There are many types of control method for shunt active power filter (SAPF) investigated up until now. The authors describe complex methods of determining active filter reference currents or powers. This paper is dedicated to a simple, but universally used control algorithm based on the load equivalent conductance approach. This method allows for non-active current compensation, energy buffering, and energy redistribution among loads under compensation. It is also useful for voltage-source as current-source inverter based active filters, and for DC system as well as for AC single or three-phase filters.
Zadaniem energoelektronicznego filtru aktywnego jest kompensacja prądu nieaktywnego w gałęzi źródła zasilania. Znanych jest wiele metod pozyskiwania informacji niezbędnych do skompensowania tego prądu. Często są to wyrafinowane metody, bardzo złożone zarówno pod względem pojęciowym, jak i obliczeniowym. W niniejszym artykule przedstawiono nieskomplikowaną, lecz wydajną i wielofunkcyjną metodę uzyskiwania wzorca składowej czynnej prądu obciążenia. Jest ona oparta na pojęciu konduktancji zastępczej obciążenia. Umożliwia nie tylko kompensację prądu nieaktywnego, ale również sterowanie przepływem energii czynnej, w tym jej rekuperację i redystrybucję do kompensowanych obciążeń. Opisana metoda może być stosowana w obwodach jedno- i wielofazowych, a także w obwodach zasilanych sygnałem stałym. Może też zostać użyta wobec filtru aktywnego opartego i na falowniku napięcia, i na falowniku prądu.
The aim of the paper is to demonstrate how to use sampled method of control of a shunt active power filter to maintain invariable power of a supplying voltage source, even though the supplied load varies randomly. The definition by S. Fryze of load current components is used as a basis for the construction of a family of shunt active power filters. The distinctive property of these filters is maintaining non-deformed source current in every one individually considered period T. The main features of the family of filters are described in the first part of the paper, which is devoted to DC circuit. In the second part, the results are implemented to a single- and a three-phase circuit. Additionally, some new features, which may be applied only for AC circuit, are discussed in the second part. All the presented waveforms are obtained using computer simulation tools.
The aim of the paper is to demonstrate how to use sampled method of control of a shunt active power filter to maintain invariable power of a supplying voltage source, even though the supplied load varies randomly. The definition by S. Fryze of load current components is used as a basis for the construction of a family of shunt active power filters. The under discussion family of filters is designed to work synchronically with a time period T. The period T may be regulated in some range. The distinctive property of these filters is maintaining non-deformed source current in every one individually considered period T. Main features of the family of filters are described in the first part of the paper, which is devoted to DC circuit. Then in the second part, the results, which are obtained in DC circuit, are implemented to a single- and then to a three-phase circuit. Additionally, some new features, which may be applied only for AC circuit, are discussed in the second part. All the presented waveforms are obtained using computer simulation tools.
This paper presents a load equivalent conductance based control method for a shunt active power filter. The principle of energy balance in the circuit, which means between supplying source - active filter - load, is used to obtain the control formula. The natural inertia of the active filter action is exploited, so no PI regulators are needed. The active filter can compensate for non-active current and, additionally, can stabilise the supplying source active power. In a case of generating loads energy harvesting is possible. The presented method is useful as well for voltage-source as current-source inverter based active filters, and for DC system as well as for AC single- or three-phase one.
The considered shunt active power filter can be controlled not only to compensate non-active current in the supply source, but additionally to optimize energy flow between the source and the load. In such a case the filter shapes the source current to be active and simultaneously regulates its magnitude. The presented filter/buffer can operate properly even when the load contains AC or DC variable energy source of any characteristic. The device can optimize energy flow for a single load, but also for a group of loads as well. The distinctive feature of the employed control method of the filter/buffer is that certain changes of energy stored in the device are utilized as the source of information concerning the active current of the load. This control method is very flexible and can be implemented to nearly all structures of active filters, for DC, single- and multiphase circuits.
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