W procesie jednoczesnego usuwania SO2 i NOX przy użyciu wiązki elektronów powstaje produkt będący mieszaniną siarczanu i azotanu amonu. Stałe cząstki tego produktu stanowią higroskopijny aerozol o sub-mikronowych rozmiarach. Do ich usuwania z gazów odlotowych stosowano różne techniki filtracyjne: filtr tkaninowy, filtr ziarnisty i elektrofiltr. W poniższym artykule przedstawione zostały wyniki badania efektywności usuwania aerozoli soli amonowych przez elektrofiltr o specjalnej konstrukcji, współpracujący z instalacją radiacyjnego oczyszczania gazów odlotowych, znajdującą się na terenie EC Kawę-czyn. Producentem elektrofiltru jest Fabryka Elektrofiltrów ELWO SA w Pszczynie. W oparciu o przeprowadzone pomiary określono wpływ poszczególnych parametrów procesowych na skuteczność pracy elektrofiltru.
In the process of simultaneous removal of SO2 and N02 using electron beam, a product being a mixture of ammonium sulphate and ammonium nitrate is produced. Solid particles of this substance form hygroscopic aerosol of submicroscopic sizes and are usually removed by such filtration devices as cloth filters, packed-bed filters and electrofilters. The tests of ammonium salts removal efficiency performed in a specially designed electrofilter mating with the radiational process line for cleaning of outlet gases have been presented. The electrofilter working in the heat and power generating plant „Kawęczyn" was produced in Fabryka Elektrofiltrów ELWO S.A. in Pszczyna. On the basis of experimental results an influence of process parameters on the electrofilter efficiency has been determined.
Polymer nanocomposites containing metal nanoparticles have attracted a great interest due to their unique chemical and physical properties. “Green” chemistry promotes application of natural fibers in such structures, among them cellulose is one of the most frequently used. However, cellulose fabric have ability to absorb moisture, so under certain conditions of humidity and temperature they can be subjected to microbial attack. One of the most popular and best known antibacterial agents is silver, which serves as a potential antibacterial material acting against an exceptionally broad spectrum of bacteria including activity against antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Silver nanoparticles (Ag NPs) were grown at the cellulose fibers surface by direct reduction of AgNO3 with electron beam (EB) application. Nanocomposites obtained according to the method described in the text were investigated with X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscope with back-scattered electrons detector (SEM-BSE) and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) as well as thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) in order to determine influence of different size silver particles on fibers thermal properties.
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Silica gel treated with aminoalcohols or metal complexes of aminoalcohols obtains the ability to bind biocidal quaternary-N-alkylammonium salts (QAC). Structural changes caused by the treatment of the silica gel with copper complex of ethanolamine Cus4EA was investigated using the URD-6 diffractometer to find the crystal structure and synchrotrone ELETTRA at SAXS (small angle X-ray scattering) beamline to study mesostructure.
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