Price decision is studied in a risk-averse retailer-dominated dual-channel supply chain, which consisting of one manufacturers and one retailer with both off-line and on-line channels. Firstly, two mean-variance models in centralized and decentralized supply chain are established. Secondly, the optimal solutions under the two decision modes are compared and analyzed. The results shows that the price of dual-channel of retailer decreased with the increase of retailers’ risk- aversion coefficient and the standard deviation of the fluctuation of market demand, while the wholesale price changes is on the contrary; in addition, when the market demand is greater than a certain value, the prices of dual channel are correspondingly higher in decentralized supply chain than in centralized supply chain, and vice versa. In addition, when the retailer’s risk aversion is in a certain interval, the expected utility of the whole supply chain is greater in centralized supply chain than in decentralized decision, and vice versa. Finally, a numerical example is given to verify the above conclusions.
Price decision is studied in a risk-averse retailer-dominated dual-channel supply chain, which consisting of one manufacturers and one retailer with both off-line and on-line channels. Firstly, two mean-variance models in centralized and decentralized supply chain are established. Secondly, the optimal solutions under the two decision modes are compared and analyzed. The results shows that the price of dual-channel of retailer decreased with the increase of retailers’ risk- aversion coefficient and the standard deviation of the fluctuation of market demand, while the wholesale price changes is on the contrary; in addition, when the market demand is greater than a certain value, the prices of dual channel are correspondingly higher in decentralized supply chain than in centralized supply chain, and vice versa. In addition, when the retailer’s risk aversion is in a certain interval, the expected utility of the whole supply chain is greater in centralized supply chain than in decentralized decision, and vice versa. Finally, a numerical example is given to verify the above conclusions
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This paper develops a conceptual safety assessment methodology for container liner supply chains based on a modified FSA framework that takes risks from vulnerability rather than hazards into account. Five interlocking steps are described to construct a safety model including novel risk analysis and decision-making approaches. The advantages of the vulnerability-based risk analysis approach to the hazard-based one are clarified and the aggregation of engineering-based and managerial risk analysis is also discussed. An anti-terrorism case study is finally carried out to validate the feasibility of the proposed methodology.
Praca rozwija koncepcyjnie metodologię oceny bezpieczeństwa liniowego kontenerowego systemu dostawczego opartą na schemacie formalnej oceny bezpieczeństwa. Opisanych jest pięć kroków niezbędnych do skonstruowania modelu bezpieczeństwa rozważanego systemu, zawierającego znowelizowaną analizę ryzyka oraz pewne elementy systemu podejmowania decyzji. Pracę kończy ilustracja zastosowania proponowanej metody do oceny bezpieczeństwa w przypadku ataku terrorystycznego.
nternal friction technique was used to investigate the microstructural stability of equal-channel angular pressed (ECAP) 9Cr1Mo steel (T91), Fe-18wt.%Cr alloy, and pure W. Several non-relaxation internal friction peaks are observed in three ECAP-strained specimens, which are related to the microstructural transition from a severely deformed state to a static recovery state of dislocations, and to recrystallized state. Along with the disappearance of the P1 peak, another relaxation internal friction peak P2 is observed during the second heating run only in Fe-18wt.%Cr alloy, and it does not disappear even during subsequent third heating run. This peak is not observed in T91 steel and W. The P2 peak is likely associated with a process of grain boundary (GB) sliding. Unlike T91, no abundant carbide precipitates distribute on GBs to pin GB and repulse GB sliding, thus, the P2 peak only occurs in Fe-18wt.%Cr alloy. It is concluded that high-temperature internal friction measurements are required to detect the grain boundary peak in pure W.
Technika tarcia wewnętrznego została użyta do zbadania stabilności mikrostruktury poddanych wyciskaniu przez kanał kątowy stali 9Cr1Mo (T91), stopu Fe-18wt%Cr, i czystego W. Zaobserwowano wiele nie-relaksacyjnych pików tarcia wewnętrznego w trzech próbkach odkształconych przez ECAP, które są związane z przejściem ze stanu silnie odkształconego do statycznego stanu zdrowienia dyslokacji, i do stanu zrekrystalizowanego. Wraz z zanikiem piku P1, tylko w przypadku stopu Fe-18wt%Cr obserwowany jest inny pik P2 relaksacji tarcia wewnętrznego podczas drugiego ogrzewania, i nie znika nawet w kolejnym trzecim etapie ogrzewania. Pik ten nie jest obserwowany w stali T91 i W. Pik P2 prawdopodobnie związany jest procesem poślizgu granicy ziaren. W przeciwieństwie do stali T91, brak bogatych w węglik wydzieleń na granicach ziaren, które by unieruchomiły granice i uniemożliwiły poślizg, stąd pik P2 występuje tylko w przypadku stopu Fe-18wt.%Cr. Stwierdzono, że pomiary tarcia wewnętrznego w wysokiej temperaturze są potrzebne, aby wykryć pik granicy ziarna w czystym W.
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Alkali metal elements often occur together, and their separation and simultaneous determination is not an easy task. In this paper, a very simple, sensitive and reliable method is presented for the determination of the trace impurities of alkali metal ions (lithium, sodium, potassium and cesium) in high purity rubidium chloride by flame atomic absorption spec-trometry (FAAS). The detection limit which was expressed in characteristic concentration (ug mL(-1) /1 % absorption) for Li+, Na+, K+, Cs+ was 0.032, 0.011, 0.034 and 0.183 respectively, and the recovery in the spiked samples was in the range : 91.6% ~ 107.8%. The analytical system can be used conveniently to monitor the product quality of RbCl in the process of its preparation and purification. In addition, the procedure could be adopted for the analysis of other similar samples.
Metale alkaliczne często występują razem a ich rozdzielanie i jednoczesne oznaczanie jest niełatwym zadaniem. W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono prostą, czulą i wiarygodną metodę oznaczania śladowych ilości metali alkalicznych w chlorku rubidu wysokiej czystości za pomocą płomieniowej absorpcyjnej spektrometrii atomowej (FAAS). Granice detekcji wyrażone jako charakterystyczne stężenie (fig mL(-1)/1 % absorpcji) dla Li+, Na+, K+, Cs+ wynosiły odpowiednio: 0.032,0.011,0.034 i 0.183, a odzysk w próbkach ze znanym dodatkiem metali alkalicznych był w granicach 91.6-107.8%. Ten układ analityczny dobrze nadaje się do monitorowania jakości RbCl w procesie jego otrzymywania i oczyszczania. Poza tym ten sposób postępowania może być zaadaptowana do analizy innych, podobnych produktów.
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