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nr 1-2
Ogólna charakterystyka osiedli mieszkaniowych. Tereny zieleni na tle zabudowy technicznej osiedli. Ogólna klasyfikacja i charakterystyka gleb terenów zurbanizowanych. Opis gleb osiedlowych. Zakres oceny stanu zieleni osiedlowej. Dobór drzew i krzewów do warunków miejskich.
The condition for a rational organization of greenery in urban areas consists of the adaptation of the species composition to the existing soil. This requirement is not duly understood and practiced in areas of urban greenery as compared to agriculture and forestry. During the years 1988-1990 studies were conducted in four selected residential areas of Warsaw for the purpose of, among others, the preparation of a method for the evaluation of the degree of degradation of the soil in residential areas and for the evaluation of the possibility and scope of reorganization of the plant life so as to adapt to the existing soil conditions. The performed studies and observations enabled the specification and definition of soil units with an evaluation of the degree of their degradation (transformation). An inventory was taken and an evaluation was performed of the health (condition) of the existing trees and bushes. The characteristic of the plant life was submitted to a comparative analysis within the grounds of the residential compounds. The classification of urban soils by prof. Z Czerwiński served as the basis for the identification of soil units. The basis for the selection of species adapted to the urban areas consisted of the list of trees and bushes prepared on the basis of work performed by many authors. The existing information base on the status of greenery in residential areas stimulated the undertaking of comparative research after twenty years' time within the scope of an original thesis: „Evaluation of changes in the spatial structure of plant resources and in the method of managing selected residential compound interiors throughout the years 1988-2007. Comparative research". The collected data related to the status of the plant life shall enable its natural, functional and spatial valorization and shall, furthermore, allow for comparative studies in relation to the plant life's condition from the past period. Moreover, the trees and bushes in the residential compounds shall also be used for tests of the „Method of evaluating the value of trees in urban areas" prepared by the Institute, in the scope of selected elements of tree evaluation such as their condition and location.
tom Nr 2
Normatywy urbanistyczne powinny zabezpieczać taką ilość powierzchni w otoczeniu zabudowy mieszkalnej, która pozwoli na wprowadzenie i utrzymanie na niej zieleni stanowiącej ważny element standardu zamieszkania.
tom Nr 3
W cyklu Technologie bezwykopowe na sześciu kontynentach, przygotowywanym we współpracy z Polską Fundacją Technik Bezwykopowych, przedstawiamy skrót najciekawszych artykułów zamieszczonych w 36. numerze „Trenchless International”.
tom 34
nr 1-2
Ważnym społecznie zagadnieniem wynikającym z zapisów prawa polskiego jest funkcjonowanie administracyjnych opłat i kar za usuwanie drzew i krzewów. W powszechnej opinii na temat zagrożeń dla drzew i krzewów na terenach miejskich szczególne znaczenie stanowię realizowane inwestycje drogowe, handlowe, mieszkalne itp. Artykuł ma na celu próbę oceny skali tego zjawiska na przykładzie dzielnicy Mokotów. Przedstawiono w nim ocenę rozmiaru wydawanych zezwoleń na usuwanie drzew i krzewów, wnoszonych opłat z tego tytułu i nakładanych kar oraz skuteczności realizacji przepisów o kompensacjach przyrodniczych w procesach inwestycyjnych w latach 2004-2008.
Trees and bushes constitute a very much important component of the natural environment in cities. Both green areas in which trees and bushes are found, and trees and bushes themselves are legally protected. The public administration, including district offices, have been equipped with statutory instruments enabling it to protect and manage their resources in accordance with expectations of the residents. Decisions on payments for using the environment are statutory instruments while in case of trees and bushes, legal instruments represent fixing the charges for removing trees and bushes under a permit from the office, calculating penalties for felling trees and bushes without a permit or imposing the duty of natural compensation in case a permit for cutting them down is obtained. The greatest threat to the stability of natural resources is posed by investment undertakings the realization of which often causes irretrievable loss of trees and bushes. The article presents (on the base of data from the Department of Environmental Protection of the Office of Mokotów District of the capital city of Warsaw) the data concerning the number of permits to fell trees, punitive decisions and decisions on natural compensations as well as an analysis of the size of changes caused in flora and an evaluation of the functioning of natural compensation in years 2004-2008.
tom nr 4
W artykule omawiane jest zagadnienie ścieralności przewodów kanalizacyjnych. Przedstawiono teoretyczne podstawy zjawiska ścieralności, jaka zachodzi w przewodach kanalizacyjnych podczas transportu medium, w którym znajdują się cząstki stałe w określonym stężeniu. Przedstawione zostały również czynniki mogące mieć wpływ na intensywność zużycia ściernego. Omówiona została metodyka prowadzenia badań laboratoryjnych ścieralności rur kanalizacyjnych, na różnych stanowiskach badawczych. Artykuł zawiera również studium dotychczasowych badań ścieralności dna przewodów kanalizacyjnych dla różnych rozwiązań materiałowych rur oraz uzyskiwanych wyników. Wskazano na duże rozbieżności wyników ścieralności pochodzących z różnych źródeł, oraz omówiono możliwe przyczyny występowania niezgodności otrzymywanych rezultatów. W artykule zostały przedstawione również zmiany współczynnika bezpieczeństwa betonowych rur kanalizacyjnych na skutek starcia dna, w oparciu o obliczenia statyczno-wytrzymałościowe.
This paper discusses the issue of abrasiveness of sewer pipelines. The basics of theoretical knowledge of the abrasion phenomenon that takes place in sewer pipelines during transport of medium in which solid particles are located in a given concentration are presented. Factors that may affect the intensity of abrasive wear are also presented. The methodology of conducting laboratory research of abrasiveness of pipes at various research stations was discussed. The article also contains a study of the current tests of abrasiveness of the bottom of sewer pipes for various material solutions of pipes and obtained results. The analysis indicates large discrepancies in abrasion results from various sources, and discusses the possible causes of non-compliance of the results obtained. The article also presents the changes in the safety factor of concrete sewer pipes due to abrasion of the bottom, based on static and strength calculations.
W artykule przedstawiono rozwiązania znacząco przyczyniające się do rozwoju branży wodociągowo-kanalizacyjnej. Przedstawione technologie, urządzenia oraz materiały zostały wyróżnione lub nagrodzone statuetkami konkursu Eureka organizowanego w ramach VIII Ogólnopolskiej Konferencji Naukowo-Szkoleniowej WOD-KAN-INSTAL, która odbyła się w dniach 22–23 listopada 2017 r. w Kielcach–Cedzynie. Wyróżnienia oraz statuetki Eureka zostały przyznane w trzech kategoriach: innowacyjny produkt w grupie materiały, innowacyjny produkt w grupie urządzenia oraz technologia roku.
The article presents solutions significantly contributing to the development of the water and sewage sector. Presented technologies, devices and materials have been distincted or awarded with statuettes of the Eureka contest organized as part of the 8th Science and Training National Conference WOD-KAN-INSTAL, which took place on November 22-23 2017 in Kielce – Cedzyna. Distinctions and Eureka statuettes were granted in three categories: an innovative product in the materials group, an innovative product in the device group and the technology of the year.
The subject of the authors' interest is the greenery and its relation to the technical infrastructure in multi-family housing estates. The green areas surrounding the residential buildings, regardless of them being a part of the functional structure of a given area, form an autonomous natural value in the technical environment. As a structural element of a given area, the greenery can, together with the technical infrastructure, form both a system of causally and rationally interconnected arrangements, as well as unorganized, chaotic and random layouts. The current state of the housing estates green areas in Polish cities is mostly assessed very critically. One of the main threats is the fact that low aesthetic and functional quality of the public space is usually seen as a norm, i.e. an acceptable state 1/. This is related to the difficulty in assessing the qualitative state of the greenery surrounding the housing estates resulting from the use of different methods, as well as lack of a uniform definition of the greenery/green and biologically active area, both in the works of individual authors and the Polish legislation. This problem also occurs in foreign authors' publications. In order to counteract the present situation, attempts are being made at using different methods of assessing housing estates green areas quality, as well as different proposals for definitions characterizing greenery and biologically active area. This article presents an attempt to assess the quality of green areas surrounding housing estates using the SWOT2/ analysis method, which takes into consideration not only the internal features of given structures, but also the external effects. The SWOT method allows to determine both the internal co-relations of the elements of greenery, as well as the assessment of its ties to the surrounding areas and shows the proper course of action by specifying the most essential factors. The presented article is the first part of a research covering this subject, which includes the analysis of the overall situation with regards to the quality of multi-family housing estates green areas, initial premises of the SWOT method adapted for the quality assessment of the housing estates greenery and explications regarding the terms deemed as part of the method. The Warsaw housing estate greenery assessment method implementation process, together with the obtained results, shall be presented in the next article.
Przedstawiono możliwości wyznaczenia składów BSZ przy wykorzystaniu modelowania statystycznego oraz metodą Monte Carlo. W oparciu o otrzymane modele wygenerowano co najmniej 10000 składów, zmieniając losowo poziomy rozpatrywanych czynników. Stosując metodę iteracji usunięto warianty nie spełniające kryteriów jakościowych. Wyznaczono zawartości domieszek i popiołu lotnego w mieszankach BSZ, które spełniały wymagania klasy SF2/US1/UF2/PA2, wykazując równocześnie bardzo dobre właściwości.
The possibilities of SCC compositions determination using statistical modeling and Monte Carlo method were presented. On the basis of obtained models at least 10000 compositions were generated, by random change of the levels of factors studied. By iteration the composition variants were eliminated, which did not fulfilled quality criterions. The share of admixture and fly ash was found for SCC mixtures, which fulfilled the requirements of class SF2/US1/UF2/PA2 by simultaneous very good properties achieving.
Content available remote Modelowanie i optymalizacja składu betonów samozagęszczalnych
tom Nr 13
Algorytmy komputerowej optymalizacji na bazie eksperymentalno- statystycznych modeli (ES-modeli) uwzględniają właściwości wieloczynnikowego składu betonów samozagęszczalnych (SCC). W celu ustalenia optymalnych składów SCC stosuje się procedurę przypadkowego skanowania pól właściwości metodą Monte Carlo. Na bazie ES-modeli generuje się, co najmniej, 10000 przypadkowych wariantów składów betonu. W procesie iteracji eliminowane są warianty, które nie spełniają określonych kryteriów jakości betonów SCC. W końcowym etapie - pozostałe, najbardziej ekonomiczne warianty sprawdzono ;pod względem spełnienia całej grupy kryteriów jakości mieszanek samozagęszczalnych. Na bazie zaproponowanej metodyki opracowano betony samozagęszczalne z wykorzystaniem wypełniacza - popiołu lotnego z elektrowni "Kwidzyn" i superplastyfikatora na bazie eterów polikarboksylowych.
Computerized optimization algorithms, based on statistical experimental models (ES- -models), include the characteristics of a multifactorial composition of self-compacting concrete (SCC-Self-Compacting Concrete). In order to determine the optimal configurations of SCC, the Monte Carlo method was used with the specific procedure of random scanning of fields properties. Based on the ES-models, at least 10000 alternatives of concrete configurations were generated. Subsequently, in the iteration process, variants which did not meet fixed quality criteria of SCC were eliminated. In the final stage, the most economical alternatives were examined in terms of their meeting a number of quality criteria for self-compacting mixtures. On the basis of the proposed methodology, concrete structures were created with the fuel dust from the power station 'Kwidzyn' as a filling material.
One condition of rational development of city areas is estimating the value of green and blue infrastructure in addition to the value of technical infrastructure (its value is usually calculated very precisely). Green infrastructure (including trees and shrubbery) is still treated as a free-of-charge unlimited feature, which results in its exclusion from the economic balance of city management. This approach to trees and shrubs was justified when there were no methods of calculating their value. Currently however such methods do exist both in the world and in our country. Using them enables us to evaluate the replacement (structural) value of trees and shrubs. On the basis of structural value it is possible to estimate the accessible ecosystem services such as oxygen production, carbon collection, absorption of pollution, advantages to health, aesthetic values and others. One method designed for estimating structural and functional, and consequently monetary, values of ecosystem services supplied by trees and greenery areas in general is the i-Tree Eco model which enables obtainment of significant and diverse information on distribution and functioning of greenery in cities. This information may constitute an extra source of knowledge about planning and development of city spaces.
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