There is no doubt that the issues related to safety and health protection as well as accident prevention should be considered an important element of every investment and construction process. For this reason, numerous regulations in both the Community and Polish legal order have been imposed in this area. The Community regulations include numerous Community directives. The most important from the point of view of work safety in the construction process is the so-called framework directive of 12 June 1989 on the introduction of measures to im-prove occupational safety and health, and the eighth individual directive of 24 June 1992 on the implementation of minimum safety and health requirements at temporary and mobile construction sites. Owing to the above-mentioned legal acts, the minimum requirements re-garding occupational safety in the investment process have been unified at the Community level. This is very important due to the principle of free movement of workers introduced on the basis of Art. 45 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. The Community legal regulations clearly emphasize the full responsibility of employers in this respect and, in relation to the investment and construction process, the responsibility of investors or substitute inves-tors. The EU regulations were implemented into the Polish legal order by adopting the generally applicable legal acts - the Construction Law, and the regulation on information regarding health and safety, as well as the health and safety plan. The aforesaid regulations and, above all, the health and safety plan prepared on their basis are aimed at identifying hazards in the workplace and implementing solutions to prevent them at the investment implementation stage.
W artykule przedstawiono problematykę opłat za gospodarcze korzystanie ze środowiska przewidzianą przez przepisy ustawy Prawo geologiczne i górnicze. Wskazano, iż stanowią one przykład realizacji zasady „zanieczyszczający płaci”, której zastosowanie powinno być powiązane z kryterium kosztu środowiskowego prowadzonej działalności gospodarczej. Omawiane regulacje stanowią specyficzny instrument prawno-finansowy ochrony środowiska ze względu na przedmiot prowadzonej działalności gospodarczej – kopaliny, które z mocy ustawy są objęte tzw. własnością górniczą, przysługującą ex lege Skarbowi Państwa. Podkreślono rolę i znacznie koncesji jako koniecznego warunku dla prowadzenia działalności gospodarczej w omawianym zakresie. Scharakteryzowano również instytucje prawne opłat podwyższonej i dodatkowej, a także podkreślono ich sankcyjny charakter. Nie ulega wątpliwości, iż opisane przepisy prawne i uiszczane na ich podstawie należności sprzyjają gospodarności w korzystaniu z zasobów środowiskowych.
The article presents the problem of environmental fees stipulated in the provisions of Geological and Mining Law. It has been pointed out that they are an example of implementing the “polluter pays” principle, the application of which should be related to the criterion of the environmental cost of business activity. The discussed regulations constitute a specific legal and financial instrument for environmental protection according to the subject of business activity - minerals, which under the Act are treated as the so-called mining property, vested ex lege in the State Treasury. The role and importance of the licence as a necessary condition for running a business in the discussed scope has been emphasized. Additionally, the legal institutions in charge of the increased and additional fees have been characterized, and their sanctioning nature emphasized. There is no doubt that the described legal regulations and the charges paid on their basis contribute to the economic use of environmental resources.
The article presents the influence of using REACH and LCA systems on the properties and functional parameters of a group of hazardous substances – explosive materials. The most commonly used explosives include dynamite and emulsion explosive materials. Dynamites are generally viewed as dangerous due to the content of nitroglycerin and nitroglycol, whereas emulsion explosive materials are considered safe in environmental terms. However, they have worse functional parameters related to the energy efficiency of the detonation process compared to dynamites. Undoubtedly, the application of REACH regulation will lead to reducing the use of environmentally hazardous substances. On the basis of this principle, an alternative composition of an explosive material consisting of a mixture of emulsion matrix and penthrite with the energy efficiency parameters comparable to those of dynamites was developed. The analysis of research results allows concluding that the criteria for substance qualification specified in REACH regulation are insufficient to thoroughly evaluate the safety of its use, and should be supplemented with LCA analysis elements.
The extraction of minerals, including fossil fuels, is a licensed activity. In the case of strategic fossil fuels owned by the state, such as hard coal, lignite, crude oil, natural gas, a license is issued by the minister responsible for the environment. The minister also signs a mining lease agreement, that is the right to use a mining area, with the entity to which they grant the licence. In the case of resources that are not covered by mining lease, but are subject to land property ownership, such as rock or peat, the licensing authority is the staroste or voivodship governor (depending on the area of the deposit or the volume of the mineral to be extracted). The licensing procedure requires the preparation and completion of extensive documentation presenting the interested entity and the activity it is going to undertake. In the case of licences granted by the minister or governor, the submitted documentation is required to contain a de-posit development plan. The licensing procedure consists in examining the license application along with the attached documentation by the competent authority, as well as conducting ar-rangements with the interested institutions and supervisory authorities. Commencement of the licensing procedure for the extraction of coal or peat is not limited in time, whereas the granting of licences for the exploration, identification and extraction of hydrocarbon deposits begins only in the form of a time-limited tender. After the licence has been granted, the area covered by its provisions is entered in the register of mining areas. Licences are granted for a specified period of time. An important element to be included in their contents is indication of the requirements for conducting a business in a way that minimizes the negative impact on the environment.
In the process of implementing a construction project, it is necessary to meet numerous requirements imposed on investors by regulations related to broadly understood environmental protection, which are significant for the vast majority of investment processes. For obvious reasons, the environment, understood as all natural elements, is not subject to geopolitical division principles. Therefore, the issue of international cooperation between states in the field of environmental protection is becoming increasingly important. One of its major tools is the procedure for transboundary environmental impact assessment in the Polish legal order. The article presents regulations applying to the strategic environmental impact assessment and verification of the environmental effects of project implementation. The complex nature of the indicated regulations, as well as their nonuniform application by entities issuing administrative decisions may directly contribute not only to delays in implementing an investment project, but also to a significant increase in its costs. It should also be remembered that strict compliance with these requirements is a necessary condition for the participation of Community funds in the implementation of a specific project.
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