Opieka wytchnieniowa w Polsce jest stosunkowo nową usługą skierowaną do opiekunów osób niesamodzielnych, której priorytetowym celem jest odciążenie opiekunów w ich codziennych czynnościach opieki nad osobami niepełnosprawnymi (zależnymi). Ministerstwo Rodziny, Pracy i Polityki Społecznej proponuje program „Opieka wytchnieniowa”, realizowany w ramach Solidarnościowego Funduszu Wsparcia Osób Niepełnosprawnych przez gminy i powiaty. Prezentwane opracowanie wskazuje główne założenia programu, zakres działania oraz rekomendacje w tym obszarze.
Respiratory care in Poland is a relatively new service addressed to carers of dependent people, whose priority objective is to relieve caregivers in their daily care activities for disabled (dependent) people. The Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy proposes the “Respiratory care” program, which is implemented as part of the Solidarity Fund for the Support of People with Disabilities by municipalities and counties. The following study indicates the main assumptions of the program, the needs, definition and scope of activity.
The article is a presentation of the results of research conducted in Poland in April 2020, during the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus epidemic, on the situation of employees of the nursery homes. The research was conducted using an electronic survey method on a group of 160 (N = 160) employees. The aim of the study was to provide a preliminary and ongoing analysis of the work conditions of employees of social assistance facilities during the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic (COVID-19). The article also indicates the context of the legal situation in which the research was conducted, in relation to the administrative bodies taking actions under special provisions to secure the situation of employees and residents of the social assistance facility. As a result of the research, it was found that the majority of employees covered by the survey indicated deficiencies in personal protective equipment, as well as a situation of insecurity at work. The thesis about the necessity to take urgent legal and factual actions aimed at securing DPS employees in a way that guarantees their safety as much as possible, taking into account the obvious possibility of infection, which, however, by providing protection measures and performing procedures – may be limited.
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