In 2008 and 2009 studies on the dynamics poplation of the small red-belted clearwing [Synanthedon Myopaeformis (Brkh.)] (Lepidoptera, Sesiidae) were carried out in apple orchards in Poznań vicinity. In 2008–2009 the small red-belted clearwing appeared in 2-nd decade of May to 2-nd decade of August. The maximum of flights was observed in 1-st and 2-nd decade of July. In 2008, the results of simultaneous studies on parasitoids of Ichneumonidae in apple orchards showed the appearance of a large number of Liotryphon crassiseta (Thom.) (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae) – an ectoparasitoid of the small red-belted clearwing larvae, and a synchronization between the parasitoid and pest flights. L. crassiseta, due to its high efficacy in reducing a population of the small red-belted clearwing may be considered as a potential biocontrol agent of the pest.
The study was carried out for 3 years (2008–2010) in two orchards with integrated fruit production situated near Poznań. The first one was the orchard of Agricultural Corporation in Głuchowo and the second was the orchard in Gorzyczki. Three study areas were chosen from the orchard and surrounding environment: field crops, tree-lined road and shrubs. The research was carried out with the aid of of yellow Moericke traps. During the study 3605 specimens of the Episyrphus balteatus (Deg.) were caught. The highest abundance of E. balteatus was recorded in the orchard surrounded by shrubs and a road with sides rich in flowering plants.
The research was carried out in the years 1991–1994 in agricultural landscape of medium mosaic degree in the area of Łęczyca. It covered parasitoids of the Pimplinae subfamily (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae), inhabiting refugium habitats such as shrubberies, field borders, roadsides and forest edges. The method used was scooping in order to catch imagos. 48 species were found, which made up 36.1% of this subfamily’s domestic fauna and 63.1% of those reported for Wielkopolska. Dominant species were Endromopoda detrita (Holmgr.) (D = 19.5%), Itoplectis maculator (F.) (D = 11.5%), I. alternans (Grav.) (D = 11.3%), Pimpla contemplator (Muell.) (D = 9.2%) and Zaglyptus multicolor (Grav.) (D = 7.1%). The greatest species diversity was reported from the forest edge (34 species), while the highest number was found in the shrubberies (268 individuals). The greatest stability of species composition was found in the shrubbery communities. The greatest species similarity between communities was reported for the shrubberies and the forest edge (SM = 53.5%). The highest similarity in terms of quantity occurred between the groups on the field border and road edge (Re = 64.5%).
Badania prowadzono w latach 1991–1994 w krajobrazie rolniczym o średnim stopniu mozaikowatości w okolicach Łęczycy. Badaniami objęto parazytoidy z podrodziny Pimplinae (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae), zasiedlające środowiska ostojowe w postaci zakrzewień, miedz, przydroży i skrajów lasu. Wykorzystano metodę czerpakowania w celu odłowu imagines. Stwierdzono występowanie 48 gatunków, które stanowiły 36,1% fauny krajowej tej podrodziny i 63,1% wykazanych z Wielkopolski. Gatunkami dominującymi były Endromopoda detrita (Holmgr.) (D = 19,5%), Itoplectis maculator (F.) (D = 11,5%), I. alternans (Grav.) (D = 11,3%), Pimpla contemplator (Muell.) (D = 9,2%) i Zaglyptus multicolor (Grav.) (D = 7,1%). Wykazano najwyższe zróżnicowanie gatunkowe na skraju lasu (34 gatunki), i najwyższą liczebność w zakrzewieniach (268 osobników). Stwierdzono największą stabilność składu gatunkowego zgrupowań występujących w zakrzewieniach. Wykazano największe podobieństwo gatunkowe pomiędzy zgrupowaniami stwierdzonymi w zakrzewieniach i na skraju lasu (SM = 53,5%). Stwierdzono największe podobieństwo w kategoriach ilościowych pomiędzy zgrupowaniami występującymi na miedzy i przydrożu (Re = 64,5%).
Refuge habitats have a stabilising effect on the entomofauna in the agricultural landscape. The objective of this research was to follow the migrant activity of aphids in two types of refuge habitats: shrubs and roadsides of rural areas. Moericke traps method were used for testing the seasonal activity of aphids. The dynamics of species numbers were assessed, and the phenology of the dominating taxa was examined. From 2008 to 2010, more than 5,000 winged aphids from 94 species were caught in shrub habitats, and 83 species were caught in rural roadside habitats. The characteristics of aphid groups were defined on the basis of selected indicators. Annually, in both locations, flight activity was shown by a group of several taxa. The rank position of the species was varied in the particular sites and years of the research. Species participation differed when analysing aphid flights, so the seasons were divided into three separate periods: spring, summer, and autumn.
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