The article analyses aesthetics, particularly highlighting the typeface used, of alternative female magazines. The main focus is on the zines’ connection with the feminist movement. Also, the author compares Polish and American independent publications and explains literary practices of the riot grrrl movement.
Hélène Cixous’s Manifesto The Laughter of Medusa was first published in 1975 and immediately became one of the most frequently quoted texts on écriture féminine – women’s writing. How can the essay be perceived today and has the literary work of women become an emancipatory element or rather fell into a trap of an essentialism? Using the example of theoretical texts, my own work, and many years of experience in conducting creative writing classes, I critically discuss Cixous’s view. I refer to the theoretical works of Marguerite Duras, Izabela Filipiak (Morska), Katarzyna Bonda or Julia Cameron, trying to draw guidelines for women writers mentioned above and juxtapose them with the examples of their literature. I also reach for my own writing workshop and check, if the model of “a madwoman in the attic” by Sandra Gilbert and Susan Gubar is still valid in the 21st century.
Manifest Hélène Cixous Śmiech Meduzy po raz pierwszy został opublikowany w 1975 roku i od razu stał się jednym z najczęściej przywoływanych tekstów dotyczących écriture féminine – pisarstwa kobiecego. Jak można odbierać esej współcześnie i czy twórczość literacka kobiet stała się elementem emancypacyjnym, czy raczej wpadła w pułapkę esencjalizmu? Na przykładzie tekstów teoretycznych oraz własnej twórczości i wieloletniego doświadczenia prowadzenia zajęć z creative writing omawiam krytycznie spojrzenie Cixous. Sięgam do tekstów teoretycznych Marguerite Duras, Izabeli Filipiak (Morskiej), Katarzyny Bondy czy Julii Cameron, kreśląc wskazówki dla piszących kobiet i zderzając je z przykładami tworzonej przez nie literatury. Sięgam również do własnego warsztatu pisarskiego i zastanawiam się, czy model „wariatki na strychu” („A Madwoman in The Attic”) Sandry Gilbert i Susan Gubar obowiązuje w XXI wieku.
Post‑remembering, post‑body. About Patrycja Dołowy’s artistic activities in the former Warsaw Ghetto The article has to do with an analysis of the artistic activity in the sphere of cultural and individual memory which refers to the area of the Warsaw Ghetto. On the basis of Patrycja Dołowy’s works and a drama piece which she co‑wrote the author examines the extent to which the strategies of individual memory are not intellectual in a fundamental way. They do, however, constitute a collection of memories, concepts and interpretations which preclude objectivisation – so much expected in reference to the national memory whose aim is to establish the foundation of the identity of the nation. In her article the author introduces an innovative term, “Jewish fiction”, construed as the making up or combining in a collage manner of Jewish stories in order to situate them in the collective imaginarium as a new chapter of post‑memory activities. Key words: body, memory, Warsaw Ghetto, Muranów
The paper presents changes in the language that is used in the definition of minority groups, especially women, non binary and black people. It also analyzes the challenges faced in the translation of this literature and in that which is written in Polish. Drawing both on official sources, such as the expertise of the Polish Language Council of the Polish Academy of Sciences, and on the bottom-up language guides developed by people belonging to minority groups, the situations requiring negotiation and also the search for appropriate language (new grammar, pronouns, performativity of forms) is illustrated, indicating ways to minimize the inequalities linguistic hierarchy.
The article is a record of an interview with the Holocaust survivor, Aviva Blum-Wachs, and reveals the tension between biography, memory, concealment and oblivion. The interview is preceded by the theoretical introduction, where authoresses introduce main categories from the field of memory and gender studies. An important element of the article is an outline of contexts and deep focus on both interlocutors’ and her mother’s biography.
Niniejszy tekst jest zapisem rozmowy z ocalałą z Zagłady Avivą Blum-Wachs i ujawnia napięcia między zapisem biograficznym, pamięcią a przemilczeniem i zapomnieniem. Rozmowę poprzedza teoretyczny wstęp, w którym wprowadzone są podstawowe kategorie z zakresu badań nad pamięcią i perspektywy genderowej. Ważnym elementem jest również nakreślenie kontekstów i skupienie się na biografii zarówno interlokutorki, jak i jej matki.
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