Issues that are related to decision making that is based on dispersed knowledge are discussed in the paper. A dispersed decision-making system that was proposed in the earlier paper of the author is used in this paper. In the system the process of combining classifiers in coalitions is very important and negotiation is applied in the clustering process. The main aim of the article is to compare the results obtained using five different methods of conflict analysis in the system. All of these methods are used when the individual classifiers generate probability vectors over decision classes. The most popular methods are considered - a sum rule, a product rule, a median rule, a maximum rule and a minimum rule. An additional aim is to compare the results obtained with using a dispersed decision-making system with the results obtained when the prediction results are aggregated directly using the conflict analysis methods. Tests, that were performed on data from the UCI repository are presented in the paper. The best methods in a particular situation are also indicated. It was found that some methods do not generate satisfactory results when there are dummy agents in a dispersed data set. That is, there are undecided agents who assign the same probability value to many different decision values. Another conclusion was that the use of a dispersed system improves the efficiency of inference.
Artykuł zawiera zagadnienia związane z procesem podejmowania decyzji globalnych na podstawie wiedzy rozproszonej, przechowywanej w kilku lokalnych bazach wiedzy. W artykule zaproponowano nowe podejście do organizacji struktury systemu umożliwiającego podejmowanie decyzji na podstawie wiedzy rozproszonej. W prezentowanym podejściu rozpatrywany jest system o dynamicznej strukturze. Będziemy dążyć do wyznaczenia grup lokalnych baz wiedzy, na podstawie których wyznaczane są zgodne decyzje dla obiektu testowego. Następnie w utworzonych grupach realizowany będzie proces eliminacji niespójności wiedzy. Decyzje globalne podejmowane są z wykorzystaniem jednej z metod analizy konfliktu. Artykuł zawiera definicję wieloagentowego systemu decyzyjnego o strukturze dynamicznej oraz definicję dynamicznie generowanych klastrów. Przedstawiono opis procesu wyznaczania decyzji globalnych oraz wyniki eksperymentów przeprowadzonych na danych z repozytorium UCI.
The paper includes issues related to process of global decision-making on the basis of knowledge which is stored in several local knowledge bases. The paper proposes a new approach to organization of structure of multi-agent decision- making system, operating on the basis of dispersed knowledge. In the presented system, the local knowledge bases will be combined into groups in a dynamic way. We will seek to designate groups of local bases on which the test object is classified to the decision classes in a similar manner. Then in the created groups a process of elimination inconsistencies in the knowledge will be implemented. Global decisions will be made by using one of the methods of analysis of conflict. The paper includes the definition of multi-agent decision-making system with dynamically generated clusters and a description of global decision-making process. In addition, the paper presents results of experiments carried out on data from the UCI repository.
Artykuł zawiera zagadnienia dotyczące procesu podejmowania decyzji globalnych na podstawie wiedzy zgromadzonej w kilku lokalnych bazach wiedzy. Lokalne bazy wiedzy zawierają informacje dotyczące tej samej dziedziny, ale określone są na różnych zbiorach atrybutów warunkowych, które nie muszą być rozłączne. Artykuł zawiera opis wieloagentowego systemu decyzyjnego o strukturze hierarchicznej oraz propozycję metody eliminacji niespójności wiedzy, działającej na podstawie reguł decyzyjnych, wygenerowanych z użyciem lokalnych baz wiedzy. Głównym celem artykułu jest porównanie efektywności wnioskowania, uzyskanej przy zastosowaniu metody eliminacji niespójności wiedzy, działającej na podstawie reguł decyzyjnych z efektywnością wnioskowania, otrzymaną przy zastosowaniu znanych z literatury metod eliminacji niespójności wiedzy.
The paper includes issues related to process of global decision-making on the basis of knowledge which is stored in several local knowledge bases. The local knowledge bases, that are used, contain information on the same subject, but are defined on different sets of conditional attributes that are not necessarily disjoint. The paper contains a description of a multi-agent decision-making system with a hierarchical structure. In the paper a method of elimination inconsistencies in the knowledge operating on the basis of decision rules generated based on local knowledge bases was proposed. The main aim of this paper is to compare the efficiency of inference obtained using the method of elimination inconsistencies in the knowledge operating on the basis of decision rules, with the efficiency of inference obtained using the methods of elimination inconsistencies in the knowledge, which are known from the literature.
Praca przedstawia opis procesu podejmowania globalnych decyzji na podstawie reguł decyzyjnych lokalnych systemów ekspertowych zawierających wzajemnie uzupełniające się obserwacje stanu obiektów, które mogą być również wzajemnie sprzeczne. W pracy zaprezentowano także wyniki eksperymentów przeprowadzonych na danych rzeczywistych.
The paper presents the process of taking global decisions on the basis of decision rules of local expert systems involving mutually complementary observations of objects which can be mutually contradictory. Furthermore the paper presents the results of experiments conducted with the use of realistic data.
Praca przedstawia opis procesu podejmowania globalnych decyzji na podstawie reguł decyzyjnych lokalnych systemów ekspertowych, zawierających wzajemnie uzupełniające się obserwacje stanu obiektów, które mogą być również wzajemnie sprzeczne. Zaproponowano organizacje lokalnych systemów ekspertowych w system wieloagentowy o strukturze hierarchicznej.
The paper presents the process of taking global decisions on the basis of decision rules of local expert systems involving mutually complementary observations of objects which can be mutually contradictory. The author suggests organization of local expert systems into a multi-agent system with a hierarchical structure.
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The paper includes a discussion of issues related to the process of global decision-making on the basis of information stored in several local knowledge bases. The local knowledge bases contain information on the same subject, but are defined on different sets of conditional attributes that are not necessarily disjoint. A decision-making system, which uses a number of knowledge bases, makes global decisions on the basis of a set of conditional attributes specified for all of the local knowledge bases used. The paper contains a description of a multi-agent decision-making system with a hierarchical structure. Additionally, it briefly overviews methods of inference that enable global decision-making in this system and that were proposed in our earlier works. The paper also describes the application of the conditional attributes reduction technique to local knowledge bases. Our main aim was to investigate the effect of attribute reduction on the efficiency of inference in such a system. For a measure of the efficiency of inference, we mean mainly an error rate of classification, for which a definition is given later in this paper. Therefore, our goal was to reduce the error rate of classification.
Praca zawiera zagadnienia dotyczące procesu podejmowania decyzji globalnych na podstawie wiedzy zgromadzonej w kilku lokalnych bazach wiedzy. Lokalne bazy wiedzy zawierają informacje dotyczące tej samej dziedziny, ale określone są na różnych zbiorach atrybutów warunkowych, które nie muszą być rozłączne. System decyzyjny działający w oparciu o kilka baz wiedzy podejmuje decyzje globalne na podstawie zbioru przesłanek określonych dla atrybutów wszystkich wykorzystywanych baz wiedzy. Praca zawiera opis wieloagentowego systemu decyzyjnego o strukturze hierarchicznej oraz omówienie i porównanie proponowanych metod wnioskowania umożliwiających podejmowanie decyzji globalnych w tym systemie.
The paper includes issues related to the process of taking global decisions on the basis of knowledge included in a few local knowledge bases. The knowledge bases contain information regarding the same subject, but are defined on different sets of conditional attributes, which are not necessarily disjoint. Decision system, which operates based on knowledge from a few knowledge bases, take global decisions on the basis on a set of conditions inflicted on the attributes of used knowledge bases. The paper contains a description of multi-agent decision system with a hierarchical structure. The paper also contains a discussion and comparison of the proposed methods of inference enabling global decisions taking in this system.
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The paper presents the process of taking global decisions on the basis of the knowledge of local decision systems, in which sets of conditional attributes are different but not necessarily disjoint. We propose the organization of local decision systems into a multi-agent system with a hierarchical structure. The structure of multi-agent systems and the theoretical aspects of the organization of the system are presented. An editing and a condensing algorithm have been used in the process of global decision making. Also a density-based algorithm has been used in the process of taking global decisions to resolve conflicts. Furthermore, the paper presents the results of experiments conducted using some data sets from UCI repository.
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The paper presents the process of taking global decisions on the basis of the knowledge of local decision systems involving the mutually complementary observations of objects which can be mutually contradictory. The authors suggest the organization of local decision systems into a multiagent system with a hierarchical structure. The structure of multi-agent systems and the theoretical aspects of the organization of the system are presented. A density-based algorithm has been used in the process of taking global decisions. Furthermore the paper presents the results of experiments conducted using realistic data.
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This paper discusses the issues related to the conflict analysis method and the rough set theory, process of global decision-making on the basis of knowledge which is stored in several local knowledge bases. The value of the rough set theory and conflict analysis applied in practical decision support systems with complex domain knowledge are expressed. The furthermore examples of decision support systems with complex domain knowledge are presented in this article. The paper proposes a new approach to the organizational structure of a multi-agent decision-making system, which operates on the basis of dispersed knowledge. In the presented system, the local knowledge bases will be combined into groups in a dynamic way. We will seek to designate groups of local bases on which the test object is classified to the decision classes in a similar manner. Then, a process of knowledge inconsistencies elimination will be implemented for created groups. Global decisions will be made using one of the methods for analysis of conflicts.
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