The European CMEA countries pose before their trade exchange in the field of textiles and garments a task to supply net hard currency funds in trade with the Soviet Union and highly-industrialized Western countries. This factor predetermines, to a large degree, the socondary function performed by trade as a source of enriching the supply of domestic markets. Increase of / trade exchange among the LMtA countries above the balance indications is restricted by existing barriers. A major barrier to trade increase is the system of cooperation based on coordination of economic Pi ans, which was developed still in the fifties. In order to increase more substantially trade in textiles arid garments among the CMEA countries it is necessary to introduce new forms of cooperation.
The article contains an attempt at confronting transformations in the Polish trade with transformations occurring in the world economy. There have been accepted three areas of confrontation as the most significant for the Polish economic situation: raw materials market, problem of newly-industrialized countries, and institutional changes in the world trade. This has been supplemented by presentation of the most characteristic structural changes taking place in the world economy. The author comes to the conclusion that changes occurring in the Polish foreign trade, regardless of their causes, are divergent in relation to the world trends. It leads ultimately to deterioration of Polands position in the international division of labour. There must be effected changes convergent with the trends observed in the world economy and the world trade, and, thus, it becomes necessary to change the structure of the Polish export in the direction of diminishing the role of raw materials and products with a low degree of processing in favour of highly-processed products and products characterized by their high technological intensity.
The authoress hjs divided financial resources of the IMF into non-condittonality, low-conditionality and high-conditionality resources. In the last decade, financial facilities encompassed by high-conditionality have assumed the greatest importance. They may be obtained after submitting a programme of structural adjustments aiming at elimination of deficit in the balance of payments, obtaining acceptance ol such a programme by the IMF, and making a commitment by an interested country to implement this programme. In this connection, the authoress has found it advisable to discuss stand-by arrangements, which have become the main instrument of the principle of conditionality of the IMF assistance and programmes of structural changes before proceeding to the review of high-conditionality mechanisms such as: upper credit tranches, extended facilities, policy of enlarged access, and structural adjustment facilities.
The main aim of the article is analysis of the functioning of commodity agreements. The analysis has been performed in the historical approach. The first part of the article contains presentation of these agreements and their evolution (since the time they were first introduced till the present time). In the second part, the authoress has presented main mechanisms used in the agreements. A separate, third part is devoted to analysis of mechanisms introduced to the agreements with view to protecting interests of the developing countries. Ihe article ends with evaluation of the agreements in force, including their negative and positive aspects. Ihere are also stressed the conditions, which should be fulfilled by such present- day agreements.
The purpose of the article is a discussion of Stephen Hymer's works ьееп as a significant centribution to the development of the theory of multinational corporation. Since he submitted his doctoral thesis at the MIT in I960 he has been quoted in almost all publications devoted to the theory of multinational corporations and many of his hypotheses have been verified and confirmed by both his supporters and opponents. The article describes Hymer's most important hypotheses concerning internationalization of the national enterprise, the causes and effects of mutually crossed investments between the USA and Europe, the impact of the firm's size and position in the home market structure on the choice of forms of foreign expansion and many others. The article also presents the radicalization of Hymer's views, from the time of presentation of his doctoral thesis to his last paper, published in 1972. Hymer from the very beginning of his career was under the influence of Marxist ideas, which determined his methods of research and interpretation of facts connected with the activity of multinational corporations. After some time and new research, Hymer ceases to be only an interpreter of the capitalist market phenomena and ardently accuses the system which demands unequal economic and social development. One of the examples of degenerat ion of this system is the existence of monopolies, their various forms and the process of internationalization of enterprises with all its consequences for world economy.
The article presents an attempt at answering a quest ion whether changes generated by the so- c al led "energy crisis " and consisting in a substantial rise in prices of raw materials, and especially crude oil prices are permanent or temporary. The situation in the field of raw materials has been analyzed against the background of the world economy. The author has also assessed the strategy of the OPEC cartel involving reduction of crude oil production and increasing its prices stating tha it provided temporary benefits for the oil producing countries but, simultaneously, it released a whole range of adaptative responses including economical consumption of fuels and raw materials, as well as a search for new technologies aimed at savings of raw materials and energy. The OPEC strategy became a catalyst accelerating structural trans formations, especially in the highly developed countries. These transformations encompass an enhanced role of modern manufacturing industries at the cost of extractive industries. Accordingly, we shall be dealing with declining significance of raw materials in the world economy.
Internationalization of economic units has already become a common process in the capitalist economy, with its role in the economies of the socialist countries is growing as well. Establishment of joint ventures in the socialist countries was preceded by the resolution adopted at the 25th Session of the CMEA in July 1971, which states explicitly that the setting up of joint ventures is an expression of and should serve promotion and consolidation of co-operation and development of the socialist integration of the CMEA member countries. Creation of joint ventures is connected with satisfaction of concrete needs of the national economies of the member countries. Since establishment of joint ventures among the CMEA countries is at its initial stage, not all prerequisites indispensable for their rapid creation and effective performance have been fulfilled as yet. Provision of these prerequisites should be accelerated especially in the legislative sphere through enactment of indispensable legal acts adoption of appropriate economic solutions including wider introduction of economic-financial mechanisms.
A characteristic feature of the structure of production and consumption of fibres in the world has been steadily increasing importance of synthetic fibres since the early sixties. The industry manufacturirg such fibres is characterized with rapid technical progress. The role of developing countries in production and export of these fibres has been growing recently as well. Meanwhile, the process of production specialization is promoted in highly developed countries. Within the COMECON, there can be observed some attempts at co-ordination of joint efforts aiming at creating a base of textile raw materials. The importance of cellulose fibres tends to decline. Further growth in the importance of synthetic fibresis predicted by the year 2000 although the rate of this growth is likely to decline.
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