W ciągu ostatnich lat kawitacja hydrodynamiczna (KH) wykazała potwierdzoną skuteczność w wielu dziedzinach inżynieryjnych, zarówno w technologii wody, ścieków i odpadów oraz w sektorze przemysłowym. W porównaniu do innych innowacyjnych metod ,stosowanych w inżynierii środowiska, KH wykazuje szereg korzyści, charakteryzuje się m.in. prostą konstrukcją urządzeń, łatwą obsługą oraz niskimi kosztami eksploatacyjnymi. Co istotne, KH można łatwo połączyć z konwencjonalnymi i powszechnie stosowanymi technologiami w gospodarce odpadami oraz oczyszczaniu wody i ścieków. W pracy przedstawiono zbiór doświadczeń z zakresu zastosowania kawitacji hydrodynamicznej jako metody wstępnej obróbki odpadów lignocelulozowych, pozwalającej na poprawę ich stopnia biodegradowalności.
In recent years, the effectiveness of hydrodynamic cavitation (HC) has been proven in many engineering fields. It has found several application in water, wastewater and waste technology, as well as in the industrial sector. Compared to other innovative methods used in environmental engineering, it presents several advantages, such as simple construction of reactors, easy operation and low operating costs. Importantly, HC can be easily combined with conventional and commonly used technologies in water and waste water treatment, as well as waste management. The paper presents a set of experiences in the field of application hydrodynamic cavitation as a method of lignocellulosic waste pre-treatment, allowing for improving its biodegradability.
In the present study, the influence of bioaugmentation strategy on the co-treatment of 13% v/v reject water and municipal wastewater at a decreasing temperature was evaluated. The experiment was performed in two identical laboratory sequencing batch reactors with the active volume of 8 L. Each one was operated using a 12-hour cycle at sludge retention time of 3 d. The SBR A was bioaugmented with a mixture of wild-living bacteria and Archaea in a dose 0.25 ml. In turn, the comparative reactor (SBR B) was non-bioaugmented, the Archaea product was replaced with an equal volume of dechlorinated tap water. The experiment was divided into 3 phases, each with a different temperature range (20, 15 and 10°C). The temperature reduction did not adversely affect the process performance in the bioaugmented and non-bioaugmented system. Significant removal efficiencies were achieved in both SBRs. The major differences were observed for the COD content in the bioaugmented SBR at a temperature of 10°C. In this case, statistically lower concentrations in the effluent were observed in the bioaugmented system than in the non-bioaugmented one. Additionally, at a temperature of 10°C, an improved process performance was observed in the Archaea presence, but the differences were of no statistical significance.
W przeprowadzonych badaniach zaproponowano zastosowanie niskotemperaturowej obróbki wstępnej z wykorzystaniem zestalonego ditlenku węgla (SCO2 ) w celu przezwyciężenia trudności związanych z dwuskładnikową fermentacją odpadów odpadów cytrusowych (OPW) i komunalnych osadów ściekowych (SS). Przeprowadzono dwa eksperymenty, w pierwszym zbadano wpływ zastosowania SCO2 na właściwości mieszaniny OPW i SS. W drugim przeprowadzono fermentację mezofilową w układzie porcjowym. Uzyskane wyniki wykazały, że zastosowanie SCO2 spowodowało wzrost zawartości rozpuszczonej materii organicznej wyrażonej jako sChZT i DOC oraz spadek zawartości limonenu. Uzyskany korzystny efekt w obecności SCO2 spowodował poprawę produkcji zarówno biogazu, jak i metanu. W tym przypadku uzyskano również korzystny wpływ na kinetykę produkcji metanu. Wydajność produkcji biogazu i metanu wyniosła odpowiednio 576±17,8 i 358±19,1 mL/ g smo. Z kolei, w reaktorze kontrolnym, w którym przeprowadzono fermentację osadów ściekowych wskaźniki te osiągnęły wartości odpowiednio 496±11,4 i 317±13,4 mL/ g smo. Dodatkowo, w przypadku zastosowania SCO2 uzyskano wyższy stopień przefermentowania oraz stabilny przebieg procesu. Z kolei, w przypadku fermentacji dwuskładnikowej OPW i SS nie poddanej wstępnej obróbce w porównaniu do próby kontrolnej odnotowano zmniejszoną produkcję metanu oraz negatywny wpływ na stabilność procesu. Zaproponowana niskotemperaturowa obróbka wstępna z wykorzystaniem zestalonego ditlenku węgla stanowi przełom w badaniach w zakresie zastosowania odpadów cytrusów w procesach beztlenowych, umożliwiając ich efektywne zagospodarowanie z produkcją energii.
In this study, the effect of bioaugmentation on the sequencing batch reactor (SBR) performance while treating municipal wastewater and reject water under various temperature conditions was examined. Two lab-scale SBRs, each with the active volume of 8 L were used to perform this research. For bioaugmentation, a mixture of wildliving Bacteria and Archaea in a dose 0.25 mL was added to SBR A, while SBR B was a control one. Both reactors were fed with a mixture of wastewater and 13% v/v reject water. During the experiment, 5 phases with different temperature range were distinguished, each one lasted 14 d. The temperatures were investigated in 5°C increments, i.e. 20, 25, 30, 25 and 20°C. The obtained results indicated that in the bioaugmented reactor (SBR A), lower concentrations of NH4+–N, TSS, NO2-–N in effluent were observed as compared to control (SBR B). While for NH4+–N, regardless the temperature, the observed differences were statistically significant. Importantly, in both SBRs, the process was carried out in a stable way.
This article presents the experience in the field of using ultrasonication as a pre-treatment method of SS (sewage sludge). On the basis of a review of the literature, the effect of pretreatment of sewage sludge by US (power ultrasound) with different parameters on SS quality parameters and energy effects of the process was presented. The status of commercial applications of US as a sewage sludge pretreatment method was also presented, using the example of wastewater treatment plants in Poland. It was shown that the effective management of SS is an important technological and environmental problem in many wastewater treatment plants. Therefore, new strategies for dealing with this by-product are constantly being sought. In large wastewater treatment plants, the dominant method of stabilizing SS is AD (anaerobic digestion). However, due to the characteristics of SS, it shows low efficiency. Among the numerous strategies, US is one of the new technologies that is finding several full-scale implementations. Its application allows for solubilization of organic matter, disruption of microbial cells, as well as SS floc description and enzyme release. A number of benefits can be obtained as a result of these developments, including increased methane production, improved reaction kinetics and removal of organic matter, as well as enhanced settability and dewatering of SS, thus contributing to savings in wastewater treatment plants.
In the present study, the process performance of anaerobic co-digestion of municipal sewage sludge and orange peel (OP) was evaluated. The experiment was conducted in batch mode under thermophilic conditions (55 °C). It involved adding 1.5 and 3.0 g of OP to reactors R2 and R3, respectively. In R1 (control reactor), the mono-digestion of sewage sludge was conducted. The obtained results indicated that the application of OP led to deterioration of process efficiency. Decreased methane and biogas productions were noticed at both doses of OP. The average values of methane production were 518.9, 416.8 and 458.6 mLCH4·g-1 VS in R1, R2 and R3, respectively. The declining tendency on the biogas and methane rates was also observed. The application of OP resulted in degradation of the stability parameters. The negative effect of OP application was related with the presence of inhibitors such as ammonia nitrogen, volatile fatty acids, limonene and phenol, importantly theirs increased contents were observed in R2 and R3. Moreover, the thermophilic conditions are not recommended for the anaerobic co-digestion of those substrates, because they might accelerate the inhibition phenomenon.
In this paper, a multi-orifice hydrodynamic cavitator (HC) has been applied as an effective device for water reclamation. Municipal wastewater after mechanical and biological treatment has been applied as a medium. The effectiveness of using this device has been evaluated on the basis on the microbiological indicators. Moreover, optimization of operating parameters was evaluated. Two experiments with different inlet pressure of 0.4 and 0.6 MPa were performed. The samples for analyses were taken at the following time intervals: 0, 15, 30, 60 and 90 min. The application of HC reactor provided the effective destruction of microorganisms, thus allowing for subsequent use of reclaimed water. With regard to Escherichia coli and Coliform bacteria destruction, the longest time of 90 min and higher pressure of 0.6 MPa might be considered as the most advantageous conditions to perform cavitation. In both cases, the microbes were deactivated in over 50%. In the case of Enterococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and colony count, more beneficial results were found at lower pressure of 0.4 MPa and 90 min. Therein, the high level of microorganisms destruction was achieved varied between 81 and 92%. The applied HC allowed for selecting optimal operating parameters and process control through the application of gauge system.
This study examined the effectiveness of thermophilic co-digestion of sewage sludge and milled/non-milled brewery spent grain. The experiments were performed in batch-mode to evaluate both the biogas potential and the biogas production rate. Five runs were carried out, one of them concerned the anaerobic digestion of sewage sludge (as control), whereas the others referred to the co-digestion of sewage sludge with addition of milled and nonmilled brewery spent grain at doses of 5 and 10 g. The runs were conducted under thermophilic conditions (temperature 55±1°C) and lasted for 21 days. The effectiveness of the process was assessed on the basis of the volatile solids removal, biogas potential and the rate of biogas production. The physiochemical composition of reactor feed and digestate were characterized. The addition of the brewery spent grain resulted in increase of the biogas potential, but a decrease in the volatile solids removal. In the case of biogas production rate, the highest value was recorded in the run with the addition of 10 g of milled and non-milled brewery spent grain (0.69 Ndm3dm-3d-1). There was no observed influence of milling on the thermophilic co-digestion effectiveness since the parameters specified revealed comparable values.
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