. In the second part, we shed light on areas of exclusion in the context of the changes introduced in connection with the pandemic.
The aim of the article is to present the situation of children in Poland in the light of the analysis of documents of public institutions and non-governmental organizations whose domain of activity is the protection of children’s rights. The context of the analyzes undertaken by the authors is an interdisciplinary current of childhood studies, and in particular the discourses devoted to caring for a child. Nowadays, the most visible discourse of child’s well-being requires observing particular areas of children’s participation in social life and asking questions about the actual situation of the child in our country, development opportunities and difficulties in implementing children’s rights and ensuring its well-being. This means attempting to describe a child’s stained glass window „being in life”, actual or only apparent participation in particular areas of child’s activity in recent years.
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