Modern biotechnology is widely regarded as information technology, a new wave of knowledgebased economy. It is one of the key technologies of the 20th century, with potentially a versatile range of applications, such as healthcare, agriculture and industrial processes. Simultaneously, biotechnology and pharmacy are the strongest fields in the currently funded basic research which contributes to progress in other sciences. According to the European Parliament’s report “Life sciences and biotechnology – A Strategy for Europe”, it is taken for granted that modern biotechnology offers unique opportunities of satisfying many human needs. Biotechnology could thus serve the European Union as a great contribution to the achievement of its policy objectives of economic growth and job creation, public health, environmental protection and sustainable development. In the following years, life sciences and biotechnology industry could potentially become the major areas of science, industry and employment and could improve the quality of life through innovative medical applications, upgrading of industrial bases of Europe, and better environment. This article aims at presenting regional differences in the development of biotechnology in Europe. Delimitation of regions will take place both on the basis of academic achievement in the field and the location of the biotechnology industry in Europe. An attempt will also be made to link the development of biotechnology with other markers of socio-economic regions of Europe.
Współcześnie przemysł biotechnologiczny postrzegany jest jako najważniejszy i najszybciej rozwijający sie sektor gospodarki wysokich technologii. Przemysł ten cechują innowacyjność, szeroki zakres aplikacji i generowania postępu w innych dziedzinach nauk podstawowych. W Europie początki sektora biotechnologii sięgają końca lat 70. XX w. i są związane z pojawieniem sie dużej liczby małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw związanych z instytucjami badawczymi i naukowymi. Rozwój biotechnologii następuje zatem nie tylko w dużych miastach, ale również w regionach wiejskich (np. regiony rolnicze). Celem niniejszego artykułu jest analiza zmienności przestrzennego rozwoju biotechnologii jako kluczowego sektora high-tech w wybranych krajach europejskich. Układ przestrzenny zostanie zweryfikowany w odniesieniu do struktury sieci osadniczej
Nowadays biotechnology industry is „the next big issue” after the boom in the IT sector. Biotechnology is characterised by innovation, wide application range and progress generation in other branches of basic sciences. In Europe the beginnings of biotechnology sector development date back to the end of 70s of the 20th century and are associated with the appearance of a great number of small and medium-sized enterprises related to research and scientific institutions. Therefore, biotechnology develops not only in big cities but also in the rural regions (e.g. agricultural regions). The aim of this article is to analyse spatial variation of biotechnology development as a key high-tech sector in some European countries. This spatial arrangement will be reviewed in relation to the structure of the settlement network.
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