W pracy przedstawiono krótki zarys powstania materiału pierwotnie zwanego papierem syntetycznym. Podano jego zalety umożliwiające stosowanie go w zastępstwie papieru naturalnego. Przytoczono również definicję papieru syntetycznego i przedstawiono charakterystyki - pod względem składu i zastosowania - poszczególnych rodzajów papierów syntetycznych produkowanych przez światowe firmy. Zaprezentowano wyniki badań papieru będącego mieszaniną masy celulozowej i polietylenu. Wspomniano o niuansach dotyczących samego procesu drukowania na tych podłożach. W zakończeniu zwrócono uwagę na sposoby utylizacji syntetycznych papierów.
The work presents a short outline of the origin of a material originally called synthetic paper. Its merits enabling its use instead of natural paper are given. The definition of the synthetic paper is also quoted and the characteristics concerning the furnish and application - of individual kinds of synthetic paper being produced by the world's companies. The results of testing the paper being the mixture of chemical pulp and polyethylene are presented. The nuances concerning only the printing process on these bases are mentioned. In conclusion the manners of using the synthetic papers are described.
Przeprowadzono badania podłoży drukowych z różnym udziałem włókien syntetycznych. Papiery zadrukowano techniką offsetową farbami utrwalanymi przez wsiąkanie i utlenianie, wykorzystując formę drukową, zawierającą odpowiednie pola testowe. W ocenie druków zwrócono uwagę na stabilność wymiarową badanych papierów oraz zjawisko adhezji farby do podłoża. Poddano analizie pola testowe, zawierające elementy służące do oceny jakości otrzymanych odbitek. Na podstawie otrzymanych wyników stwierdzono, że skład włóknisty obu badanych rodzajów papieru umożliwia ich zadruk z zachowaniem standardów, obowiązujących dla druku offsetowego.
The article shows analysis on printing bases with different content of synthetic fibres. Papers have been printed in offset technique with inks set through absorption and oxidation using printing forms containing testing straps. When evaluating printing effects main attention was paid to the size stability of tested papers and adhesion of inks to the printing base. Authors analyzed testing straps containing elements for quality evaluation of achieved copies. Based on the results it has been proved that the fibre content of both paper grades makes possible to obtain printing standards required from offset printing.
Zbadano wybrane właściwości technologiczne papierów z włókien syntetycznych, zwracając szczególną uwagę na zagadnienia spoistości powierzchni, gładkości drukowej i zapotrzebowania farby przez papier. Uzyskane wyniki wskazują, że badane papiery charakteryzują się chłonnością na podobieństwo papierów tradycyjnych. Ponadto stwierdzono, że cztery spośród dwunastu badanych podłoży nadają się do zadruku w warunkach produkcyjnych na maszynie offsetowej, przy zachowaniu maksymalnej wydajności procesu.
The research investigates selected technological properties of synthetic fibre papers with main regard to resistance to plucking, levelness and ink requirement. Results show that this group of papers is characterized by receptivity similar to traditional grades. The research also proved that 4 out of 12 a analyzed grades meet requirements of printing on the offset machine with maximal process capacity.
TThe Polish Carpathian Foredeep Basin (PCFB) is the northern compartment of a foreland basin system that surrounds the Carpathian orogenic belt. The axis of the eastern part of the PCFB plunges gently towards SE, where the Miocene basin-fill succession exceeds 2000 metres in thickness. The Miocene succession developed in shallow marine ramp settings and is subdivided into 3 lithostratigraphic units: sub-evaporitic (onshore-to-nearshore), evaporitic, and supra-evaporitic (offshore-to-estuarine). The upper unit includes a siliciclastic series (Upper Badenian–Sarmatian), which constitutes the main segment of the succession. It displays an asymmetric, shallowing-up trend, expressed by the following sequence: hemipelagic-turbiditic-deltaic-low-energy nearshore-to-estuarine facies associations. Sediment accummulation in the basin has been significantly overprinted by higher-frequency cyclicity and encloses several genetic stratigraphic sequences bounded by MFS surfaces. An early phase of the basin development was characterised by high-rate subsidence and slow-rate sedimentation (hemipelagic facies). The turbiditic facies association identified within the Sieniawa–Rudka area resulted from southward progradation of a submarine fan/prodeltaic depositional system, mainly fed from the northern and north–western continental margins of the basin. An overall SE–ward palaeoslope inclination controlled the main phase of the deltaic progradation, which had gradually replaced the turbiditic systems. The late deltaic phase was characterised by ENE palaeotransport directions. The final phase of the basin filling took place in shallow-water, low-energy, nearshore-to-estuarine environments. In the early stage of the basin development, a complex system of NW–SE elongated basement pop-ups and flower structures in the Miocene succession were produced by reactivation and inversion of Mesozoic basement faults. The growth of these positive structures modified local subsidence patterns and affected the organisation of depositional systems of the siliciclastic series. A narrow elevation of the RyszkowaWola High (RWH) gradually grew above one of the pop-up structures. Complex structural-stratigraphic hydrocarbon traps developed along the RWH, due to interaction between the growth of local faults and the development of the successive depositional systems. Tidally-modified delta-top and estuarine facies are the most common hydrocarbon hosts within individual sequences of the „deltaic” segment of the succession..
The Miocene Carpathian foredeep basin in Poland (CFB) developed in front of the Outer Carpathian fold-and-thrust belt, at the junction of the East European craton and the Palaeozoic platform. 3D seismic data, cores and well logs from Sokołów area (vicinity of Rzeszów) were used in order to construct new depositional model of the Miocene succession of the Carpathian foredeep. The gas-bearing Miocene infill of the CFB is characterized by a shallowing-upward trend of sedimentation and consists of hemipelagic, turbiditic and deltaic and nearshore-to-estuarine facies associations. Lowermost part of the Miocene infill seems to has been deposited from the North. Such direction of sediment supply was related to influence of existing relief of the pre-Miocene basement, where very deep (up to 1,5 km) erosional valleys cut into the pre-Miocene (Precambrian) basement due to inversion and uplift of the SE segment of theMid-Polish Trough are located. Upper part of theMiocene infill reflects sediment progradation from the South, from the Carpathian area into the foredeep basin. In the Rzeszów area existence of the so-called anhydrite-less island, i.e. relatively large area devoid of the Badenian evaporitic cover caused by the post-Badenian uplift and widespread erosion of evaporites,has been postulated for many years. Interpretation of 3D seismic data showed that such model should be abandoned. In the studied part of the CFB, Late Badenian evaporitic sedimentation was restricted to the axial parts of deep paleovalleys. Evaporites deposited in these valleys have been rarely encountered by exploration wells as such wells were almost exclusively located above basement highs separating erosional paleovalleys, hence giving incorrect assumption regarding regional lack of evaporitic cover. It is possible that in axial parts of these valleys important gas accumulations might exist, charged from the South and sealed by the Badenian evaporites.
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