Background: The aim of this research was an attempt at qualifying the influence of various kinds of warm-up on physical effort ability, as well as examining whether there exists any dependence between the surface temperature of the quadricipital muscle of the thigh and the power expressed with the height of counter movement jump (CMJ). Material/Methods: In the research thermographic imaging and dynamometric platform were used. The subjects performed the CMJ test in 3 separate sessions - without any warm-up and then after preparation (1st session - jogtrot; 2nd session - jogtrot and stretching exercises; 3 session - dynamic warm up exercises). Results: In the examined group there was no lineal dependence between the surface temperature of the quadriceps and the power expressed with the height of a jump. Regardless of the kind of the applied warm-up, subjects improved their own results in the CMJ test; however, no such regularity concerning the temperature rise on the surface of a muscle was observed. In a dynamic warm-up lower surface temperature of the quadriceps meant a higher value of CMJ (r=0.64; p<0.05). This warm-up proved to be most efficient in the preparation for effort. Conclusions: The fact that highest values of a jump and surface temperature were attained after various kinds of warm-up permits supposing that finding individual forms of preparation for effort by an athlete, in order to increase the competition efficiency, is possible.
Introduction. Kinesiotaping (KT) is an increasingly popular procedure used in the rehabilitation and biological restitution of athletes. Aim of Study. The purpose of this study was to assess the effectiveness of kinesiotaping in assisting the training of amateur tennis players. Material and Methods. Study participants comprised 22 male amateur tennis players aged 40-60 years, taking part in a minimum of two training sessions per week. The participants were divided into two equal groups. Group 1 underwent muscle and ligament KT in the shoulder area. The tapes were applied four times, for seven days each time. Prior to each intervention, the movement range of the shoulder joint and the velocity and precision of the serve were measured (via the ITF test). The measurements were repeated after four weeks. Group 2 (control) underwent the same measurements but without the application of KT. Differences between the results of individual measurements were determined using the Wilcoxon matched-pairs test, and differences between the groups were determined using the Mann-Whitney U test, with a level of significance of p ≤ 0.05. Results. Group 1 showed a significant improvement in serve precision (p < 0.01). In Group 2, the results of both measurements were similar. Group 1 showed a higher serve speed both prior to and after the fourweek intervention. The difference between the first and second measurements was statistically significant (p < 0.01). Group 1 also showed a significant improvement in the movement range of the shoulder joint, albeit only on their dominant side (with applied KT). Conclusions. The muscle and ligament application of KT may improve the velocity and precision of the serve in tennis. The use of the aforementioned method to assist in the training of tennis players seems justified.
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