With the growth in electronic commerce, ordering books on the Internet is clearly becoming a significant market. Hence, logistics management exposes the formerly latent logistics system in the economic activities and reveals the inner connections between parts of logistics activities. The retail delivery system in Taiwan provides an easy on-line shopping process, safe payment method and quick delivery service for eretailing. The main purpose of this study is to examine the retailing delivery service process of KingStone on-line book store and highlight all of the most vulnerable parts of the system through Bayesian network (BN). The Bayesian network analysis provides preliminary insights into the direction of relationship management toward maximizing effectiveness of retail delivery service.
System sprzedaży detalicznej w Taiwanie realizuje w większości metody on-line, bezpieczne płacenie i szybką dostawę. Celem prezentowanej pracy jest analiza procesu sprzedaży detalicznej sklepu internetowego KingStone i uwypuklenie najbardziej wrażliwych części systemu z wykorzystaniem sieci bayesowskiej.
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