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tom 05
nr 2
Dwa lata po generalnej, profesjonalnej przebudowie płyty boiska do piłki nożnej pobrano próbki kompozytu gruntowego z warstwy nośnej oraz piasku z warstwy drenażowej. Oznaczono podstawowe właściwości fizyczne i pojemność wodną materiału obu warstw. Na podstawie krzywych potencjału (pF) określono zawartość wody ogólnie, łatwo i trudno dostępnej oraz dawki nawadniania deszczownianego dla standardowego i komfortowego poziomu zaspokojenia potrzeb wodnych murawy boiska.
After two years of the football playing field exploitation ground composite of the carrying layer and sand of the drainage layer was sampled in nine points of the rebuilt plate of the football playing field. Basic physical properties of the material were determined. Basic upon constant laboratory determined water characteristics general easily, and hardly accessible water content as well as doses of spray irrigation for standard and comfortable satisfying of water demand of the playing field sward were calculated. It was found that the carrying layer of 14 cm depth may peep, at on easily accessible water content of (comfortable water conditions) about 7.5 mm and generally accessible water (standard conditions) about 10,0 mm water. In dependence of the weather conditions and assumed water comfort every 3–4 days spray irrigation is required. Making use of the water reserve from the drainage layer of retention of about 3 mm the time lapse between irrigations may be prolonged by 1–2 days. Taking into consideration the playing field surface for direct play the netto water amount used for one irrigation would be respectively 53.5 and 71.4 m3 at the dose 7.5 mm and 10 mm.
Próbki wody do badań hydrochemicznych rzeki Jabłonicy pobierano w roku 2009 w km 1+200. Oznaczano w nich 22 wybrane wskaźniki fizykochemiczne. Analiza wyników badań wykazała, że wody Jabłonicy zakwalifikowano do II. klasy jakości ze względu na pięć wskaźników - temperaturę wody, zawiesinę ogólną, ChZT-Mn, przewodność elektrolityczną oraz zawartość tlenu rozpuszczonego. Pozostałe wskaźniki kwalifikowały wodę do I. klasy jakości. Badania walorów użytkowych wody wykazały, że ze względu na wysokie wartości przewodnictwa elektrolitycznego, wody rzeki Jabłonicy nie mogą być wykorzystane do zaopatrzenia ludności. Nie spełniają one również warunków naturalnego siedliska do bytowania ryb łososiowatych i karpiowatych z powodu niskiej zawartości tlenu rozpuszczonego i dużego stężenia azotynów. Rzeka Jabłonica nie stanowi zagrożenia dla jakości wód gromadzonych w zbiorniku usytuowanym poniżej.
Water for analyses was sampled from the Jabłonica гіѵег in 2009 at km 1+200. 22 selected physicochemical indices were deter-mined in the samples. Analysis of the research results revealed that the Jabłonica гіѵег water could classified to water quality class II due to five indices: water temperature, total suspended solids, COD-Mn, electrolytic conductivity and content of dissolved oxygen. The other indices placed the water in quality class I. Analyses of water usable qualities revealed that due to high values of electrolytic conductivity, the Jabłonica гіѵег water can-not be used for water supply. They do not meet the requirements for natural habitats of the salmonid and cyprinid fish because of Iow concentrations of dissolved oxygen and high concentration of nitrites. The Jabłonica гіѵег does not pose a hazard for quality of water accumulated in the reservoir situated below.
W 5 terminach, w okresie od lipca do listopada 2005 r. oznaczono, metodami standardowymi stężenia: substancji rozpuszczonych ogółem (SR), jonów - SO₄²⁻, Ca²⁺, Mg²⁺, Cl⁻, K⁺, Na⁺, Mn²⁺ oraz Feog, tlenu rozpuszczonego, a także wartość pH i przewodność elektrolityczną właściwą wody Potoku Pychowickiego, odwadniającego zlewnią o zróżnicowanym zagospodarowaniu. Dla wykazania procesu naturalnego oczyszczania wody oznaczenia prowadzono na odcinku 3,02 km w 5 punktach pomiarowo-kontrolnych. Na 1 - km odcinku cieku, pomiędzy punktami 1 i 2, zaobserwowano około 40% wzrost stężenia tlenu rozpuszczonego. Na kolejnym 2 - km odcinku stężenie O₂ wzrosło tylko o 5%. Stężenie składników mineralnych na ponad 2,2 - km, górnym odcinku do punktu 3 uległo redukcji o 7 - 45%. Na odcinku tym wzrosło tylko stężenie żelaza ogólnego. Na liczącym prawie 800 m, końcowym odcinku potoku redukcja zanieczyszczeń wynosiła tylko kilka do kilkunastu procent, a w przypadku siarczanów stwierdzono nawet wzrost stężenia. Ze względu na wysokie stężenie substancji rozpuszczonych i siarczanów, wodę potoku zaliczono do III klasy jakości i stanu ekologicznego umiarkowanego. Z biegiem potoku jakość wody uległa poprawie i kwalifikowała się do klasy II, a pod względem niektórych wskaźników nawet do klasy I. Obliczone związki regresyjne wykazały istotną, dodatnią zależność konduktywności od stężenia większości składników mineralnych, ujemną zaś od stężenia żelaza ogólnego, a jej brak od stężenia manganu.
Concentrations of total dissolved solids, SO₄²⁻, Ca²⁺, Mg²⁺, Cl⁻, K⁺, Na⁺, Mn²⁺ and Feog ions, dissolved oxygen content, pH and electrolytic conductivity were determined using standard methods at five dates during the period from July to November 2005 in water of the Pychowicki stream, draining a catchment managed in a variety of ways. In order to demonstrate the process of natural self-purification of water, the assessments were conducted in 5 measurement and control points along the 3.02 km stretch. Along 1 km reach of the watercourse between points 1 and 2 about 40% increase in dissolved oxygen was observed. Along the next 2 km section 02 concentration increased by 5% only. Concentration of minerals was reduced by 7 to 45% along over 2.2 km of upper river to point 3. Along this reach of the stream only total iron concentration raised. Along almost 800 m final section of the stream pollutant reduction reached only from several to a dozen percent, whereas for sulphates even elevated concentrations were registered. Due to high concentrations of dissolved solids and sulphates, the stream water was classified as III purity class and moderate ecological state. Water quality was improving along stream course qualifying for II class and considering some indices even to I class. Computed regression relationships revealed a signi-ficant positive dependence of conductivity on concentrations of most minerals, but negative relationship to total iron and no dependence on manganese concentration.
Seasonal and monthly changes of biogenic and oxygen indices in the water of two streams in 2007-10 are discussed in this paper. The streams have similar catchment areas that area managed and used in different ways. The Krzyworzeka stream catchment is covered by rural areas, whereas the Serafa stream flows through built-up and urbanized areas. Statistical testing using U Mann-Whitney’s nonparametric test was conducted to determine the differences of oxygen and biogenic water quality index values between the growing season and outside the growing season. Statistically significant decreases in ammonium, nitrate, and total nitrogen concentrations, as well as oxygen dissolved in Krzyworzeka Stream, were registered during the growing season. In the Serafa water only the concentrations of dissolved oxygen and biological oxygen demand decreased significantly. On this basis it was established that in clean waters vegetation development considerably influences the content of biogenic compounds. Serious pollution of stream water causes vegetation and the intensity of biochemical processes in water to not cause any clear reduction in biogenic compound concentrations.
Badania hydrochemiczne rzeki Szabasówki prowadzone były w 2009 r. Oznaczono 18 wybranych wskaźników fizykochemicznych wody powierzchniowej pozyskanej z dwóch punktów pomiarowo-kontrolnych w 10 terminach. Analiza wyników badań wykazała, że na górnym odcinku w miejscowości Łaziska woda była II klasy jakości ze względu na dwa wskaźniki – zawiesinę ogólną i zawartość tlenu rozpuszczonego, a w miejscowości Mniszek (punkt 2) ze względu na cztery wskaźniki. Pozostałe wskaźniki kwalifikowały wodę do I klasy jakości. Badania walorów użytkowych wody rzeki Szabasówki wykazały, że w punkcie 1 nie może być ona wykorzystana do zaopatrzenia ludności ze względu na wysokie stężenie zawiesiny ogólnej. Na całym badanym odcinku, woda nie spełnia warunków naturalnego siedliska bytowania ryb łososiowatych z powodu wysokiej temperatury i niskiej zawartości tlenu rozpuszczonego. Ryby karpiowate mają odpowiednie warunki środowiskowe do bytowania tylko w punkcie 2.
Hydrochemical analyses of the Szabasówka river were conducted in 2009. Determined were 18 selected physicochemical indices of the surface water at ten dates from two measurement-control points. Analysis of results revealed that in the upper river in Łaziska village, two indices: total suspended solids and dissolved oxygen content classified the water to II purity class, whereas four indices classified the water to the same class in Mniszek locality (point 2). The other indices classified the water to I purity class. Investigations of utility values of the Szabasówka river revealed that in point 1 its water cannot be used for for domestic water supply because of high concentration of total suspended solids. Along the whole analysed stretch, water did not meet the requirements for a natural habitat of the Salmonids because of high temperature and low content of dissolved oxygen. Cyprinids have adequate environmental conditions only in point 2.
nr 1
Monthly, seasonal and annual values for outflow and outflow coefficient measured over ten years for a small agricultural catchment are presented. The catchment is situated at 723-822 m a.s.l and covers 40.57 ha. Mean annual precipitation total during the investigated period was 850 mm and mean annual air temperature was 5.9oC. Average annual overall outflow from the catchment was 446 mm, i.e. 52% of total precipitation. The outflow varied considerably in relation to rainfall/snowfall/snowmelt conditions. The highest monthly outflow was in March and the lowest in November (20.6% and 3.8% of the annual outflow, respectively). Considerable variability of the outflow from the catchment is caused mainly by frequent torrential rains in summer and infiltration of water into groundwater reserves during spring snowmelt.
The work presents changes of oxygen indices in carp ponds during the summer season. The basis of the research were regular water tests conducted in two ponds: Mydlniki II intended for carp farming in the second year of fish production cycle and Bocian used for carp farming in the third (final) year of breeding. The temperature of pond water in July and August was optimal for development and farming of cyprinid fish and ranged from 16.6 to 30.5 °C. The lowest value of oxygen dissolved in water (6.4 mg·dm sup>-3) was registered in Mydlniki II pond and was higher than the oxygen optimum for carp (5 mg·dm sup>-3). Oxygen saturation in water of fish ponds exceeded the optimum upper limit value (168%) on a few dates, however, it posed no lethal threat for fish. In August in Bocian pond oxygen saturation fell within the range of optimal values, creating better conditions for fish development. In the secondary pond (Mydlniki II) it was found that oxygen saturation in water on 12 dates was lower than the low optimal value (96%).
Badania hydrochemiczne rzeki Łososina prowadzono w 2013 r. Wodę do badań pobierano z rzeki na wysokości miasta Tymbark w sześciu punktach pomiarowo-kontrolnych. W pobranych próbkach oznaczono przewodność elektrolityczną właściwą wody oraz stężenie fosforanów, azotu amonowego, azotynowego i azotanowego. Woda Łososiny na całej długości badanego odcinka spełnia wymogi klasy I. Stwierdzono statystycznie istotnie wyższe stężenie azotu azotynowego w punktach 5 i 6 w stosunku do pozostałych badanych punktów. Analiza profilu hydrochemicznego tego odcinka rzeki wykazała niewielki wpływ miasta Tymbark na jakość wody.
Hydrochemical research of the Łososina river was conducted in 2013. Water for analyses was collected from the river in 6 measurement and control points near Tymbark town. Water electrolytic conductivity and phosphate, ammonium, nitrite and nitrate nitrogen concentrations were assessed in the collected samples. Along the whole length of the investigated section water of the Łososina river meets the requirements of water purity class I. Statistically significantly higher concentrations of nitrite nitrogen were registered in points 5 and 6 in comparison with the other analysed points. Analysis of hydrochemical profile of the investigated river section revealed a slight influence of Tymbark town on water quality.
The paper presents changes of physicochemical indices of water in the Dąbrówka channel which is the receiving water of waters originating in the first place from drainage of zinc and zinc ores mines from ZGH Bolesław Company in Bukowno. Mining wastewaters are treated as a specific kind of sewage which do not form during a technological process but are the natural outcome of conducted mining activity. Beside mining wastewaters pumped out from the Pomorzany mine, the Dąbrówka channel drains also post-floatation waters from tailings ponds and runoffs from industrial wastes heaps. Hydrochemical tests were conducted in 2012. Water for analyses was collected once a month (total of 12 dates) in 3 control points: point 1 – at km 4+800 of the Dąbrówka channel – discharge of mining waters from the mine through the Dąbrowka shaft, point 2 – at 1+600 of the watercourse (below the national road 94), point 3 – at 3–50 m before the confluence of the Dąbrówka channel and the Biała River. The area of the Dąbrówka catchment is 16.64 km2. Settlement and industrial areas are situated in the upper part of the catchment, the area below is used as forest grounds. Bolesław town is situated in the central part (between points 1 and 2). The lower part of catchment is managed for agriculture with a minor share of settlement areas. Hydrochemical tests conducted on site comprised measurement of water pH, electrolytic conductivity (EC), dissolved oxygen concentration and degree of water saturation with oxygen. Laboratory assessments comprised total suspended solids by drying and weighing method, total dissolved solids by evaporation, concentrations of Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+, Mn2+, Fe2+, Fe3+ (total iron) and heavy metals Zn and Pb by means of atomic absorption spectrometry (ASA) on UNICAM SOLAR 969 spectrometer. Concentration of ammonium nitrogen (N-NH4+), nitrite (N-NO2-) and nitrate (N-NO3-) nitrogen as well as phosphates (PO43-) and chlorides (Cl-) were determined using flow colorimetric analysis on FIAstar 5000 apparatus, whereas sulphate (SO4-2)concentration was assessed by precipitation method. Quality of the Dąbrówka channel water was estimated in compliance with the Regulation of the Minister of the Environment of 30 October 2014. Statistical inference about the significance of differences between the indices values among the control points was conducted using Kruskal-Wallis non-parametric test and then by non-parametric Mann-Whitney U-test on the significance level α = 0.05. On the basis of the investigations it was determined that water along the whole length of the Dąbrówka channel does meet the requirements of class II. Because of high concentration of lead, the water was classified to the state below good. The mining wastewater discharged from the zinc and lead ore mines was characterized by statistically lower concentrations of salinity indices, ammonium, and Fe and Mn, but higher content of heavy metals (Zn) and nitrate nitrogen than waters in the lower course of the channel.
Hydrochemcial research conducted from January 2007 to December 2010, and microbiological analyses performed from January 2007 to December 2009 included 12 streams in three areas of Małopolska Province, in which construction of small water reservoirs has been planned. Water samples were collected from the streams in measurement-control points situated on the sites of planned dams. Stream water suitability for domestic water supply was determined on the basis of 22 indices, including 20 physicochemical and two microbiological ones. In regards to regulations, it was concluded that water in 10 analyzed streams fulfilled the requirements for domestic water supply. Waters in all analyzed streams in the vicinity of Jordanów were classified as category A2 – requiring standard physical and chemical treatment. Waters in the streams in the area of Ryglice reveal a lower usability for domestic water supply because of their metal concentrations (manganese – A3 category, iron – A2 category) and microbiological indices (A2 category). In the Kraków neighborhood, waters of the Wilga and Szczyrzawa streams are in the same category due to the same indices as waters from the Ryglice area. The Sudół and Sudół Dominikański streams that flow through the suburban Kraków area carry strongly polluted waters that cannot be used for potable domestic water supply.
W pracy przedstawiono analizę wyników badań hydrochemicznych, którymi objęto źródła występujące na terenie Ojcowskiego Parku Narodowego. W terenie zinwentaryzowano 19 źródeł, w tym 10 w Dolinie Sąspowskiej i 9 w Dolinie Prądnika. Wszystkie źródła w Dolinie Sąspowskiej posiadają naturalne misy, natomiast w Dolinie Prądnika misy 7 źródeł zostały częściowo lub całkowicie zabudowane przez człowieka. Podczas prac terenowych zmierzono wydajność źródeł oraz temperaturę wody, pH, przewodność elektrolityczną i potencjał redoks, a w laboratorium oznaczono stężenia kilkunastu jonów, w tym makro- i mikroelementów oraz związków biogennych. Na podstawie badań stwierdzono, że w OPN dominują źródła o wydajność od 1 do 10 dm3 · s–1. Ze źródeł wypływa woda prosta dwujonowa wodorowęglanowo-wapniowa, o odczynie słabo zasadowym. Na podstawie klasyfikacji badanych elementów fizykochemicznych zaliczono je do klasy II, czyli wód o dobrej jakości. W wodzie wszystkich źródeł stwierdzono podwyższone stężenie wodorowęglanów, wapnia oraz azotanów, co jest prawdopodobnie wynikiem naturalnych procesów zachodzących w wodach podziemnych i nie wskazuje na wpływ działalności człowieka, albo jest to wpływ bardzo słaby.
The paper presents analysis of hydrochemical research comprising springs occurring in the area of the Ojcow National Park (OPN). There were 19 springs identified in the area, including 10 in Sąspowska Valley and 9 in the Prądnik valley. All springs in the Sąspowska Valley are natural basins, whereas in the Prądnik valley 7 sources have been partially or totally built up by man. During field works the sources capacity was measured, their temperatures, pH value, electrolytic conductivity and redox potential, whereas concentrations of more than a dozen ions, including macro- and microelements, and biogenic compounds were determined in a laboratory. On the basis of investigations it was stated that springs with the yield between 1 and 10 dm3 · s–1 are dominant in OPN. Water flowing from the springs is a two-ionic bicarbonate-calcium water with weakly alkaline pH. On the basis of classification of the analysed physicochemical elements the water was classified to II water purity class, i.e. good quality waters. Elevated concentrations of bicarbonates, calcium and nitrates were registered in all springs, which probably results from natural processes occurring in groundwaters and does not indicate the influence of human activities, or very slight effect.
Celem pracy była ocena jakości i walorów użytkowych wody w potoku Bąbola odwadniającym zlewnię o powierzchni 3,25 km2 położoną w Beskidzie Makowskim. Na potoku tym planowane jest utworzenie zbiornika wodnego w ramach Programu Małej Retencji Województwa Małopolskiego. Badania terenowe przeprowadzono w 24 losowo wybranych terminach 2007 i 2008 roku. W terenie wykonywano pomiary temperatury, pH, stężenia tlenu rozpuszczonego i przewodności elektrolitycznej wody. W laboratorium oznaczono stężenie zawiesiny ogólnej, substancji rozpuszczonych, związków biogennych (NH4+, NO– 2, NO– 3, PO34 –), składników mineralnych (SO24 –, Cl–, Mn2+, Mg2+, Ca2+), BZT5, ChZTMn i metali (Fe2+/3+, Mn); z częstotliwością raz na kwartał, a więc w 8 próbach wody wykonano oznaczenia metali ciężkich (Cr, Zn, Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb) oraz liczebności bakterii coli i coli typu kałowego. Stwierdzono, że woda potoku Bąbola jest bardzo dobrej jakości (klasa I), a po jej uzdatnieniu w procesach fizycznych i chemicznych według kategorii A2 mogłaby ona być wykorzystywana do zaopatrzenia ludności oraz do celów rekreacyjnych jako kąpielisko; nie stanowi też zagrożenia do bytowania ryb. Stwierdzone niskie stężenia składników biogennych w wodzie potoku nie wskazują na zagrożenie planowanego zbiornika eutrofizacją.
The study assessed the quality and usability of water in the Bąbola stream that drains a 3.25 km2 catchment situated in the Beskid Makowski Mts. (southern Poland). A water storage reservoir is to be built on the stream as part of the Small Retention Programme for the Malopolska Region. Field research was conducted on 24 randomly selected dates in 2007 and 2008, and included measurements of temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen concentration, and water electrolytic conductivity. Total suspended solids, dissolved solids, biogenic compounds (NH4+, NO– 2, NO– 3, PO34 –), minerals (SO24 –, Cl–, Mn2+, Mg2+, Ca2+), BZT5, ChZTMn,) BOD5, CODMn, and metals ( Fe2+/3+, Mn) were determined in the laboratory. Heavy metals (Cr, Zn, Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb) assay, and coliform and fecal coliform counts were done once a quarter. The water of the stream showed a very good quality (I class). After physical and chemical processing it would be fit for consumption. It is also suitable for recreational purposes (bathing, swimming) and for fish culture. The low concentrations of biogenic components in the stream water suggest that the projected reservoir will not be threatened with eutrophication.
The results of five-year (2008–2012) hydrochemical research of the Poprad river, the right bank tributary to the Dunajec, were analyzed in the paper. The Poprad, 167 km long and with the catchment area of 2077.3 km2, flows for over 100 km through the territory of Slovakia, along the length of 31.1 km is a transboundary river, whereas its 31.0 km long reach is situated in Poland. Concerning its abiotic character, it is an eastern upland river of type 15. The research was conducted in three measurement-control points: 1) located in Leluchów on the Polish-Slovak border at 61.1 kilometer of the river course, 2) in Piwniczna-Zdrój – 23.9 km and 3) in Stary Sącz – 2.9 km before the Poprad outlet to the Dunajec. 21 physicochemical indices and 2 microbiological indicators were assessed in the water samples once a month using referential methods. The paper assesses changes of water quality classes and its usable values along the analyzed Poprad river reach. Moreover, statistical differences between the values of individual indices assessed in various measurement-control points were estimated by means of Mann-Whitney U nonparametric test. On the basis of the conducted analyses of the empirical data it was stated that due to the physicochemical indices, water quality along the whole length of the analyzed river reach was good (class II) – in points 1 and 3 it was determined by mean concentration of total suspended solids, whereas in point 2 COD-Mn values.
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