The aim of the article is to show some areas where the results of exegesisand biblical theology should be confronted with the latest discoveries ofscience on the world, nature, evolution, the human being, the brain, free will,psychology and morality. The author compares, shows difficulties arisingfrom, and attempts to reconcile Christian anthropology with the image ofman that emerges from well-established scientific truths. This paper is anintroduction and an invitation to a discussion on this topic.
Book review: Tomasz Niemas, Perspektywa eschatologiczna proegzystencji wierzących w przekazie Pisma Świętego (Bibliotheca Biblica; Wrocław: TUM Wydawnictwo Wrocławskiej Księgarni Archidiecezjalnej, 2016). Ss. 219. PLN 39,50. ISBN 978-83-7454-302-6.