John Rawls (considered one of the most important theorists of the social order in the twentieth century) among „all social values” listed self-esteem, which he accepted as one of the main tasks of a well-organized society. High self-esteem happens to be associated by researchers with welfare, in line with the assumption that self-satisfaction is one of the important elements or maybe even the most important one among the constituents of life satisfaction. Building self-esteem in students should constitute a significant area of work for both school and family. This article presents the essence of this concept, the mechanisms regulating self-esteem and the ways of its reinforcement
John Rawls (uważany za jednego z ważniejszych teoretyków społecznego porządku w XX wieku) wśród „wszelkich społecznych wartości” wskazał poczucie własnej wartości, które uznał za jedno z głównych zadań dobrze urządzonego społeczeństwa. Wysokie poczucie własnej wartości bywa utożsamiane przez badaczy z dobrostanem, zgodnie z założeniem, że zadowolenie z siebie to jeden z ważnych – być może najważniejszy – składników zadowolenia z życia. Budowanie poczucia własnej wartości uczniów stanowić powinno znaczący obszar pracy szkoły i rodziny. W niniejszym artykule przedstawiono istotę tego pojęcia, mechanizmy regulujące poczucie własnej wartości oraz sposoby jego wzmacniania
Social Pathology and dysfunctions in the behavior of children and adolescents are present in different groups (family, peer, school and the local environment). This article attempts to analyze selected elements of the family which determine its dysfunctionality, in the type of pathology. Pointed out the consequences of these factors for the functioning of children who growing up in unfavorable conditions for their development. They are exposed to a higher probabilty of behavioral disorders and socialization.
Not all children develop properly. Therefore it is important to detect as early as possible deficits in their development and beginning systematic therapeutic intervention. Support the psychomotor development may be individual or group. It is necessary to take into account the needs and possibilities of the child. Therapeutic work contributes to leveling cognitive and social-emotional deficits. Properly matched methods and techniques of works with children decide about the effectiveness of therapy. This study presents the basic assumptions of several methods whose effectiveness has been confirmed in working with children with developmental disabilities.
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