I tell, therefore I am [Review: Anna Węgrzyniak, W świecie, który wciąż się rozpada. Lektury prozy XX i XXI wieku (In a World that Continues to Fall Apart. Reading Prose of the 20th and 21st Century), Wydawnictwo Naukowe ATH, Bielsko-Biała 2019, pp. 215.] The present text is a review of a monograph by the eminent (recently deceased) scholar professor Anna Węgrzyniak. The book In a World that Continues to Fall Apart. Reading Prose of the 20th and 21st Century is a collection of essays divided into three sections, and each of those concerns texts by writers from various generations. They are connected by the category of decay, but the centre of this brilliantly spun yarn is taken up by a subject connecting all of the broken worlds – a narrator, a teller, building his identity through a tale and showing the diverse faces of history, humanity, individual existences. “To live, one has to tell stories” – writes Węgrzyniak in the introduction (p. 9). This is why she herself focuses on the tale and on careful reading. Thus she creates a captivating, very approachable history of reading and of perception of texts, combined with scholarly reflection.
A saxophone, a hat and some candles, or on objects in Wiesław Myśliwski’s “A Treatise on Shelling Beans” The present essay aims to bring into focus the role of objects in the narrative strategy adopted by Wiesław Myśliwski in his A Treatise on Shelling Beans. It focuses primarily on two aspects: on the object as a carrier of memory which nests history and on the object as an element constituting the identity of the speaker. The tale of the protagonist-narrator clearly distinguishes things which are the so-called memory anchors. They focus the novel, perform a retardative function, but also develop the story being told. A saxophone, a hat, a plait, candles or a fork – it is around those objects that the narrator circles, and they become carriers of meanings and memories, it is on them that rests the weight of individual human histories. They take on immense significance in the context of the past being narrated, but also project onto the present, built on the foundation of what has already happened, passed away, or what still lasts.
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The article postulates a fundamental disparity between the two romanticisms represented by Mickiewicz and Słowacki. The author invokes opinions of critics on the relations between the bards, introduced by Manfred Kridl and well established in popular reception. The factors influencing the discrepancy between the literary worlds of Mickiewicz and Słowacki include generational gap, involving heterogeneous life experiences, attitudes to national literature and literary models conditioned by the poets’ belonging to different generations as well as Słowacki’s original poetic imagination and his creative disposition.
Cicho, cichutko (2021) is the most recent novel by Ignacy Karpowicz which joins the growing ranks of the writer’s postmodernist experiments. The key to the interpretation of the text is the title, which points to the possible readings and welds together its diverse, ripped structure. My essay is an attempt to read and order the suggested senses tangled in one associational tale. It is dominated by the themes of dying, death, and memory.
Cicho, cichutko (2021) to najnowsza powieść Ignacego Karpowicza, wpisująca się w rosnące szeregi postmodernistycznych eksperymentów pisarza. Kluczem do interpretacji tekstu jest tytuł, który wskazuje na możliwe odczytania i spaja jego różnorodną, wyrwaną strukturę. Esej jest próbą odczytania i uporządkowania sugerowanych zmysłów splątanych w jednej skojarzeniowej opowieści. Dominują w nim motywy umierania, śmierci i pamięci.
The article is an introduction to the 35th (2/2020) issue of the “World and Word” semi-annual. The authors focus on the theme of the issue, the various incarnations of the idea of messianism viewed both historically and manifested in contemporary literature and culture, and introduce the main theses of articles devoted to the topic in the issue.
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