In response to the post-war mechanisation and electrification of the mining industry, the Mining Office for the Inspection of Energy-Mechanical Equipment in Katowice was established in 1957, with local jurisdiction over the entire country, which was renamed the Specialised Mining Authority in 2012. Its material jurisdiction, as mining supervisory authorities and architectural and construction administration and construction supervision in the mining industry, was defined successively by ordinances: President of the Council of Ministers and the Ministers of the Internal Affairs and Administration and the Environment, and finally the Act - Geological and Mining Law. The Specialised Mining Authority was abolished on 19 October 2022. The core activities of the SGGUE/SUG were of a control and supervisory and preventive nature. Its staff performed inspections of technical facilities and monito¬red selected issues. The director of the authority also issued permits for the commissioning of facilities and, in the field of construction, acted in accordance with the building regulations. Thanks to the authority's efforts, mining facilities have made numerous upgrades. For example, open construction switchgear has been replaced by closed construction switchgear. In 2021, the SUG's jurisdiction covered 39 underground mines. The office's supervision included: 261 shafts and small shafts, 319 mine shaft lifts, 8 pieces of equipment, running on a track with an in¬clination of more than 45°, and 88 main fan stations (208 fans), 387 internal high and medium voltage electrical installations and networks, 49 control rooms, 67 control rooms, as well as 1993 building structures.
Artykuł przedstawia działalność i kolejne zmiany właściwości rzeczowej utworzonego w 1957 r. Urzędu Górniczego do Badań Kontrolnych Urządzeń Energo-Mechanicznych, w 2012 r. przemianowanego na Specjalistyczny Urząd Górniczy, a następnie zlikwidowanego 19 października 2022 r. Jego właściwość rzeczową, jako organu nadzoru górniczego oraz administracji architektoniczno-budowlanej i nadzoru budowlanego w górnictwie, określało kolejno 7 rozporządzeń: Prezesa Rady Ministrów oraz ministrów Spraw Wewnętrznych i Administracji oraz Środowiska, a finalnie ustawa - Prawo geologiczne i górnicze.
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