Eucharistic Education is an important part of religious education. At each stage of religious development catechesis should lead to a productive, full and conscious participation in the Mass., Because during its celebration fulfilled its primary goal is to bring students into communion and intimacy with Jesus Christ. The task is completed, both the school catechesis and parish catechesis, preparing for the sacraments. The article presents the formation of the Eucharistic elements present in programs to prepare to receive the sacrament of Confirmation, which are in force in the metropolis of Szczecin-Kamien. The dissertation shows that the authors of these programs concern deepens the knowledge of candidates for Holy Mass., Shapes attitudes and develops skills Eucharistic active involvement in the Eucharistic liturgy. It is postulated to also draw attention to the part in Sunday Mass. as a celebration of Day of the Lord.
Eucharistic Education is an important part of religious education. At each stage of religious development catechesis should lead to a productive, full and conscious participation in the Mass., Because during its celebration fulfilled its primary goal is to bring students into communion and intimacy with Jesus Christ. The task is completed, both the school catechesis and parish catechesis, preparing for the sacraments. The article presents the formation of the Eucharistic elements present in programs to prepare to receive the sacrament of Confirmation, which are in force in the metropolis of Szczecin-Kamien. The dissertation shows that the authors of these programs concern deepens the knowledge of candidates for Holy Mass., Shapes attitudes and develops skills Eucharistic active involvement in the Eucharistic liturgy. It is postulated to also draw attention to the part in Sunday Mass. as a celebration of Day of the Lord.
Ostatnie dokumenty dotyczące stanu katechezy wskazują, że wychowanie chrześcijańskie w rodzinach, katecheza i nauczanie religii w szkole są nierozerwalnie związane z posługą chrześcijańskiego wychowania dzieci i młodzieży. Proces ten obejmuje również osoby upośledzone umysłowo. Chrzest, powołanie do zbawienia, przyjmowanie sakramentów, wzrastanie w świętości, prawo do odpowiedniej katechezy są niezbywalnym prawem dzieci upośledzonych umysłowo. To wymaga wzajemnej współpracy oraz komplementarności w działaniu rodziny, parafi i i szkoły. Tylko dzielenie takiego podejścia do edukacji religijnej i wychowania dzieci upośledzonych umysłowo przez wszystkie podmioty uczestniczące w tym procesie umożliwia im prawidłowy rozwój duchowy.
Recent documents on catechesis state that Christian upbringing in families, catechesis, and teaching religion at school are intrinsically linked in the service of the Christian upbringing of children and youth. This process includes also people with intellectual disabilities. Baptized and called to salvation, they are entitled to adequate catechesis, receiving sacraments, and growing in holiness. It requires mutual cooperation as well as complementarity between the family, parish, and school. Only sharing such an approach to the religious education and upbringing of the intellectually disabled by all the subjects participating in the process enables their proper spiritual development.
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