W pracy dokonano oceny dobrostanu wilka europejskiego (Conis lupus) w Ogrodzie Fauny Polskiej ZOO w Bydgoszczy. W analizie uwzględniono takie parametry jak: warunki utrzymania, sposób żywienia i zachowanie się zwierząt. Porównano je z naturalnymi potrzebami tych ssaków, a także z wymogami zawartymi w uregulowaniach prawnych. Wilki w OFP mają zapewnione dobre warunki życia, pozwalające na utrzymanie stosunkowo wysokiego poziomu dobrostanu. Biorąc pod uwagę warunki utrzymania należy stwierdzić, że odpowiadają one wymogom dobrostanu, ale nie umożliwiają wykazywania wszystkich naturalnych zachowań, czego skutkiem mogą być zaobserwowane stereotypie motoryczne. Skład socjalny odpowiada naturalnej strukturze społecznej wilka. Zaleca się wprowadzenie dodatków roślinnych do diety wilka. Wskazane jest wzbogacenie środowiska życia wilka o elementy stymulacji psychicznej i ruchowej.
The following paper presents the assessment of the well-being of the European Wolf (Canis lupus) in Ogród Fauny Polskiej ZOO in Bydgoszcz. The analysis includes such parameters as conditions of upkeep, ways of feeding and animals' behaviour. The data is compared to the natural needs of these mammals, as well as the requirements imposed by legal regulations. This data allowed to formulate a conclusion that the degree of wolves' well-being in OFP is relatively high. Taking into consideration the conditions of upkeep it appears the requirements of well-being are met, albeit they do not allow the animals to display all the natural behaviours, which may result in motor stereotyping observed in the wolves. The social composition observed reflects the natural structure among wolves. It is recommended that the introduction of vegetable ingredients in the diet and to enrich the living environment of wolves in the elements of mental and physical stimulation.
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Graph constraints and application conditions are most important for graph grammars and transformation systems in a large variety of application areas. Although different approaches have been presented in the literature already there is no adequate theory up to now which can be applied to different kinds of graphs and high-level structures. In this paper, we introduce a general notion of graph constraints and application conditions and show under what conditions the basic results can be extended from graph transformation to high-level replacement systems. In fact, we use the new framework of adhesive HLR categories recently introduced as combination of HLR systems and adhesive categories. Our main results are the transformation of graph constraints into right application conditions and the transformation from right to left application conditions in this new framework. The transformations are illustrated by a railroad control system with rail net constraints and application conditions.
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