The article is a review of the first volume of the critical edition of Norwid’s prose developed by Rościsław Skręt. The review focuses on the choice of works for editing and print, on establishing the status of source texts, determining the form of the texts for print, performing language modernization and associating the textual material with iconography. Examining the actions undertaken by the editor in all these dimensions, one can put forward a claim that his work tries to follow two contradictory editorial directions. The editor developed an innovative canon of Norwid’s prose and managed to avoid mistakes made by his predecessors. At the same time, one can observe that the editor restrained himself from departing too far from the solutions adopted by the previous editors. This latter tendency is particularly evident on the linguistic plane. Hence, one can describe the reviewed edition of the text as a half-way revolution.
Prezentowany artykuł dotyczy ewaluacji transdyscyplinarnego studium łączącego badaczy z dwóch różnych dyscyplin: psychologii oraz literaturoznawstwa. Zespół pracujący nad tym projektem analizował wypowiedzi osób dorosłych o ich życiu zgodnie z metodą analizy literaturoznawczej. Na etapie interpretacji wykorzystywano autorską metodę badań jakościowych w psychologii. Efekt tych badań został poddany recenzji przez psychologa, który zadeklarował, że artykuł ocenił zgodnie z zasadami oceny badań psychologicznych. W artykule prezentujemy pola nieporozumień, które rodzą się w relacji między tak skonstruowanym badaniem, a tak zaprojektowaną recenzją. Wskazujemy główne zasady, które – naszym zdaniem – powinny towarzyszyć recenzentom badań o charakterze transdyscyplinarnym.
The presented article concerns the evaluation of a transdisciplinary study carried out by researchers from two different disciplines: psychology and literary studies. The team working on this project analyzed adults’ narrations about their lives, applying the method of literary study analysis. At the stage of interpretation we used an original method of qualitative research in psychology. The effect of this research was subject to review by a psychologist, who declared that our article had been rated in accordance with the principles of psychological research assessment. This article presents the areas of misunderstanding which result from the relationship between a study and a review constructed in the aforementioned respective manners. We point out the main principles, which, in our opinion, should accompany people reviewing studies of a transdisciplinary nature.
What narrative patterns do young adults apply when they relate stories about their lives? How do they perceive their lives? Finding the answers to these questions was the aim of the research described in this article. The study involved fourteen people aged 26–35, who talked about their lives in the form of a monologue. They were asked to speak on the subject: „Tell me about the last few years of your life”. The results of the thematised information analysis suggest that their narrations resemble autopresentations included in a CV or an application letter. The results of the implied information analysis point to the illusory character of what is said explicitly. The reconstructed hidden stories do not confirm the presented stories about successful life.
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