The author of the article helps to understand the relation patient-doctor in the light of axiological psychiatry developed by Antoni Kępiński. Kępiński was not a typical doctor who, with great dedication and reverence, fulfilled his duties towards patients. First of all, he paid special attention to uniqueness and specificity of the level of contact between a doctor and a patient and pointed out its matey character. The article also introduces the sources of axiological psychiatry developed by Kępiński, which should be found in the philosophy of dialogue. In the light of works of Kraków psychiatrist one can notice that his philosophical anthropology was saturated with the influence of dialogue thought. According to Kępiński only a specific kind of emotional relationship based on empathy and trust could be the key to complete knowledge of the man fighting with mental illnesses.
The author of the article helps to understand the relation patient-doctor in the light of axiological psychiatry developed by Antoni Kępiński. Kępiński was not a typical doctor who, with great dedication and reverence, fulfilled his duties towards patients. First of all, he paid special attention to the uniqueness and specificity of the level of contact between a doctor and a patient and pointed out its matey character. The article also introduces the sources of axiological psychiatry developed by Kępiński, which should be found in the philosophy of dialogue. In the light of the works of Kraków psychiatrist, one can notice that his philosophical anthropology was saturated with the influence of dialogue thought. According to Kępiński, only a specific kind of emotional relationship based on empathy and trust could be the key to complete knowledge of the man fighting with mental illnesses.
The author of the article helps to understand the relation patient-doctor in the light of axiological psychiatry developed by Antoni Kępiński. Kępiński was not a typical doctor who, with great dedication and reverence, fulfilled his duties towards patients. First of all, he paid special attention to the uniqueness and specificity of the level of contact between a doctor and a patient and pointed out its matey character. The article also introduces the sources of axiological psychiatry developed by Kępiński, which should be found in the philosophy of dialogue. In the light of the works of Kraków psychiatrist one can notice that his philosophical anthropology was saturated with the influence of dialogue thought. According to Kępiński, only a specific kind of emotional relationship based on empathy and trust could be the key to complete knowledge of the man fighting with mental illnesses.
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There can be no doubt that the thinking of Antoni Kępiński was profoundly affected by philosophical thought. The author of the article shows the philosophical foundations fanthropology developed by this prominent Polish psychiatrist. First of all, the paper introduces sources of anthropology developed by Kępiński which should be found in the philosophy of dialogue, phenomenology and existential philosophy. In the light of works of Kępiński one can notice that his philosophical anthropology was saturated with influence of dialogue thought. The essence of Kępiński’s encounters with patients can be summed up in J. Tischner’s line: I know you can understand me, so we exist. Another great inspiration of Kępiński’s anthropological psychiatry was phenomenology which was introduced into European psychiatry by Karl Jaspers as an important tool for psychopathological research. Thanks to descriptive phenomenology and category of “empathy” the psychiatrist could reach the states of consciousness of other man and understand his suffering. For Kępiński, only a specific kind of emotional relationship based on empathy could be the key to complete knowledge of the man fighting with mental illnesses. What is more, the article presents existential philosophy, its impact on psychiatry and Kępiński’s opinion about existential psychotherapy. Finally, the author of the paper stresses the value of Kępiński’s anthropology which maintains many of cognitive qualities important for philosophers.
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The article analyzes very interesting but forgotten work of Stefan Pawlicki, Przemiany człowieka („Metamorphoses of Man”; 1866). First of all, it focuses on Pawlicki’s understanding of history of the human race and evolutionary process leading up to the appearance of civilization and its manifestations, e. g. education and religion. Pawlicki supported a notion of anthropogenesis i.e. description of human history through the theory of evolution and anthropology. This way of thought forced to consider a man as a being which constantly develops and improves himself, not only physically but also spiritually. According Pawlicki, human being is dominated by two elements, spiritual and physical, which form a full human existence and affect the formation of a strong civilization.