Istotnym instrumentem gwarantującym spełnienie wymagań technicznych, kompatybilności wymiarowej oraz powtarzalności wykonania i spełnienia wymagań jakościowych są wymagania normalizacyjne. Wymagania te często, w przypadku braku norm europejskich definiowane są na poziomie norm krajowych. W niniejszym artykule zaprezentowano efekty prac Komitetu Technicznego nr 285 ds. Górniczych Maszyn i Urządzeń Dołowych w zakresie ujednoliconych wymagań technicznych dla węży i przewodów hydraulicznych, stosowanych w górniczych napędach i układach sterowania hydraulicznego.
Standard requirements are very important instrument to guarantee meeting the technical requirements, dimensional compatibility, manufacture repeatability and meeting the quality requirements. In the case of lack of European standards these requirements are often defined on the level of Polish standards. The effects of work of the Technical Committee No. 285 for Mining Machines and Underground Equipment as regards harmonization of technical requirements for hoses and hydraulic pipes, which are used in mine drives and hydraulic control systems, are presented in the paper.
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There is described a class of numerical models of time-varying heart ventricle shapes. It is an extension of the class of models presented in the 1st part of the paper. The below-presented models describe the process of heart ventricle motion within a limited number of heart evolution cycles. The models are based on trigonometric series describing periodic time-variations of heart ventricle shape coefficients. A method of model parameters evaluation based on computer-aided analysis of series of USG heart ventricle images is described and illustrated by practical examples. There are also given some remarks concerning possible applications of the model in clinical practice.
W artykule przedstawiono klasę modeli numerycznych zmian kształtu jam serca w funkcji czasu. Klasa ta jest uogólnieniem klasy modeli przedstawionych w I części artykułu. Przedstawione modele opisują proces ruchu jam w granicach ograniczonej liczby cykli ewolucji serca. Modele są oparte na szeregach trygonometrycznych opisujących zmienność w czasie współczynników kształtu komory serca. Opisano metodę oceny parametrów modelu opartą na analizie komputerowej serii obrazów ultrasonograficznych serca i zilustrowano ją przykładami wziętymi z praktyki. Przedstawiono sugestie odnośnie możliwości wykorzystania modelu w praktyce klinicznej.
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The paper describes a method for discrimination of poorly distinguishable textures based on application of morphological spectra. The textures are analyzed as random fields of specific probability distributions. The samples of textures are thus considered as their instances and so are also their morphological spectra. Some basic properties of morphological spectra, as well as the definition of similarity measure are shortly reminded. The problem of textures discrimination is formulated as similarity assessment of spectral components histograms. For this purpose, various statistics like: mean value, standard deviation, skewness and kurtosis, as well as some secondary statistics based on theformer, are used. A discriminating index is introduced for evaluation of their discriminating properties. The method of evaluating the discriminating power of statistics based on 1st and 2nd level morphological spectra is illustrated by analysis of the spectra of USG liver images in the groups of healthy persons and patients affected by liver fibrosis. A short description of a IASS program used to the calculations is given. The problem of textures discrimination invariant to rotations and parallel translations of images is described. It is shown that the proposed method discriminates statistically the “ill” and “healthy” textures despite the fact that the differences between them are visually not distinguishable.
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