W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań przeprowadzonych w 2004 r. (marzec-gru-dzień) w dwóch wybranych ciekach - Kasinie i Rynce - przepływających przez nieskana-lizowane osiedla Wrocławia. Analizą objęto powszechnie stosowane wskaźniki służące do oceny zawartości substancji organicznej i składników biogennych. Wyniki przeprowadzonych badań wykazały negatywny wpływ osiedli na jakość wód obydwu badanych cieków. Świadczy o tym m.in. pięciokrotny wzrost stężenia amoniaku poniżej jednego z osiedli.
This article shows results of a research carried out in 2004 (March-December) concerning two chosen streams: the Kasinka and the Rynka - flowing through districts of Wroclaw not provided with sewage systems. The common indicators used for evaluation of the content of organic matter and nutrients were analysed. Results of the research show that those districts have a negative influence on water quality in both of the investigated streams, Testifies to it a.o. the quintuple increase in concentration of ammonia in water below one of those districts.
Nowadays, maritime infrastructure is heavily exploited, which requires monitoring. The article presents the implementation of spatial information which are point clouds for monitoring and analysis of the area around the port (buildings and wharves). For this study, point clouds coming from terrestrial (TLS) and airborne laser scanning (ALS), each of them having different accuracy, were used. An important part of the analysis was the integration of the two data sources. Through integration, the acquisition of information on areas not covered by the measurement in the presented case, one of the methods was possible for use (e.g. the roofs in case of TLS, or the lack of some of the walls of buildings in case of ALS). Another aspect was to use this data. Measurement of the shape and geometry of objects was executed. Additionally, the planeness analysis of individual elements of port infrastructure has been carried out. An interesting analysis was to determine the water level, based on relation to specific characteristics of the light reflectance
Nowadays, maritime infrastructure is heavily exploited, which requires monitoring. The article presents the implementation of spatial information which are point clouds for monitoring and analysis of the area around the port (buildings and wharves). For this study, point clouds coming from terrestrial (TLS) and airborne laser scanning (ALS), each of them having different accuracy, were used. An important part of the analysis was the integration of the two data sources. Through integration, the acquisition of information on areas not covered by the measurement in the presented case, one of the methods was possible for use (e.g. the roofs in case of TLS, or the lack of some of the walls of buildings in case of ALS). Another aspect was to use this data. Measurement of the shape and geometry of objects was executed. Additionally, the planeness analysis of individual elements of port infrastructure has been carried out. An interesting analysis was to determine the water level, based on relation to specific characteristics of the light reflectance.
W niniejszej pracy omówione zostaną szczegółowo etapy projektowania i implementacji „Geoportalu AGH”. Pierwsza część artykułu dotyczy idei, a także opisu prac przygotowawczych i projektowych Systemu. Następnie omówiony został proces pozyskiwania danych przestrzennych i opisowych, które były podstawą do utworzenia wektorowego modelu kampusu AGH. Szczególną uwagę poświęcono również bazie danych, przedstawiając jej strukturę i rozwiązania pozwalające na jej integrację z systemami przechowywania danych osobowych. W pracy przedstawiona została również metodyka tworzenia sieci dróg w przestrzeni trójwymiarowej, stanowiącej jedno z narzędzi udostępnianych w sieci, wraz z opisem działania na serwerze. Ponadto szczegółowo opisany został projekt aplikacji typu WebGIS, stanowiącej warstwę prezentacji Geoportalu, utworzony przy użyciu technologii ArcGIS API for Silverlight. Na koniec przedstawione zostaną plany dotyczące wdrożenia nowych funkcjonalności, o które ma zostać rozbudowany serwis.
In this paper we present stages of design and implementation of Geoportal AGH for the AGH University of Science and Technology. First part of the paper relates to the idea of the project and description of the system design. Next, we discuss the process of acquiring spatial data and descriptive data, which provided the basis for creation of a vector model of AGH campus. Particular attention was also devoted to the database structure and solutions allowing its integration with personal data storage systems. The paper also presents methodology of creating a network of roads in three-dimensional space, which is one of the tools available in the internet together with the operation instructions. In addition, a design of WebGIS application is described, constituting a layer of Geoportal presentation, created with the use of ArcGIS API for Silverlight. Finally, we discuss future plans of implementation of new functionalities to extend our services.