Do najważniejszych zmian w funkcjonowaniu światowej gospodarki rybnej w okresie powojennym zalicza się zmianę regulacji międzynarodowego prawa morza. Celem artykułu jest określenie tendencji rozwoju światowego handlu rybami i produktami rybnymi w okresie powojennym oraz próba identyfikacji wpływu nowych regulacji prawa morza na ukazane kierunki rozwoju handlu rybnego. Z przeprowadzonych analiz wynika, że w okresie 1977–1999 zaszły istotne zmiany w dynamice i strukturze geograficznej światowego handlu artykułami rybnymi, będące skutkiem nowych regulacji prawa morza. Wpływ tych regulacji na tendencje rozwoju międzynarodowych obrotów produktami rybnymi w latach 2000–2011 uległ natomiast znacznemu osłabieniu.
The most important changes in the functioning of the global fisheries economy in the postwar period include changing the regulation of the international law of the sea. This article aims to identify the trends of development of world trade in fish and fish products in the postwar period and attempt to identify the impact of new regulations for fish trade development trends depicted. Analyses show that in the period 1977–1999 there have been significant changes in the dynamics and the geographical structure of world trade in fish, resulting from new regulations law of the sea. The impact of these regulations on the trends in the development of international trade in fish products in the years 2000–2011 has however diminished.
The objective of the article was to define and assess the tendencies in the foreign trade of the West Pomeranian Voivodship in 2004–2013. The first part presents the size and the dynamics of the turnover, the second and third ones – the geographical and goods structure of the turnover, and the fourth – the fluctuations of the balance of the turnover. The general conclusion of the research is that the West-Pomeranian Voivodship did not play a significant role in the foreign trade of Poland, but in the whole decade that was analysed it had a positive balance in its foreign exchange contributing thus to a decrease of Poland’s overall deficit.
The objective of the paper was to determine the influence of balance of payments transactions and other flows on the international investment position (IIP) of the EU member states in the period 2000–2012. The evaluation of presented factors’ significance was based on the relationship between alterations imposed by them separately and total net IIP changes, and correlation indices. Research conclusions show that in the period 2000–2012 other flows’ importance to the total net IIP changes of the EU members increased, at the expense of the role of balance of payments transactions. Other flows influenced at most the net IIP changes of EU member countries distinguished by great financial openness and the most developed financial markets. On the other hand, transactions played a key role in foreign assets and liabilities balance changes of the countries with relatively low degree of international financial integration and less developed financial sectors.
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