Wykonane z użyciem mikroskopu skaningowego z energodyspersyjną przystawką rentgenowską badania siluminu AK7 modyfikowanego dodatkami 0,2% AlB4 i 0,2% AlSrl O wykazały, że ośrodki heterogenicznej krystalizacji w modyfikowanym stopie stanowiły złożone cząstki AlB2/Al3Ti.
Investigation of AK7 silumin modified with the additives of AlB4 and AlSrl O both in the unount of 0,2% wt., carxied out with the use of scanning microscope equipped with the energydispexsion adjutage allowed to identify the heterogeneous crystal nuclea in the modified alloy as the complex AIB2/Al3Ti particles.
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Badania wykazały, iż twarde wtrącenia w polskim mosiądzu CuZn39Pb2 tworzy faza mię-dzymetaliczna żelaza z krzemem, manganem i chromem, natomiast w niemieckim mosiądzu CuZn38Pb2 faza międzymetaliczna żelaza z fosforem, chromem i krzemem.
The investigations proved that hard inclusions in Polish brass CuZn39Pb2 are formed by an intermetallic phase of iron and silicon, manganese and chromium, whereas in German brass CuZn38P2 they are formed by the intermetallic phase of iron and phosphorus, chromium and silicon.
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Investigations on the modification of tin bronze CuSn10 with Zr additive as well as the complex additives consisting of P-Fe-Zr and Mg-P-Fe-Zr revealed the advantageous influence of these reagents on a structure and properties of the alloy. The modification processes caused the apparent grain refinement and as the consequence the increase of tension strenght of about 20% was achieved. Electron microscopy examinations allowed to identificate heterogeneous crystallization nuclea and to determinate the elements which formed the nuclea.
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The results of grain refinement of silumin AlSi74 with additives of AlB4 and AlTi6 are shown. It is found that grain refinement has a favorable influence on the structure and mechanical properties of the alloy tested.
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