According to an official study conducted by the IMO Correspondence Group on Casualty Analysis concerning the fire incidents that occurred on the vehicle-decks of RoPax ships, covering the period from 1994 to 2011, it has been shown that a very serious incident has occurred every other year since 2002, resulting in six constructive total losses. The results of this review shed the light on the need to investigate the application of fire models to simulate fire scenarios that may occur on the vehicle-decks aboard RoPax ships. This will be very useful for the RoPax designers who are willing to introduce new technologies or deviate from the current prescriptive regulations of fire safety design in order to reduce the risk of such catastrophic accidents. The aim of this paper is to present the results of a comparison between the predictions of three different fire models and the experimental results of a model-scale fire test that represents a fire scenario on a vehicle-deck aboard a RoPax ship. A statistical analysis technique was used to illustrate the ability of each fire model to predict five outputs of concern. The main conclusion of this comparison is that there is always an optimal fire model that can predict one or more of the five outputs of concern with results in good agreement with the measured values
Przeprowadzono próby modyfikacji mąki pochodzącej z pszenicy twardej w celu uzdatnienia jej jako surowca do produkcji ciastek. W tym celu do mąki mocnej dodawano w różnych stężeniach metadwusiarczyn sodu, siarczyn, skrobię oraz mąkę słabą z mąką słodową. Jako kryterium zmian jakościowych służyły wskaźniki reologiczne ciasta. Potrzebne zmiany jakościowe we właściwościach reologicznych uzyskano przez dodatek 228 mg/kg S₂O₅, 64 mg/kg SO₃, 5% skrobi lub 50% mąki słabej. Mieszanina 20% słodu i 64 mg/kg SO₃ powodowała zmiękczenie ciasta i wzrost jego rozciągliwości, co w efekcie dało najlepszy surowiec do otrzymywania ciastek o wysokiej jakości organoleptycznej. Zmiękczenie ciasta pod wpływem czynników redukujących i słodu powiązane było z ilością wolnych grup SH. Oprócz poprawy jakości uzyskano 27% wzrost objętości ciastek.
The Lake Qarun (Faiyum Oasis, northern Egypt) is a relic of the much larger Holocene lake. Past lake levels and extensions were reconstructed, based on setting of archaeological sites scattered along northern paleoshores of the ancient lake. However, geoarcheological works did not yield enough data to establish continuous environmental history of the lake. A deep drilling FA-1 on the southeastern shore of the lake, performed in 2014, supplied with a core, 26 m long that is the one of the longest lake sediment cores in northeastern Africa. The basal section of the core consisted of thin-laminated diatom marly deposits, underlain at the Late Pleistocene/Holocene boundary by coarse-grained sands. The sediment lamine were quite well developed, especially in the lower part of the core. Preliminary results indicated annually deposited sediment sequence with seasonality signals provided by microlamine of diatoms, calcite, organic matter and clastic material. Early Holocene varved sediments from the Faiyum Oasis supplied with exceptional paleoenvironmental data for northeastern Africa, which enriched a record from previous logs drilled at the southwestern margin of the Qarun Lake.
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