Artykuł porusza zagadnienie zróżnicowania pozycji politycznej burmistrza w państwach europejskich i implikacji, jakie niesie rola burmistrza w poziomych relacjach władzy dla funkcjonowania lokalnych scen samorządowych. W pierwszej części odnosimy się do pomiaru pozycji burmistrza uwzględniającego odmienne uwarunkowania instytucjonalne – sposób wyboru, zakres kompetencji względem organu uchwałodawczego czy łatwość odwołania przed upływem kadencji. W dalszej kolejności wskazujemy, jak ów odmienny kontekst pozycji politycznej burmistrzów przekłada się na kilka wybranych aspektów ich aktywności, skłonność do formalnego afiliowania w szeregach partii politycznej, percepcję własnej autonomii w codziennym zarządzaniu gminą przez samych burmistrzów oraz możliwość wieloletniego trwania na stanowisku.
The article discusses the differences in the mayors’ political strength in European countries and the implications of their role in horizontal power relationships for the operation of the local government scene. First, it shows how the role of the mayor is measured, taking into account various institutional settings such as the election system, the scope of competences vis-à-vis the legislative body and possibilities of recall before the end of the term of office. Second, it demonstrates how such dissimilar contexts of the mayor’s political strength impact on several selected aspects of their activity, including the propensity to be formally affiliated with a political party, perception of the mayor’s autonomy in their day-to-day management of the municipality and the possibilities to keep the mandate for several terms in a row.
This article deals with social problems experienced by people who exclude certain groups of products from their everyday diet. These exclusions stem from various reasons and involve a range of everyday material and social practices. They evoke particular kinds of social interactions within the household, among hosts and guests, and also induce different reflexive interpretations of the participants.The aim of this paper is to explore the problem of how elimination diets are practised and explained on an everyday basis, and to describe particular strategies and techniques undertaken by food excluders in shops, in their kitchens, and at the table. The empirical basis for the qualitative investigation is a set of eight participant observations combined with in-depth interviews conducted with urban residents with higher education living in northern Poland.
Based on a survey of inter-municipal unions (IMUs) and inter-municipal companies (IMComs) in Poland, this article identifies the most common motives for launching inter-municipal cooperation and the most frequently reported outcomes. The declared motives are compared with the perceived outcomes, with a particular focus on mismatch situations: disappointments (when the expected gain was not realised) and unexpected outcomes (when the reported outcomes exceeded initial expectations). The research shows that the latter are reported more frequently than the former. The most frequently indicated motives for cooperation were related to financial benefits and included cost reduction and applying for additional funding. The “defensive” motive of IMC - cooperation to maintain the status quo - is practically absent. The data also suggests that cooperation can be perceived as “a value in its own right”.
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