In the article the problem of the parents' responsibility for the conceived child was addressed. The issue is truly important especially in the light of the appearing dangers to the life and health of the unborn child such as abortion or prenatal violence. In the first paragraph the definition of responsibility was formulated in reference to the conceived child and the parents. The second paragraph contains thoughts about the responsibility of the mother for her unborn child. Several aspects were stressed, like the significance of the mother's lifestyle, the child's health and the communication between the mother and the child. In the final part of the article the bottom line is the responsibility of the father in reference to his involvement in protection of the child's life and health. The main focus concerns the support given to the woman by the father of her child.
W artykule podjęto problem odpowiedzialności rodziców za poczęte dziecko. Zagadnienie to jest niezwykle ważne zwłaszcza w obliczu występujących zagrożeń dla życia i zdrowia dziecka prenatalnego, takich jak aborcja czy przemoc prenatalna. W punkcie pierwszym ukazano definicyjne ujęcie odpowiedzialności w odniesieniu do poczętego dziecka oraz rodziców. W punkcie drugim poruszono problem odpowiedzialności matki za dziecko poczęte, podkreślone zostało znaczenie trybu życia matki na życie i zdrowie poczętego dziecka, a także więzi oraz komunikacji matki z dzieckiem prenatalnym. W punkcie trzecim zaakcentowano współodpowiedzialność ojca w zakresie obrony życia i zdrowia poczętego dziecka, zwrócono także uwagę na szczególne znaczenie wsparcia udzielonego kobiecie w ciąży przez ojca dziecka.
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Background: The purpose of this work is to determine the correlation between the indexes of the special fitness test and the parameters of aerobic and anaerobic capacities of women judo competitors during the preparation to the competitive period.Material/Methods: In the research presented in the paper the level of aerobic and anaerobic capacity and the results of a special mobility fitness test of female judo contestants, either members of the Olympic and National Teams or their immediate reserves, was determined (n=11). In order to assess the aerobic capacity a test with increasing load until the refusal to continue the test was applied, while the anaerobic capacity was assessed thanks to the application of 30 seconds Wingate Test with a load on lower limbs. Within the framework of the assessment of special mobility fitness, the Special Judo Fitness Test (SFJT) was applied.Results: An analysis of correlation between the anthropometric indices and SJFT indices was carried out; besides that a correlation between the indices of aerobic and anaerobic capacity and the results of the special mobility fitness test were analyzed.Conclusions: On the basis of analysis of the empirical material it was determined that the indices of special mobility fitness test clearly correlated with the relative values of indices that characterized the aerobic and anaerobic capacity. A lower level of indices of aerobic and anaerobic capacity in comparison with results obtained by other authors was observed, while the indices diagnosing the level of special fitness of female judo contestants had a higher value.
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Background The aim of the study was to determine the value of indices of tactical and technical preparation (PTT) of Russian judo athletes during the Olympic Games in London. The values of these indices may designate the direction of activity in the process of special preparation and in the search for factors to optimize training before the main competitions. Material/Methods: During the Olympic Games in London in 2012, Russian judo representatives fought 31 fights. A multiple analysis of video footage and graphic registration allowed marking 423 technical attacks (including 24 efficient attacks) of the representatives of Russia and 384 attacks (including 5 efficient attacks) performed by their opponents in these competitions. On the basis of the classification of judo techniques developed by Kodokan Judo, an assessment of the effectiveness of particular groups of techniques has been made. The most commonly used technique and the dominant techniques used by the observed athletes have been distinguished. Indices of tactical and technical preparation have enabled the identification of characteristic features of preparation of the representatives of Russia and of their opponents during the Olympic Games in London in 2012. Results: Russian athletes were characterized by high efficiency of techniques from the grappling group. The dominant techniques were: varieties of the broken scarf hold (kesa gatame kuzure), back-lying perpendicular armbar (ude hishigi juji gatame), sweeping hip throw (harai goshi) and the sacrifice throw "valley drop" (tani otoshi). Athletes were characterized by stable efficiency of techniques from all the groups of throws and with 100% efficiency of defence in ground fighting. Russian competitors were far superior to their opponents in the efficiency of the ways and directions of performing throws (Ea - WP, NP, F, B). They retained a positive index of activity (A = +1.162). The advantage of values of the determined indices of tactical and technical preparation among representatives of Russia over their opponents in the Olympic Games in London was commensurate with the obtained results. Conclusions: The efficiency of Russian athletes during the OG in London was confirmed by the values of the indices by which tactical and technical preparation was evaluated. The analysis of indices allowed characterizing features specific to Russian representatives.
Background. Kano Jigoro, one of the founders of judo, developed an official classification of judo techniques which is currently being modernized by the Japanese Kodokan Judo Institute. There is no indication that earlier individual attempts in this area have been carried out in Japan. Judo masters including Kano, Koizumi, Kudo, Mifune, Tomiki and others have tried to introduce additional criteria to the classification. The need for so many modifications is a result of the many sport and referee rule changes, as well as to ensure the safety of competitors and to increase the attractiveness of judo contests. Purpose of the work. The purpose of this work was to determine the ways of performing the judo throws and their efficiency during All-Japan Judo Championships at open weight category. Material/methods. 278 open category judo players were recorded during the All-Japan Judo Championships (2003- 2012). The competitors successfully executed 252 attacks using 34 judo throws classified by the Kodokan Judo. Effective attacks divided by: uchi - reaping legs from inside, soto - hooking/ reaping opponents’ legs from outside, otoshi – throws performed by dropping body, gaeshi – throws performed as counterattacks, tsurikomi – throws performed by pull-lifting with hands, harai – throws performed by sweeping with legs or hips and makikomi – throws performed by winding the opponent’s body, were distinguished. The sequence of dominant techniques was presented by the “K” index, and the directions and ways of performing the throws were determined by the efficiency attack index. Results. The most effective Japanese competitors performed three throws by UCHI: uchimata, ouchi gari, kouchi gari, and three throws by SOTO: osoto gari, kosoto gake, kosoto gari. The following throwing techniques, during the Championships, were dominant: uchimata, ouchi gari and osoto gari which ended the contests by ippon (before contest time had elapsed); they were most often executed successfully, and the competitors gained most referee’s points. The observed competitors demonstrated even effectiveness in executing throws, forward – breaking balance onto tip-toes, and backward – breaking balance onto heels. Comparatively effectively, they performed throws into the four analyzed directions. Conclusions. The Japanese competitors performed the most effective attacks by using leg throws which call for the reaping actions of legs either from inside or outside UCHI and SOTO. Fewer techniques, executed perfectly resulted in gaining more referee’s points. Using these techniques put the competitors in a better position to carry out attacks and changing their direction.
Dominacja zawodników japońskich podczas zawodów międzynarodowych, zmusiła nas do analizy skuteczności ich technik judo, które oni stosowali podczas mistrzostw Japonii. Ocena skuteczności technik judo, dokonywana w oparciu o klasyfikację Kodokan Judo, pozwalała wyodrębnić pewne cechy charakterystyczne dla zawodników japońskich oraz określić wysoką skuteczność rzutów nożnych – ashi waza. Przeprowadzony w pracy podział rzutów dokonany w oparciu o sposoby wykonywania ataku, pozwala na stwierdzenie że spośród sześćdziesięciu siedmiu rzutów, z pięciu grup klasyfikacyjnych, (wymienionych przez Kodokan Judo) tylko pięć technik nożnych: uchimata, ouchi gari, osoto gari, kouchi gari i kouchi gake zadecydowało o zdobyciu czterdziestu ośmiu procent wszystkich punktów sędziowskich przyznawanych za skutecznie wykonywane ataki. Podczas wykonywania tych technik zawodnicy stosowali podcięcia, podbicia lub zahaczania nóg przeciwników od strony wewnętrznej lub na zewnątrz. Jednocześnie wykonywane rzuty dawały możliwość przeprowadzania ataków we wszystkich analizowanych kierunkach.
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