The first step to chart hazards in the working environment in Estonia (labour force: 0.65 million) was taken by the National Board of Health Protection in the beginning of 1996. The existing chemical, physical, and biological agents in the working environment were investigated with the help of local health inspectors in all counties. An identification of hazards and workers at risk was carried out. The results of the analysis showed that 16% of Estonian industrial workers are exposed to different hazards: 20,000 persons are exposed to noise, 11,000 are working in the conditions of vibration, 10,000 are affected by unsatisfactory microclimate, 6,000 complain about long-lasting work in a compulsory posture, the overexertion of eyes'is suffered by 5,500 persons, and physical overload by 3,500 workers. In the group of chemical hazards the greatest numbers of workers are exposed to organic dust (6,500) and welding aerosols (5,400), followed by petroleum products (2,700), and oil-shale dust (4,300). The measurements of working conditions showed that an average of 30.3% of the results are above the standards. Proposals for the improvement of the situation in occupational safety and health are presented.
The study focuses on risk assessment of textile workers' work conditions. Clothing industry plays an essential role in Estonian manufacturing activities. There are about 400 sewing companies; the population of Estonia is 1.47 million. The hazards in garment workers' environment are: bad microclimate (hot or cold air), noise, poor lighting, dust; chemicals, such as dyes, enzymes and solvents; bad ergonomics like repetitive motions and unfavorable working positions; from the psychological side the work of sewers is often monotonous and they arc under a constant time pressure (their wage is calculated by the price of certain operation minute). The computerized simple risk assessment method (in JAVA virtual environment) was worked out by the authors, offered to the employers with implementation possibilities and advises. The safety culture at the enterprise will be improved when good risk assessments are carried out and risk reduction measures are implemented by the management.
Telework has become a common form of work for white-collar workers in recent years. Although the number of telework studies increases, there is still a lack of knowledge regarding telework – as the opportunities for this mode of work are developing rapidly. The purpose of the current study is to find out the spread and drivers of telework in the real estate sector. The current research uses empirical data from a survey with 127 respondents who work for real estate companies in Estonia. Data were collected through a quantitative questionnaire during 2017. Three hypotheses were presented regarding the drivers for the employees. The study confirmed that employees in the real estate sector use telework in order to save commuting time and costs, and to have more freedom and privacy. The results show that only a small number of employees have remained untouched by telework. Based on the current study on information-communication technology (ICT) and mobile devices’ daily use, telework has a high potential in the real estate sector. The decision to work remotely is usually made by workers themselves and therefore the main drivers for teleworking have been employee-centred. It is necessary to educate employees and employers concerning the advantages and risks connected with telework. That would contribute to introducing telework’s potential and suggestions to them.
Telepraca stała się powszechną formą pracy dla pracowników umysłowych w ostatnich latach. Chociaż wzrasta liczba badań z zakresu telepracy, nadal brakuje wiedzy na jej temat – ponieważ możliwości tego trybu pracy rozwijają się szybko. Celem badania było znalezienie obszaru i motywacji do telepracy w sektorze nieruchomości. Aktualne badania wykorzystują dane empiryczne z badania przeprowadzonego wśród 127 respondentów, którzy pracują w Estonii dla firm zajmujących się nieruchomościami. Dane zbierano w ramach ilościowego kwestionariusza w 2017 r. Przedstawiono trzy hipotezy dotyczące motywacji pracowników. Badanie potwierdziło, że pracownicy sektora nieruchomości korzystają z telepracy w celu oszczędności czasu i dojazdu do pracy oraz większej wolności i prywatności. Wyniki pokazują, że tylko niewielka liczba pracowników nie korzysta z telepracy. Według wyników badania dotyczącego technologii informacyjno-komunikacyjnych (ICT) i urządzeń przenośnych codziennego użytku, telepraca ma duży potencjał w sektorze nieruchomości. Decyzja o pracy zdalnej odbywa się zazwyczaj przez samych pracowników, a zatem główne czynniki wpływające na telepracę zostały skoncentrowane na pracownikach. Konieczne jest wykształcenie pracowników i pracodawców w zakresie zalet i zagrożeń związanych z telepracą. To mogłoby przyczynić się do zapoznania ich potencjałem i propozycjami telepracy.
The main problems in occupational health and safety (OHS) system in Estonia (a postcommunist new European Union Member State) are analyzed and the implementation of a simple, flexible risk assessment method is presented. The study aimed to assess the working environment, the employers’ possibilities and willingness to carry out risk assessment, ways to manage risks and the steps being taken towards progressive improvement in OHS. The role of the Estonian Labour Inspectorate in the risk observatory is that of the main key authority in data collection and information dissemination in OHS.
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