The article is divided into two parts. The first one describes a career that ottava rima had in seventeenth-century heroic narrative poems. What the author references are the most valid opinions by scholars of the Polish verse pertaining to ottava rima, in addition to the opinions by the poets who struggled to write in this challenging stanza form. Part two of the article analyses selected stanzas (ottavas) from the narrative poem Pamiętne uprowadzenie wojska z cieśni bukowińskiej… (1745) by Stanisław Wincenty Jabłonowski. Aside from versological questions, also the most important problems are indicated that relate to editing and punctuation of the Jabłonowski’s ottava rima.
The author of the article analyzes two texts in their first editions – Naumachija chocimska (The Khotyn Naumachia) by Jan Bojanowski and Pamiątka wojny tureckiej (The Memory of the War with the Turks) by Józef Bartłomiej Zimorowic. Both works concern the event significant for consolidating the idea of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth as the bulwark of Christendom, namely the heroic defence of Chocim in 1621. Both texts were created with a view to commemorating the heroism of the ancestors; however, Bojanowski praises only Mikołaj Sieniawski, whereas Zimorowic mentions a lot of names of brave defenders of the country. Naumachija chocimska… is an incoherent work composition-wise and stylistically awkward (the author failed to master the difficult stanza ottava rima), and what is more, completely dominated by its panegyric nature. Still, Bojanowski used a few interesting concepts, among which we should distinguish the comparison of the invasion of the Turkish army to a flood inundating the lands of the Commonwealth. The early poem by Zimorowic is an incomparably better work. Despite the chronicle-like narration (characteristic of the Old Polish historic literature) which was considered the author’s fault, the text is valuable among others on account of the combination of a diary account with the concept of a rock sculpture, several interesting descriptive fragments, strong contrasts and the appearance of the idea of the bulwark.
The author of the paper indicates several aspects which connect the texts describing the battle of Khotyn in 1673. Epical attempts at showing those events complied with the epical model known as ‘native heroicum’, which was popular on Polish lands in those days. According to this model, the primary rule of verismo was combined with attempts at making narration more attractive. Some of them have been described in this paper. Moreover, the author discussed the method of depicting Tatar‑Turkish armies in the works, paying attention to their abundance. The exemplary material was derived, above all, from voluminous poems by Jan Ślizień, Mateusz Kuligowski, Samuel Leszczyński and Zbigniew Morsztyn.
The author of the paper indicates several aspects which connect the texts describing the battle of Khotyn in 1673. Epical attempts at showing those events complied with the epical model known as ‘native heroicum’, which was popular on Polish lands in those days. According to this model, the primary rule of verismo was combined with attempts at making narration more attractive. Some of them have been described in this paper. Moreover, the author discussed the method of depicting Tatar‑Turkish armies in the works, paying attention to their abundance. The exemplary material was derived, above all, from voluminous poems by Jan Ślizień, Mateusz Kuligowski, Samuel Leszczyński and Zbigniew Morsztyn.
The author of the paper indicates several aspects which connect the texts describing the battle of Khotyn in 1673. Epical attempts at showing those events complied with the epical model known as ‘native heroicum’, which was popular on Polish lands in those days. According to this model, the primary rule of verismo was combined with attempts at making narration more attractive. Some of them have been described in this paper. Moreover, the author discussed the method of depicting Tatar‑Turkish armies in the works, paying attention to their abundance. The exemplary material was derived, above all, from voluminous poems by Jan Ślizień, Mateusz Kuligowski, Samuel Leszczyński and Zbigniew Morsztyn.