The article provides a comprehensive analysis of usingTNT-free explosives (E) in the iron ore mining sector in Ukraine. It delves into thedevelopment and application of a specific type of emulsion explosive known as "Ukrainit," which is free from TNT, with the objective of its adoption in underground iron ore mining operations. Pilot blasting activities were carried out at PJSC "ZaporizhzhiaIron Ore Plant" (PJSC "ZIOP"), selected for its state-of-the-art equipment and advanced ore extraction technology.Through examination of ground-level concentrations of environmentally hazardous substances, the study revealed that the highest levels of carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide, and dioxide were observed in 2008 when underground mining operations exclusively used100% TNT-containing E. However, by the year 2020, a situation changedwith implementation of a blend comprising 78% "Ukrainit" type EE and 22% TNT-containing explosives, resulting in anotable decrease in the maximum concentrations of environmentally hazardous substances compared to 2008. Specifically, carbon monoxide leveldecreased by 5.0–5.5 times, while nitrogen oxide and dioxide levels decreased by 1.2–1.3 times.Furthermore, useof "Ukrainit" type EE at PJSC "ZIOP" led to a 1.5 times decrease in the environmental hazard index on average (reduced to 36%) compared to the usage of TNT-containing E. These findings underscore the significant environmental benefits associated with the adoption of TNT-free explosives in iron ore mining operations, particularly in mitigating the release of harmful substances and reducing environmental risks.
Laboratory and industrial studies have established the total impact of environmentally hazardous substances, taking into account the distance from the source of emissions and the specific consumption of explosives. With the help of physicochemical analysis and biological testing, the dependence of the change in the conditional indicator of damage to bioindicators with an increase in the distance from the source of emission and the specific annual consumption of explosives was revealed. A methodology for calculating the environmental assessment of the state of atmospheric air around the mine ventilation shaft has been developed. The exponential dependence of the influence of surface concentrations of environmentally hazardous substances on the damage of bioindicators at the cellular and organismic levels has been established, which makes it possible to assess the state of atmospheric air at industrial sites of iron ore mines. The proposed technology of sand drilling, which involves the use of emulsion explosives in mining ore deposits in chamber development systems will reduce emissions of environmentally hazardous substances into the atmosphere and increase the level of environmental safety of iron ore mines.
The paper proposes an innovative solution for managing and ensuring high energy efficiency of power supply systems at high non-linear loads (the problem of non-sinusoidal voltage makes up more than 50% of electricity losses). This is realised by maintaining optimal value of reliability indicators and high quality of power supply. The validation is carried out using analyses and tests of the quality of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) for an increased number of powered frequency converters. It has been proven that the effective use and reduction of energy consumption can be achieved thanks to the unique technological features of the employed electrical devices. This enables a normal operation of the system with decreased power and adequate control of energy processes. The problem of predicting power losses under changing conditions in a decentralised electrical network has been solved based on the theory of electromagnetic compatibility. The influence of the mains mode parameters and the indices of instantaneous distortion of current and voltage waveforms caused by the operation of converters on the resonance phenomena in power supply systems were investigated. Recommendations were developed for the selection of proper parameters of compensators for 6–10 kV and 0.4–0.66 kV circuits based on the analysis of the optimisation problem when minimising active power losses. The results of our findings may aid parties involved in designing and maintaining power networks in various applications, such as mines, etc. Decisions to improve the energy efficiency of electrical networks fully correspond to the Concept of ensuring energy security of Ukraine.
W artykule zaproponowano innowacyjne rozwiązanie zarządzania i zapewnienia wysokiej efektywności energetycznej systemów zasilania przy dużych obciążeniach nieliniowych (problem napięcia niesinusoidalnego stanowi ponad 50% strat energii elektrycznej). Jest to realizowane poprzez utrzymanie optymalnej wartości wskaźników niezawodności i wysokiej jakości zasilania. Walidacja jest przeprowadzana za pomocą analiz i badań jakości kompatybilności elektromagnetycznej (EMC) dla zwiększonej liczby zasilanych przemienników częstotliwości. Udowodniono, że efektywne wykorzystanie i zmniejszenie zużycia energii można osiągnąć dzięki unikalnym cechom technologicznym zastosowanych urządzeń elektrycznych. Umożliwia to normalną pracę systemu przy zmniejszonej mocy i odpowiednią kontrolę procesów energetycznych. Problem przewidywania strat mocy w zmiennych warunkach w zdecentralizowanej sieci elektrycznej został rozwiązany w oparciu o teorię kompatybilności elektromagnetycznej. Zbadano wpływ parametrów trybu sieciowego i wskaźników chwilowych zniekształceń przebiegów prądu i napięcia wywołanych pracą przemienników na zjawiska rezonansowe w systemach zasilania. Opracowano zalecenia dotyczące doboru właściwych parametrów kompensatorów dla obwodów 6–10 kV i 0,4–0,66 kV na podstawie analizy problemu optymalizacji przy minimalizacji strat mocy czynnej. Wyniki naszych ustaleń mogą pomóc stronom zaangażowanym w projektowanie i utrzymanie sieci energetycznych w różnych zastosowaniach, takich jak kopalnie itp. Decyzje dotyczące poprawy efektywności energetycznej sieci elektrycznych w pełni odpowiadają Koncepcji zapewnienia bezpieczeństwa energetycznego Ukrainy.
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