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The purpose of this article is to discuss the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic as a factor that influences the shaping of integration processes in Europe, the European Union included. The SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus and the COVID-19 disease it causes triggered a humanitarian crisis that quickly became a challenge for all societies and economies in the 21st century, including the European Union. The former German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, even saw the coronavirus pandemic as a challenge of a ‘historical dimension’ for the European Union, which would face ‘the greatest test since its inception’. In turn, the former president of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, spoke about a polycrisis, describing the multitude of challenges that the European Union has to face. It is therefore legitimate to ask whether the current situation of the polycrisis can be resolved to such an extent that the process of European integration could develop and, in the long term, the entire European Union may emerge from it even more integrated. The adopted research hypothesis assumes that the current pandemic has been an accelerator for isolationist and protectionist tendencies, the consequence of which will be the introduction of a new order in Europe. Among the research methods, the monographic method, the method of examining documents and the case by case study method were mainly used.
In the history of the European Union (EU) the first decades of the 21st century were an exceptional time. One of the greatest successes of subsequent generations, which set the tone and direction of the Community policy, and later the EU, was the creation of a single internal market in the EU territory until the end of 1992, with four economic freedoms. In this context, it is impossible not to mention the successful implementation of the EU project ‘Europe without borders’, of which the so-called Schengen zone is a vivid reflection. The purpose of this article is to try to answer the question concerning the present and the future of this project. Therefore, the analysis and assessment will be made of the functioning of the Schengen area before and after the migration crisis that erupted in Europe, and then the possible scenarios of its development will be discussed. This seems justified due to the fact that today we still anxiously observe how the 2015+ migration crisis is changing the EU, causing waves of doubt about the ideas and values that guided the founding fathers of the European Communities from the beginning and later accompanied other leading European politicians on the road to achieve full integration within the EU.
In the research article issues which relate to ‘incomplete’ employment are discussed. Theoretical considerations are focused on the terminological and methodological problems related to the interpretation of the concept of underemployment both in Polish and foreign literature. Furthermore, the relations between the phenomenon of underemployment and the concept of employment flexibility and security are presented, since they are extremely important from the perspective of the contemporary labor market. The theoretical analysis is complemented by statistical analysis of empirical data that illustrates the current scale of the phenomenon of underemployment in the labour market in Poland. The article adopts the research thesis that in Poland there is a problem of ‘incomplete’ employment. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to attempt to identify the scale of this phenomenon on the Polish labour market. Implementation of this objective will be possible due to the study of national and foreign literature and conducted statistical analysis of selected indicators of the labour market in the context of this phenomenon, obtained from the database of the European Labour Force Survey (LFS).
W artykule badawczym omówiono zagadnienia odnoszące się do „niepełnego” zatrudnienia. Rozważania teoretyczne koncentrują się na problemach terminologicznych i metodologicznych dotyczących interpretacji koncepcji niepełnego zatrudnienia (ang. underemployment) zarówno w literaturze polskiej, jak i zagranicznej. Co więcej, przedstawiono relacje między zjawiskiem niepełnego zatrudnienia a koncepcją elastyczności i bezpieczeństwa zatrudnienia, ponieważ są one niezwykle istotne z punktu widzenia współczesnego rynku pracy. Analizę teoretyczną uzupełnia analiza statystyczna danych empirycznych, które ilustrują obecną skalę zjawiska niepełnego zatrudnienia na rynku pracy w Polsce. W artykule przyjęto tezę badawczą, że w Polsce istnieje problem „niepełnego” zatrudnienia, zatem celem tego artykułu jest próba określenia skali tego zjawiska na polskim rynku pracy. Realizacja tego celu będzie możliwa dzięki zbadaniu literatury krajowej i zagranicznej oraz przeprowadzonej analizie statystycznej wybranych wskaźników rynku pracy w kontekście tego zjawiska, uzyskanych z bazy danych europejskiego badania siły roboczej.
Content available Prekariat – nowe zjawisko na rynku pracy w Polsce
Studies of the scale of unemployment in Poland and in Europe conducted in recent years lead to the conclusion that one of the largest and growing problems of the modern labour market is the unemployment rate among young people. An unfavourable phenomenon related to the problem that is increasingly appearing in public debate is the rising unemployment of graduates. Therefore, it is important to attempt to identify the phenomena in today's job market and one of them is the formation of a new type of employee on the labour market, the member of the precarious class. The analysis aims to present the origins, nature and scale of the precariat phenomenon in Poland. The problem is described from the perspective of the labour market position of a selected social group, i.e. young people entering the labour market after finishing their education. The study attempted to identify factors that affect this phenomenon and the characteristics confirming the sense of its separation on the labour market.
Członkostwo Polski w Unii Gospodarczej i Walutowej (UGW) jest jednym z najczęściej podejmowanych i najbardziej kontrowersyjnych tematów związanych z uczestnictwem Polski w Unii Europejskiej (UE). Od początku procesu integracji z UE sprawa polskiego członkostwa w tzw. strefie euro jest obecna w publicznej debacie tak w kraju, jak i za granicą. Istotnym wątkiem w tej dyskusji jest odpowiednie przygotowanie i prawidłowe dostosowanie rynku pracy do pełnego członkostwa Polski w UGW, a tym samym w UE. Celem artykułu jest próba odpowiedzi na pytanie, czy polski rynek pracy jest przygotowany na wprowadzenie wspólnej europejskiej waluty i na zmiany, jakie w związku z tym nastąpią. Dla zrealizowania tak przyjętego celu zastosowano metodę analizy polskiej i zagranicznej literatury w odniesieniu do teoretycznej i empirycznej oceny funkcjonowania państw należących i pozostających poza strefą euro oraz metodę analizy statystycznej ukazującą zmiany zachodzące na rynku pracy na podstawie ilościowej analizy danych pozyskanych z baz Eurostat, OECD, Banku Światowego, Economic Outlook Database. Wnioski płynące z przeprowadzonej analizy wskazują, że polska gospodarka po prawie 30 latach, tj. od przełomowego roku 1989, który zapoczątkował okres transformacji politycznej, gospodarczej i społecznej, w rankingach gospodarczych awansowała do grona państw o poziomie rozwoju społeczno- gospodarczego zbliżonym do przeciętnego w UE i w strefie euro. Awans ten postępował równolegle ze zmianami zachodzącymi na rynku pracy, jednak mimo postępów, jakie udało się w tym czasie osiągnąć, nadal istnieje potrzeba reform w celu zredukowania odmienności między naszą gospodarką a gospodarką strefy euro. Zatem zarówno kalendarz, jak i tempo procesu akcesji do UGW mogą i powinny być przedmiotem optymalizacji w celu wyboru najkorzystniejszej z naszego punktu widzenia, odpowiedniej ścieżki i dobrego momentu zamiany polskiej złotówki na euro.
Poland’s membership in the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) is one of the most frequently undertaken and controversial topics related to Poland’s participation in the European Union (EU). From the beginning of the process of integration with the EU, the issue of Polish membership in the so-called euro area is present in the public debate both at home and abroad. An important part of this discussion is related to a proper preparation and correct adjustment of the labour market, allowing full membership of Poland in the EMU, and thus in the EU. The aim of the article is to answer the question whether the Polish labour market is prepared for the introduction of the single European currency and for the changes that will follow. To achieve this goal, the method of analysis of both Polish and foreign literature in relation to the theoretical and empirical assessment of the functioning of countries belonging to and remaining outside the euro area was adopted, as well as the method of statistical analysis, showing changes in the labour market, based on a quantitative analysis of the data obtained from Eurostat, OECD bases, World Bank, and Economic Outlook Database. The conclusions from the analysis indicate that Polish economy after nearly 30 years, i.e. since the breakthrough year 1989, which initiated the period of political, economic and social transformation, has been promoted in the economic rankings to the group of countries of socioeconomic development similar to the average in the EU and in the euro area. This promotion progressed in parallel with the changes taking place in the labour market, but despite the progress achieved at that time, there is still a need for reforms to reduce the difference between our economy and the economy of the euro area. Thus, both the calendar and the pace of the accession process to the EMU may and should be the subject to optimisation in order to choose the most advantageous from our point of view, suitable path and a good moment for conversion of the Polish zloty into the euro.
The article entitled ‘The development of the European Union in the areas of migration, visa and asylum after 2015. Priorities, effects, perspectives’ is a contribution to the public discourse on one of the biggest problems and challenges facing the European Union in the 21st century from a political, economic and social perspective. The (un)controlled influx of refugees to Europe after 2015, which is the result of political destabilization and the unstable socio-economic situation in the region of North Africa and the Middle East, clearly indicates that during the ‘test’, the existing refugee protection system in the European Union did not pass the ‘exam’. In connection with the above, attempts to modify it have been made at the EU level. This article is a presentation of individual solutions (‘Fortress Europe’, ‘Open Door Policy’, ‘Sluice’), as well as an analysis and evaluation of the possibilities of their implementation in the current difficult crisis conditions.
The article ‘Europe (without) borders? – the future of the Schengen area’, is meant to join the public discourse concerning one of the biggest problems and challenges faced by the member states of the Schengen area in recent years. The aim of this article is to reflect on the future of the ‘Europe without borders’ project in the context of the migration processes that took place in Europe and the surrounding regions after 2015. Descriptive, comparative methods were used along with an analysis of available documents and source materials. In conclusion, the (un)controlled inflow of immigrants to Europe after 2015 clearly indicates that during the crisis, the current system of border protection did not pass the ‘test’ and the necessity of making systemic changes on a common Schengen forum became inevitable. Once again it turned out how true is an African proverb: ‘If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together’.
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie procesu kształtowania się i reformowania Prezydencji jako mechanizmu, który funkcjonuje w Unii Europejskiej (UE) w nowej odsłonie po przyjęciu w 2007 roku, a następnie ratyfikowaniu w 2009 roku, Traktatu z Lizbony. Mechanizm ten jest omawiany w kontekście zasady good governance, którą uznaje się i stosuje w UE od lat 90. XX wieku. Aby zrealizować tak określony cel, wykorzystano metodę opisową. Analiza i ocena badanego problemu jest oparta na podstawie materiałów źródłowych poruszających z jednej strony – problematykę Prezydencji w UE, z drugiej – kwestii związanych z zagadnieniami „dobrego rządzenia”. Zmiany, które wprowadził Traktat z Lizbony tworząc ramy instytucjonalne nowej formuły Prezydencji (tzw. formuły hybrydowej), były wynikiem silnej presji politycznej w sprawie przeprowadzenia reform w UE w pierwszej dekadzie XXI wieku. Bezsprzecznie, reforma lizbońska nadała formule Prezydencji w Radzie UE nowy kształt. Niestety, państwa członkowskie decydując się na przyjęcie nowych rozwiązań w takiej postaci nie przewidziały, że efekt końcowy będzie odwrotny do zakładanego, tzn. zamiast uprościć i przyczynić się do stworzenia bardziej przejrzystych relacji międzyinstytucjonalnych, raczej wpłynie na ich jeszcze większą złożoność i skomplikowanie.
The aim of the article is to present the process of formation and reforming the presidency as the mechanism which functions in the European Union (EU) at a new stage after the adoption in 2007, then ratification in 2009, the Treaty of Lisbon. This mechanism is discussed in the context of the good governance principle which has been acknowledged and applied in the EU since the 1990s. To achieve thus defined aim the author used the descriptive method. The analysis and assessment of the problem in question are based on the source materials touching, on the one hand, the issues of presidency in the EU and, on the other hand, the issues related to the good governance problems. The amendments introduced by the Lisbon Treaty setting up the institutional framework of the new formula of the presidency (the so-called hybrid formula) were a result of a strong political pressure on the issue of reforms to be conducted in the EU in the first decade of the 21st century. No doubt, the Lisbon reform has vested the formula of presidency in the EU Council with a new shape. Unfortunately, the member states, while deciding to adopt new solutions in such a form, have not envisaged that the ultimate effect will be opposite to what was intended, i.e. instead of simplifying and contributing to setting up more transparent interinstitutional relations it will rather have affected their greater complexity and complication.
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