Dyskryminacja w zatrudnieniu stanowi poważny problem w Polsce, pomimo tego, że jest zabroniona przez prawo. Występuje ona zarówno w ofertach pracy, jak i w dalszych etapach rekrutacji. W niniejszym artykule przedstawiono skalę dyskryminacji w ogłoszeniach o pracę. Przeanalizowano 201 ofert w przemyśle spożywczym tej branży. Co dziesiąta oferta pracy zawierała elementy preferujące określoną grupę społeczną względem innych. Najczęściej występowała dyskryminacja ze względu na płeć (13 ofert zawierało sformułowania preferujące mężczyzn). W 4 ogłoszeniach o pracę preferowano osoby zdrowe, a w 2 – osoby młode. W artykule podano również zalecenia dla pracodawców dotyczące formułowania ofert pracy.
Discrimination in employment is an important problem in Poland. This is in spite of the fact that it is prohibited by law. It occurs both in job advertisements and in the subsequent stages of recruitment. This paper looks at the scale of discrimination in job offers in the food industry. A total of 201 job advertisements in the food industry were analyzed. Every tenth one contained elements that preferred one social group over others. Among them sex–based discrimination was the commonest (thirteen job offers contained expressions preferring men). Four job offers preferred healthy people while two favored young people. The paper also contains recommendations for employers with respect to writing job advertisements.
The purpose of this article is to present a method of assessing mission statements. The reference mission statement was developed based on Johnson & Johnson’s “Our Credo”. In the proposed method, references to the main groups of stakeholders (customers, suppliers, competitors, employees, the environment, local community and others) are included. The values that may exist in the enterprise (business, development and social) are also included in this method. The form of the mission (personal or impersonal) was taken into account. All of these elements were awarded points. Based on the sum of the points, the rate of mission statement professionalism was calculated. The developed method was tested by evaluating 34 mission statements of food processing plants. Only one company’s mission statement had a rate of professionalism above 80%. In the case of the other enterprises, this indicator was below 60%. The most important stakeholder for companies was customers, with employees in second place. Other stakeholders were not seen as those to whom you have any obligation.
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