A specific new developed Exhaust Gases Recirculated system (EGR), where recirculated exhaust gases flow energy, is utilizated for producing a swirl and turbulence of the charge and moreover to facilitate the evaporation and the atomization of fuel. The analysis of the EGR system with the results of calculations of charge flow by means of a physical model has been described in mathematics way by the partial derivate equations. The utilization of this energy EGR of gases for producing a swirl and turbulence of the charge in the cylinder makes possible a higher speed of the front of the flame in combustion chamber. Ań improvement of the volumetric efficiency especially for the engine is discussed. The obtained results show a significant impact of utilization of exhaust gaś energy on the mean effective pressure with lower of NOx emission.
The paper presents the possibility of use of the pneumatic piston engine with two-stroke cycle of the work as an alternative drive source or additional power for the battery regeneration in the electric vehicles. The energy for the engine work is taken from the energy of the air stored at high pressure (about 30 MPa) in the bottle. The pressure in the bottle is reduced to smaller value and the air is injected to the cylinder at short time when piston is in TDC position by the pneumatic injector. The engine has not the transfer ports and its torque depends on the air pressure, injection timing and engine speed. The two-stroke cycle work enables better efficiency and specific air consumption than that with a four-stroke cycle of the work. The pneumatic engine of small dimensions, however with high power fulfil the regulations of the environmental protection with zero emission. The paper presents the mathematical model of the engine based on thermodynamic processes (mass and energy balance). On such considerations the computer program was written by the author for the determination of the most important factors. The results of the calculations are included in the graphs showing the influence of the control parameters (air pressure, injection timing and flow area of the injector on the engine working parameters.