Prognostics and health management (PHM) technologies permit actionable information to enable proper decision-making for improving systems’ performance. With the increasing requirements placed on the rail systems’ availability, better maintenance decisions should be evaluated before practical application. The aim of this work is to build maintenance models and estimate the performance of considered maintenance decisions regarding the rail system’s reliability and availability by means of Colored Petri nets. As a high-level formalization method, Colored Petri nets provide different color sets, which are suitable to represent different maintenance attributions. The maintenance models are evaluated at both the structure and parameterization levels. At the structure level, the structure correctness of the maintenance models is evaluated by using the state space analysis. At the parameterization level, specific maintenance decisions are illustrated. With various maintenance parameters, comparisons of system reliability and availability are made with the results obtained with the Colored Petri nets model.
Technologie prognostyki i zarządzania zdrowiem (PHM) dostarczają praktycznych danych, które umożliwiają podejmowanie właściwych decyzji w zakresie poprawy wydajności systemów. Wraz z rosnącymi wymaganiami dotyczącymi gotowości systemów kolejowych, rośnie potrzeba oceny decyzji dotyczących utrzymania ruchu przed ich wprowadzeniem w życie. Celem przedstawionej pracy było zbudowanie modeli utrzymania ruchu oraz oszacowanie za pomocą kolorowych sieci Petriego możliwości realizacji rozważanych decyzji konserwacyjnych dotyczących niezawodności i gotowości systemu kolejowego. Kolorowe sieci Petriego to metoda o wysokim poziomie formalizacji, którą w przedstawionej pracy wykorzystano do reprezentacji za pomocą różnych zestawów kolorów, różnych atrybutów utrzymania ruchu. Modele utrzymania ruchu oceniano zarówno na poziomie struktury jak i parametryzacji. Na poziomie struktury, poprawność struktury modeli utrzymania ruchu oceniano za pomocą analizy przestrzeni stanów. Na poziomie parametryzacji, zilustrowano konkretne decyzje dotyczące konserwacji. Niezawodność i gotowość systemu przy różnych parametrach utrzymania ruchu porównano z wynikami uzyskanymi za pomocą modelu kolorowych sieci Petriego.
The new coatings based on styrene-acrylate copolymer with solid powder additives were prepared. Solid additives were one of three types of adhesives (white cement, Portland cement, and alumina cement) and one of four inorganic fillers (quartz powder, talcum powder, calcium carbonate powder, and fly ash). The coatings were tested by determination of surface drying time, hard drying time, tensile strength, and elongation at break. The ratio of water absorption after 7 days was also measured. The results showed that white cement was the best inorganic adhesive with optimal amount of 40–50 wt % in solid powder part. Quartz powder served as better inorganic filler compared with talcum powder and calcium carbonate powder. Fly ash could also be used as good inorganic filler but in amount lower than 10 wt %. Thus prepared coatings satisfy requirements for class III according to GB/T23445-2009 standard.
Przygotowano nowe powłoki na bazie kopolimeru styren-akrylan z dodatkiem proszków stałych. Dodatki stałe stanowiły jeden z trzech rodzajów spoiwa (cement biały, cement portlandzki i cement glinowy) oraz jeden z czterech napełniaczy nieorganicznych (kwarc w postaci proszku, talk, sproszkowany węglan wapnia oraz popiół lotny). Powłoki badano przez określanie czasu suszenia powierzchni, czasu całkowitego suszenia, wytrzymałości na rozciąganie i wydłużenia przy zerwaniu. Wyznaczano również współczynnik absorpcji wody po 7 dniach. Badania wykazały, że najlepszym spoiwem nieorganicznym jest cement biały wilości 40–50 % mas. Proszek kwarcowy jest lepszym napełniaczem nieorganicznym niż talk lub sproszkowany węglan wapnia. Stwierdzono również, że dobrym napełniaczem nieorganicznym są popioły lotne, ale mogą być stosowane tylko w ilości mniejszej niż 10 % mas. Tak przygotowane powłoki spełniają wymagania klasy III według normy GB/T 23445-2009.
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Five sedimentary facies - neritic carbonate platform, lagoon, tidal flat, swamp and barrier island facies - are recorded in the Lower Permian Taiyuan Formation along with abundant ichnofossils. Common ichnofossils in this formation include Zoophycos villae, Zoophycos brianteus, Nereites cf. missouriensis, Chondrites isp., Gordia marina, Taenidium isp., Thalassinoides isp., Palaeophycus isp., Planolites isp. and a kind of bifurcation trail. From observations of the morphology of Zoophycos spreiten in approximately vertical sections, at least three kinds of spreite laminae are distinguished: ligular, crescentic and rectangular forms. Four types of storm deposits (coded as A, B, C, D) are recognised in the carbonates of the Taiyuan Formation and can be explained forming in shallow marine environments, which are distributed in order from near storm wave base to near fair weather wave base respectively.
Flame retardants are key ingredients for gas sealing materials used in the coal mine wall. In this paper, the types and doses of flame retardants are investigated. The results showed that a gas sealing material with 11 wt % complex flame retardants had a good performance when the complex flame retardants were composed of aluminum hydroxide and chlorinated paraffin at a ratio of 3:8. The flame resistant property of this gas sealing material conforms to the safety standards of coal mines (MT113-1995). Furthermore, their mechanical properties met the standard requirements of the polymer cement waterproof coatings (GB/T23445-2009). The costs are very low compared with similar products in current practical use.
Zbadano wpływ rodzaju oraz ilości uniepalniacza, dodanego do emulsji styrenowo-akrylowej napełnionej krzemionką i cementem, na palność otrzymanej kompozycji zabezpieczającej ściany w kopalni węgla przed wypływem gazu. Efekt opóźnienia palenia na poziomie przewidzianym w normach bezpieczeństwa kopalń węgla (MT113-1995) uzyskano w wypadku zastosowania materiału uszczelniającego, modyfikowanego dodatkiem 11 % mas. kompozycji uniepalniacza, stanowiącej mieszaninę wodorotlenku glinu i chlorowanej parafiny w stosunku masowym 3:8. Modyfikowane materiały uszczelniające spełniają również wymagania pod względem właściwości mechanicznych, dotyczące polimerowo-cementowych powłok wodochronnych (GB/T23445-2009), a koszt ich wytwarzania jest dużo niższy niż koszt wytwarzania stosowanych obecnie produktów.
This study evaluated the applicability of probability of detection (POD ) analyses to eddy current tests for the detection of corrosions. Forty-three ferromagnetic plates with various corrosions were prepared, and eddy current inspections were performed to gather signals due to the corrosions using an absolute type pancake probe. The probe scanned the surface of the plates two-dimensionally with a constant lift-off to simulate nondestructive inspection of corrosion under insulating coatings. Subsequent POD analyses adopted two models: a conventional one wherein a flaw was characterized using a single parameter, and a multi-parameter model based on the combinational use of numerical simulations and measurements. The analyses demonstrated that the conventional model would overestimate the probability of detecting small corrosions. In contrast, the multi-parameter model characterized POD more reasonably while its confidence interval was comparable to that of the conventional model.
Dokonano oceny przydatności analiz prawdopodobieństwa wykrywania (POD ) do wykrywania korozji na podstawie badań metodą prądów wirowych. Przygotowano czterdzieści trzy płytki ferromagnetyczne z różnym stanem skorodowania. Następnie przeprowadzono inspekcje metodą prądów wirowych i zebrano sygnały uzależnione od korozji za pomocą absolutnych sond typu „pancake coil”. Sonda skanowała powierzchnie płyt w dwóch wymiarach na stałej wysokości nad materiałem, tak by zasymulować nieniszczącą inspekcję korozji w elementach pokrytych powłokami izolacyjnymi. W kolejnych etapach analizy POD przyjęto dwa modele: konwencjonalny, w którym wada była charakteryzowana za pomocą pojedynczego parametru, a także model wieloparametrowy oparty na kombinacyjnym zastosowaniu symulacji numerycznych i pomiarów. Analizy wykazały, że model konwencjonalny prowadził do przeszacowania prawdopodobieństwa wykrycia małych korozji. Natomiast model wieloparametrowy charakteryzował POD bardziej racjonalnie, a jego przedział ufności był podobny jak w przypadku modelu konwencjonalnego.
Although anatomical variations in the upper limb are frequent, coexistence of multiple combined variations is rare. During a routine educational dissection at Jeju National University Medical School, three muscular variations were found in a 75-year-old Korean male cadaver, in which a supraclavicular cephalic vein was also found in ipsilateral upper extremity during skinning. Here we describe characteristics of the pectoralis quartus muscle, the supernumerary head of biceps brachii muscle and an accessory head of flexor digitorum profundus muscle, and discuss their coexistence from morphological and embryological points of view. (Folia Morphol 2019; 78, 1: 204–207)
The field of mechanical manufacturing is becoming more and more demanding on machining accuracy. It is essential to monitor and compensate the deformation of structural parts of a heavy-duty machine tool. The deformation of the base of a heavy-duty machine tool is an important factor that affects machining accuracy. The base is statically indeterminate and complex in load. It is difficult to reconstruct deformation by traditional methods. A reconstruction algorithm for determining bending deformation of the base of a heavy-duty machine tool using inverse Finite Element Method (iFEM) is presented. The base is equivalent to a multi-span beam which is divided into beam elements with support points as nodes. The deflection polynomial order of each element is analysed. According to the boundary conditions, the deformation compatibility conditions and the strain data measured by Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG), the deflection polynomial coefficients of a beam element are determined. Using the coordinate transformation, the deflection equation of the base is obtained. Both numerical verification and experiment were carried out. The deflection obtained by the reconstruction algorithm using iFEM and the actual deflection measured by laser displacement sensors were compared. The accuracy of the reconstruction algorithm is verified.
The flame retardancy of the mixture of hexa(N-hydroxymethyl)amidocyclotriphosphazene and partially methylated melamine formaldehyde resin (HHMATP/PMMM) in paper was proposed by limiting oxygen index measurement (LOI), the vertical burning test and cone calorimetry test (CCT). In our research, the LOI of washed FR-paper could still be up to 33.5%; the after flame time , and burning time were reduced to 4.8 s & 0 s, and the char length was only 12.0 mm. While the results of CCT imply that compared with non-flame retarded paper, the heat release rate (HRR) of FR-paper with HHMAPT/PMMM increases gently; the mass loss becomes significantly slow, and the prolonged maximum heat release rate (PHRR), average heat release rate (MHRR), average effective heat of combustion (MEHC) and total heat release (THR) drop greatly. According to the experimental results, HHMATP/PMMM has not only excellent flame retardancy in paper but also good water resistance, with HHMATP/PMMM playing a flame retardant role mainly by means of the condensed phase mechanism.
Badano zmniejszenie palności papieru stosując mieszaninę hexa(N-hydroxymethyl)amidocyclotriphosphazene i częściowo zmetylowanej żywicy melamine formaldehyde (HHMATP/PMMM) poprzez indeks tlenowy (LOI), test pionowego palenia i test kalorymetru stożkowego (CCT). Eksperymenty wykazały, że HHMATP/PMMM ma nie tylko dobry wpływ na ograniczenie palności papieru, ale również na jego odporność na działanie wody.
Fly ash modified with sodium hydroxide calcination-hydrothermal was used to treat ammonia-nitrogen wastewater. The mount of alkali, the solid-liquid ratio, and the temperature of calcination were investigated in the process of modification. The best modified condition was when the ratio of sodium hydroxide and fly ash was 0.4:1, the ratio of solid and liquid was 1:1, and the temperature of calcination was 400ºC. After modification, the zeolite-like substances were produced from the fly ash and the cation exchange capacities (CEC) increased from 5 to 81 mmol/100 g. The separation efficiency of the ammonia-nitrogen was up to 90%.
Real-time monitoring of deformation of large structure parts is of great significance and the deformation of such structure parts is often accompanied with the change of curvature. The curvature can be obtained by measuring changes of strain, surface curve and modal displacement of the structure. However, many factors are faced with difficulty in measurement and low sensitivity at a small deformation level. In order to measure curvature in an effective way, a novel fibre Bragg grating (FBG) curvature sensor is proposed, which aims at removing the deficiencies of traditional methods in low precision and narrow adjusting. The sensor combines two FBGs with a specific structure of stainless steel elastomer. The elastomer can transfer the strain of the structure part to the FBG and then the FBG measures the strain to obtain the curvature. The performed simulation and experiment show that the sensor can effectively amplify the strain to the FBG through the unique structure of the elastomer, and the accuracy of the sensor used in the experiment is increased by 14% compared with that of the FBG used for direct measurement.
Polyploidization causes ‘genomic shock’ at the genetic and epigenetic levels relative to the parental species. However, few studies have compared the genetic and epigenetic alterations during the process of polyploidization by interspecific hybridization in Brassica species. In the present study, the early generations of hexaploid derived from a triploid hybrid between Brassica napus cv. ‘Zhongshuang 9’ and B. oleracea cv. ‘SWU01’ were developed, and used to detect genetic and epigenetic alterations together with triploid and two parental lines using simple sequence repeats (SSRs) and methylation-sensitive amplified polymorphisms (MSAPs). The derived hexaploids had relatively stable karyotype (69.84% euploid chromosome segregation in S0, 100% and 72.7% hexaploid karyotype in S1 and S2, respectively) and good fertility (88.75% ± 5.43% for pollen fertility, 4.68 ± 3.25 seeds/pod for self pollination and 13.55 ± 3.66 seeds/pod for open pollination), but wide morphologic characters. Compared with the parental lines, the triploid exhibited 13.08% new SSR alleles (17 of 130) and up to 26.45% new MSAP alleles (65 of 246), indicating that interspecific hybridization caused genetic and epigenetic alterations. No change in SSRs and 33.74% alterations in MSAP alleles (83/246) was observed between the triploid and hexaploid S0, suggesting chromosome doubling only caused epigenetic alteration. On average of 39.23% ± 5.78% of DNA methylation alterations and 6.35% ± 3.69% of SSR alterations occurred among the S2, S1, and S0 generations. It indicated that genetic alteration was caused by interspecific hybridization and generation descent of hexaploid, whereas epigenetic alteration resulted from interspecific hybridization, chromosome doubling and generation descent. It is interesting to find stronger epigenetic changes than genetic changes brought on during the processes of hexaploidization between B. napus and B. oleracea. It also found the average genetic distance between hexaploid S2 and hexaploid S1 (SSR 0.056 ± 0.029, MSAP 0.337 ± 0.201) was further than that between hexaploid S1 and hexaploid S0 (SSR 0.023 ± 0.009, MSAP 0.178 ± 0.126), suggesting more genetic variance in the hexaploid S2 generations than hexaploid S1.
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A new high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method has been developed and validated for determination of enantiomeric purity of thiazolidine-2-carboxylic acid within a short run time of less than 10 min. The method was based on pre-column derivatization of thiazolidine-2-carboxylic acid with aniline, and complete separation of enantiomers has been achieved on a Chiralcel OD-H analytical column (250 × 4.6 mm) using n-hexane-isopropanol (85:15 v/v) as mobile phase at a flow rate of 1.0 mL min-1 under UV and optical rotation (OR) detection. Detection wavelength was set at 254 nm. Then the effects of mobile phase and temperature on enantioselectivity were further evaluated. The method was validated with respect to precision, accuracy, linearity, limit of detection (LOD), limit of quantification (LOQ), and robustness. The recoveries were between 98.5 and 101.3% with percentage relative standard deviation less than 1.16%. The LOD and LOQ for the aniline derivatives of (+)-thiazolidine-2-carboxylic acid were 4.9 and 16.4 μg mL-1 and for the aniline derivatives (−)-thiazolidine-2-carboxylic acid were 5.1 and 17.2 μg mL-1, respectively.
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Novel pH-sensitive hydrogels were prepared through crosslinking of poly(.gamma.-glutamic) acid (.gamma.-PGA) by using 1,4-butanediol diglycidyl ether as a cross-linker, tetraethylammonium bromide as a catalyst, and reacting in DMSO. The dependence of the swelling ratio of the hydrogels on pH values, ionic strength and cross-linking degree was investigated. It was found that the pH-sensitive range was clearly extended through introducing multiple hydrogen bonds to the hydrogel network during the preparation. The swelling ratios of ?-PGA hydrogels increased with the increase in pH of the aqueous solution from 2 to 9. The swelling of the .gamma.-PGA hydrogels was firstly controlled by the ionization of carboxyl groups in the hydrogels within the pH range from 2 to 5, and then controlled by breaking of the multiple hydrogen bonds in the hydrogels within the pH range from 5 to 9. The swelling ratios of .gamma.-PGA hydrogels were also strongly dependent on the ionic strength of the medium and cross-linking degree of the hydrogels. Increasing the ionic strength and the crosslinking degree resulted in a decrease in the swelling ratio of the hydrogels.
In this paper, the flame retardancy of hexaamidocyclotriphosphazene (HACTP) in paper was studied by limiting oxygen index measurement, the vertical burning test and cone calorimetry test. Meanwhile the mechanism was discussed by the analysis of residues obtained in the cone calorimeter test. The experimental results revealed that HACTP had excellent flame retardancy in paper.
Badano zmniejszenie palności papieru stosując hexaamidocyklotrifosfazen (HACTP) poprzez indeks tlenowy, test pionowego palenia, i test kalorymetru stożkowego. Badano również mechanizm ograniczenia palności poprzez analizę resztek uzyskanych z testu kalorymetru stożkowego. Eksperymenty wykazały, że HACTP ma wybitny wpływ na zmniejszenie palności papieru.