The paper is devoted to Professor Kresánek’s scholarly work with one unique source, the manuscript Collection of Dances and Songs by Anna Szirmay-Keczer. He studied this source throughout his entire life, beginning with theoretical studies of the melodies in the collection’s dance and folklore material, continuing with ethno-musicological comparative analyses and fundamental music-historical research, and finally publishing a critical edition of the source, Melodiarium Annae Szirmay-Keczer (21983), which is a complex scholarly monograph, evaluating one music-historical source. Kresánek’s work placed the critical editions of the musical sources on a new, scholarly level. His researches were interdisciplinary and used the entire spectrum of music-historiographical methods (analysis, comparison, evaluation, source interpretation, aesthetic judgment). He generalised the experience gained in his work in his published guidelines Hudobná historiografia (Music historiography) (1981).
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