W pracy zaprezentowano nadrzędny system zbierania i przetwarzania danych pomiarowych przeznaczony do współpracy z wieloczujnikowym systemem WIM. System zbudowany został w oparciu o komputer klasy PC i kartę PCI RS232/8 firmy National Instrument zwiększającą o osiem liczbę portów RS232 komputera oraz oprogramowanie w postaci programu MS-WIM v.1.0, które steruje systemami podrzędnymi oraz odbieraniem i przetwarzaniem danych pomiarowych. Oprogramowanie zostało stworzone przy wykorzystaniu środowiska LabView.
The paper presents a master system of data acquisition and data processing, designed for cooperation with Multisensor WIM System. The system consists of the PC computer, PCI RS232/8 National Instrument board and application software MS-WIM v.1.0. The application software was created with using LabView graphical software system.
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W pracy przedstawiono metodę pomiaru parametrów diagnostycznych układu oddechowego polegającą na pomiarze i analizie przepływu powietrza w trakcie sztucznie wywołanych stanów przejściowych. Przedstawiono także system pomiarowy, model identyfikacji oraz wyniki badań dotyczących wnikliwości diagnostycznej prezentowanej metody.
The paper presents a new method applied to quantitative evaluation of the diagnostic parameters of human respiratory system. This method is based on measurement and analysis of the breathing flow during artificially caused transient states. These transient states are caused by short-time negative pulses, which are generated at the outlet of the patient's respiratory system. The results of the experiments for the healthy patient and patient with the disfunction of respiratory system is also presented in the paper.
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This article describes an innovative measurement method enabling one to identify mechanical parameters of the respiratory tract. The method is compared with traditional techniques such as the forced oscillation technique (FOT), forced expiration technique, and the interrupter technique (IT). The developed characteristics of the method were examined by simulation and experiments. The results confirmed its specificity and sensitivity.
Praca przedstawia eksperymentalny model czujnika wiroprądowego oraz wskazuje częstotliwości pracy pozwalającej uzyskać maksymalną jego czułość. Badany czujnik przeznaczony jest do pracy w systemach obrazowania 2-D obiektów metalowych, a przeprowadzone badania mają na celu wskazanie warunków pracy pozwalających osiągnąć maksymalną strefę detekcji zależną od jego czułości.
The paper presents the principle of operation and experimental model of an eddy current sensor. The investigated sensor will work in systems of 2D visualization of metal objects. The aim of measurement experiments was to reach operation frequencies at which the sensor sensitivity is maximum, and to determine such conditions of work which allow getting the maximal detection zone of the sensor dependent on its sensitivity. In the preliminary research a circuit model of the sensor was formulated. It was pointed out that such a model has to be nonlinear in order to obtain consistence with verification measurements. The investigation results show that there are four resonances on the frequency characteristics. These points of characteristics are also points of the maximum sensor sensitivity. The maximum value of the amplitude-frequency characteristic resonance was at about 147 kHz which was the lowest resonance frequency and was chosen as a work frequency for scanning process. The final investigations deal with observation of the influence of the type of object on the sensor sensitivity. They show that the sensor sensitivity is higher under influence of nonferromagnetic materials.
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The paper presents an analysis of different types of conditioning systems that are used with the inductive loop sensor. The purpose of such an analysis is to compare the quantity and the type of information obtained from the sensors and limitations of that information depending on a specific conditioning system.
W pracy przedstawiono analizę różnych typów układów kondycjonowania współpracujących z indukcyjnym czujnikiem pętlowym. Analiza ta ma na celu porównanie informacji pozyskiwanej z czujnika i jej ograniczenia wynikające ze stosowanego układu kondycjonowania.
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Biological processes are controlled automatically. Registration of signals and measuring their relative strength is hence a key problem. Receptors may be relatively simple or complex. The complexity is the direct response to ambiguity of signals. If there is however a common feature of diverse signals a construction of generic receptor mechanism is usually observed. Combinatorial technique is commonly used in biological systems to decrease the complexity in reception of highly ambiguous signals.
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W pracy zaprezentowano system pomiarowy umożliwiający dokładny i powtarzalny pomiar drżeń parkinsonowskich kończyn górnych. Prawidłowe rozpoznanie choroby Parkinsona jest kluczowe dla wyboru właściwego sposobu leczenia pacjenta. Niestety większość klinicznych kryteriów diagnostycznych wymaga szczegółowej historii choroby oraz długiego czasu obserwacji pacjenta. Dostępne obecnie specjalistyczne metody badań, są dość drogie i nie nadające się do powszechnego zastosowania. Zaproponowane rozwiązanie, oparte na trójosiowym czujniku przyśpieszenia może zapewnić stosunkowo szybką i dokładną diagnozę.
In this paper, the authors present the hand tremor measurement system. The correct diagnosis of Parkinson's disease is crucial for the selection of proper treatment and future prognosis. Unfortunately most of clinical diagnostic criteria require a detailed patient history and long observation time. There are also available specialist survey methods, but they are quite expensive and not suitable for general diagnosis. The proposed solution is to use acceleration sensor can provide possibly fast and accurate diagnosis.
Niektóre liotropowe układy ciekłokrystaliczne tworzące taśmowe układy micelarne mają zdolność tworzenia kompleksów z białkami pod warunkiem możliwości penetracji do wnętrza bryły białkowej. Możliwość taką stwarzają białka o niestabilnej strukturze w tym głównie białka patologiczne a także część białek należących do białek ostrej fazy. Modyfikacja ładunku białka w wyniku kompleksowania może być ujawniona w rozdziale elektroforetycznym. Dwukierunkowy rozdział elektroforetyczny z dodatkiem liganda supramolekularnego w drugim prostopadłym kierunku rozdziału pozwala na ujawnienie i izolację kompleksów z ciekłokrystalicznym ligandem. Otwiera to istotne możliwości diagnostyczne. Oczekiwane jest opracowanie numerycznej techniki ilościowej oceny proporcji ujawnionych frakcji białkowych. Wiązanie ligandów ciekłokrystalicznych okazuje się też aktualne w przypadku kompleksowania ich przez złogi amyloidowe. Czerwień Kongo jest w tym przypadku markerem specyficznym.
Some lyotropic liquide crystals of ribbon-like micellar structure form complexes with proteins of unstable structure due to possible penetration to their interior. Misfolded proteins and some acute phase serum proteins belong to that group. The altered charge of proteins engaged in complexation which becomes modified by the charge of bound ligand affects electrophoretic migration and allows differentiation of ubnormal proteins from among serum proteins. Two-dimensional agarose electrophoresis of serum proteins undergone complexation with supramolecular ligand after perpendicular reorganization of migration fulfils the requirement. The exposure of misfolded proteins and their quantitative analysis has a significant diagnostic meaning. Elaboration of numerical analysis is expected. Ligands in form of liquide crystals have been found to be bound to amyloids. Congo red appeared to be the specific marker for recognition of amyloid fibrils. This type of ligand seems to be the new category of ligands complexes in form of multimolecular system.
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Two of the key problems plaguing humanity – aging and carcinogenesis – are inexorably linked. While their nature seems different, their mechanisms have a lot in common. Evidence suggests that aging is the result of spontaneous synthesis and accumulation of improperly folded proteins in cells, leading to a variety of pathologies. As for carcinogenesis, it is tied to genetic mutations – permanent, covalent changes in the DNA. Both processes are random in character; however, unlike mutations, the accumulation of malformed proteins is not genetically determined. Instead, control over this process hinges upon regulating the protein exchange rate – a phenomenon that seems a likely candidate for the basic aging control mechanism. Although mutations themselves may be counteracted in a controlled manner, their effects typically cannot. The mechanisms of aging and carcinogenesis, while functionally different, remain correlated: an aging cell is rendered more susceptible to mutational changes. The rapidly growing body of information regarding aging and carcinogenesis enables a systemic approach to both these phenomena – an approach that is attempted in this review.
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The study presents a fragment of pilot studies showing the reconstruction of the transverse arch of the foot using a specially constructed orthosis for this purpose. It involves the mechanical reinforcement of the effect by an orthosis, which pushes down the I, IV, and V metatarsal bones while elevating or blocking the fall of the near-immobile II and III metatarsal bones according to the “three-force” rule. The correction of the transverse arch of the foot runs simultaneously with the correction of hallux valgus (HV). As a result, the significant correction of HV and associated toe deformities was achieved. In stage I foot deformity, the reduction of HV was reduced from 19.1° before to 15.1° after putting on orthosis (p = 0.024). In stage II, the reduction was from 20.1° (before) to 16.2° (after; p = 0.032). Equally satisfactory results were obtained for the remaining angles of the metatarsal bones. In the future, the method can be suitable for patients undergoing preparation for corrective HV surgery and for maintaining postoperative HV results. It can be used preventively, for example, by women who frequently wear high-heeled shoes and by those who need to remain standing for prolonged periods of time.
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The paper deals with real-time Multi-Sensor Weigh - In - Motion System (MS-WIM). This system was designed in Poland in a period of 3 years from 2003 to 2006. The embodied system is equipped with 16 piezoelectric load sensors, in the form of narrow 4m long strips, provided by Measurement Specialties. The paper outlines the system structure and its elements i.e. the weighing site, the data acquisition system and data processing software. Experimental tests indicate that the designed MS-WIM system falls in accuracy class B+(7) in the speed range from 30 km/h to 80 km/h.
W pracy przedstawiono wieloczujnikowy system ważenia pojazdów samochodowych poruszających się z prędkościami drogowymi MS-WIM (Multi Sensor - Weigh - in - Motion). System ten został zbudowany w latach 2003 - 2006 w ramach projektu badawczego finansowanego przez MNiSzW. Celem ważenia pojazdu jest wyznaczenie zarówno estymaty nacisku statycznego wywieranego przez poszczególne osie pojazdu na podłoże, jak również całkowitej masy pojazdu. Podstawę estymacji są wyniki pomiaru dynamicznych udarów wywieranych przez koła pojazdu i zarejestrowanych podczas jego przejazdu przez stanowisko WIM. Zbudowany system MS-WIM pozwala na estymację masy całkowitej pojazdu z niepewnością ocenianą odchyleniem standardowym wyniku ważenia, wynoszącym około 2%, w zakresie prędkości ważonych pojazdów 30 - 80 km/h.
The paper deals with multi-sensors high speed Weigh - In - Motion System (MS-WIM). This system was designed in the period of 3 years from 2003 to 2006 and was financed by Polish Ministry of Science and High Education. The estimation of the vehicles static axle load, as well as its total mass is the main aim of the weighing process. This estimation bases on the measurement results of the dynamic load exerted by successive axles on the road. The designed system allows estimating the vehicle total mass with the uncertainty determined by a relative standard deviation equal to 2%, in the vehicle speed range from 30km/h to 80km/h.
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki testów laboratoryjnych nad flotowalnością nadawy o różnych gęstościach, jak i w funkcji różnych prędkości obrotowych wirnika. Eksperymentowi poddano nadawę na flotację wstępną II ciągu technologicznego Rejonu ZWR Polkowice. W czasie testu opróbowaniu podlegała jakość nadawy oraz wszystkich produktów pod względem zaw. Cu [%], składu ziarnowego wraz z zawartością Cu w klasach ziarnowych. Na podstawie wykonanych badań daje sie zaobserwować liniowy wzrost wychodu wraz ze wzrostem gęstości i prędkości obrotowej wirnika. Najwyższą zawartość miedzi w koncentracie otrzymano w wyniku flotacji laboratoryjnej przy gęstości nadawy 1100 g/dm3 oraz przy prędkości obrotowej wirnika 2190 obr/min, uzysk w tym przypadku wynosi 90,32%. Natomiast przyjmując wartość uzysku jako główny wyznacznik efektywności flotacji, dla gęstości 1200 g/dm3 oraz przy 2170 obr/min otrzymujemy wartość najwyższą – ponad 92,56%. Rozpatrując jednocześnie zawartość miedzi w koncentracie oraz uzysk, optymalne warunki procesu flotacji obserwujemy przy gęstości 1200 g/dm3 oraz przy 2450 obr/min, gdzie przy uzysku ԑ=91,97% jakość koncentratu jest na poziomie 10,31%. Biorąc pod uwagę wychód, uzysk oraz zaw. Cu w koncentracie można wnioskować na podstawie otrzymanych wyników, że flotacja prowadzona przy gęstości nadawy 1200 g/dm3oraz przy 2710 obr/min daje najlepsze rezultaty (ԑ=92,56%, β=9,65%, γ=30,81%).
The article presents laboratory tests results concerning comparison of flotation efficiencies with different feed densities and as a function of varying rotor speeds. The material used in the experiments was rougher flotation feed from the second technological line of ZWR Polkowice Plant. In the study feed and flotation products were subjected to Cu content [%] analysis, particle composition and Cu content determination in particle classes. Performed analysis shows a linear increase of concentrate yield with an increase of feed density and rotor speed. The highest Cu concentration was obtained in laboratory flotation with feed density of 1100 g/dm3 and rotor speed of 2190 rpm, obtaining a recovery approx. 90%. However, taking the recovery value as the major flotation effectiveness determinant, having density of 1200 g/dm3 and rotor speed of 2170 rpm, the highest recovery of 92% was obtained. When considering copper content in the concentrate and at the same time the optimal flotation conditions, the density of 1200 g/dm3 and 2450 rpm were applied, giving concentrate grade at level 10,31% and recovery of 91,97%. According to obtained results, when taking into account the yield and Cu content and recovery, the best results are gained with feed density of 1200 g/dm3 and rotor speed of 2710 rpm (ԑ=92,56%, β=9,65%, γ=30,81%).
Systems of road traffic parameters measurement play a key role in the process of road traffic control, its supervision as well as in gathering and processing information for statistical purposes. Expectations of users of such systems mainly concern automation and provision of measurement continuity, possibility of selection of the measured road traffic parameters and high accuracy along with reliability of obtained results. In order to meet the requirements set for such systems, at the Department of Instrumentation and Measurement of the AGH University of Science and Technology in Cracow a new prototype system of road traffic parameters measurement - Traffic-1 - has been constructed. The innovativeness of the solution is manifested in the structure of the system that can be modified by the user adequately to current measurement needs and in the used algorithms of signals processing. The work contains a brief description of the constructed system with particular focus on the used innovations that are the result of many years of research work of the designers.
Systemy pomiaru parametrów ruchu drogowego (pprd) odgrywają kluczową rolę w procesie optymalnego sterowania ruchem drogowym, nadzorowania tego ruchu oraz zbierania i przetwarzania informacji do celów statystycznych. W artykule opisano system pprd Traffic-1. Innowacyjność rozwiązania przejawia się w strukturze systemu, która może być modyfikowana przez użytkownika odpowiednio do aktualnych potrzeb pomiarowych oraz w zastosowanych algorytmach przetwarzania sygnałów.
Systems of road traffic parameters measurement play a key role in the process of road traffic control, its supervision as well as gathering and processing information for statistical purposes. The work contains a brief description of constructed system of road traffic parameters measurement Traffic-1. Innovativeness of the solution is manifested in the structure of the system that can be modified by the user adequately to current measurement needs and in the used algorithms of signals processing.
W pracy przedstawiono system pomiarowy o zmiennej strukturze umożliwiający pomiar różnorodnych parametrów ruchu drogowego. Poprzez prostą zmianę struktury użytkownik może dostosować właściwości systemu do swoich aktualnych potrzeb. System pozwala na przeprowadzenia zarówno prostych pomiarów obejmujących liczbę pojazdów, szybkość i długość każdego z nich oraz czas pojawienia się na stanowisku pomiarowym, jak również pomiarów bardziej złożonych jak np. pomiar nacisku osi oraz masy całkowitej pojazdu poruszającego się z szybkością, nawet do 90 km/h.
The paper describes a system designed for measurements of road traffic parameters. Its flexible structure allows tailoring the system features to current user's needs. The designed and realised system allows for measurement of different sets of traffic parameters such as number of vehicles, individual vehicle speed and length, as well as the time of passing the measurement site, up to more advanced weighing in motion. Due of compact form and alternative supply mode (230 V AC and 12 V DC), the system is fully portable. The performed field tests confirmed its usability. The uncertainty of the measured parameters corresponds to this available in commercially offered systems which usually do not allow their structure to be tailored. The innovations used in the system are: implementation of the individual vehicle speed estimation based on the magnetic signature from a single loop detector, application of a self-balancing circuit cooperating with the inductive loop detector, the axle detecting system based on the signal from a narrow (10 cm) inductive loop detector, auto-calibration procedure of the WIM system - a new, high-resolution vehicle classification algorithm.
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Nowadays, medical simulators and computer simulation programs are used to train various skills required in medicine. The development of medicine, including orthopedics and rehabilitation, has meant that resident physicians, within a much shorter period of time, must acquire the knowledge and skills that their older colleagues gained over years, learning as they operated on patients. For this reason, simulation very often helps the doctor and others engaged in health care train some techniques necessary during the work before they start working in a clinical environment. They have a chance of fine-tuning certain skills under nonclinical environment. On the other hand, simulation techniques are used in medical scientific research to know and explain the different biological processes that can be used for better patient treatment in the future. In this paper (Part I), the authors focused on the presentation of different types of simulators for the following purposes: test (conducted under laboratory conditions), training (incorporated into school, universities syllabus), diagnostic and therapeutic (within the hospital, clinics, private medical practice).
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Simulations in medicine have already become the mainstream trend in the field of research and education. It includes simulations on simulators through which students are afforded the opportunity to train manual skills as well as series of simulations that enable one to train not just motor and manual skills alone. Some of these offer the student the basis to train decision-making process and conduct experiments that visualize biological phenomena that are important from a doctor’s perspective. The authors have done a review of medical computer simulations and found that simulations in medicine focus, in respect of the issues raised, on techniques and computer science aspects. The first one is discussed in the paper “Simulations in orthopedics and rehabilitation – Part I: Simulators.” The second one is discussed in this paper. In the paper, the authors focus on computer simulations, in the broadest sense, presenting them while taking into consideration the distinction between simulations used for the following purposes: test (conducted under laboratory conditions), training (incorporated into school, universities syllabus), and diagnostic and therapeutic (within the hospital, clinics, private medical practice).
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The basic problems corresponding to traffic measurements have been presented in the paper. The Authors gave a general overview of the parameters and characteristics describing the vehicles and traffic flow. The current sensor technologies used in measuring systems have been presented. Moreover the measuring systems used in traffic measurements have been described. Special at tention has been paid to the more sophisticated problems like a vehicle's classification based on the analysis of its magnetic signature and to vehicle's weigh-in-motion technique. The presented results base on the Authors' experience in designing and exploitation of the measuring systems equipped with inductive loops and piezoelectric sensors.
Characteristics of 64 possible tandem trinucleotide repeats (TSSR) from Homo sapiens (hs), Mus musculus (mm) and Rattus norvegicus (rn) genomes are presented. Comparative analysis of TSSR frequency depending on their repetitiveness and similarity of the TSSR length distributions is shown. Comparative analysis of TSSR sequence motifs and association between type of motif and its length (n) using ρ-coefficient method (quantitatively measuring the association between variables in contingency tables) is presented. These analyses were carried out in the context of neurodegenerative diseases based on trinucleotide tandems. The length of these tandems and their relation to other TSSR is estimated. It was found that the higher repetitiveness (n) the lower frequency of trinucleotides tandems. Differences between genomes under consideration, especially in longer than n=9 TSSR were discussed. A significantly higher frequency off A- and T-rich tandems is observed in the human genome (as well as in human mRNA). This observation also applies to mm and rn, although lower abundant in proportion to human genomes was found. The origin of elongation (or shortening) of TSSR seems to be neither frequency nor length dependent. The results of TSSR analysis presented in this work suggest that neurodegenerative disease-related microsatellites do not differ versus the other except the lower frequency versus the other TSSR. CAG occurs with relatively high frequency in human mRNA, although there are other TSSR with higher frequency that do not cause comparable disease disorders. It suggests that the mechanism of TSSR instability is not the only origin of neurodegenerative diseases.
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