A threat to the „Wieliczka" Salt Mine is posed by extra-deposit waters in the Chodenice beds - espe cially at the northern border of the deposit, repeatedly affected by mining works (e.g. the Mina corridor). Zones of cracks and caverns can lead from them to the mine significant amounts of water undersaturated with NaCI. The uncontrolled inflow of such waters to the „Mina" corridor from 1992 indirectly contributed to the end of salt explo itation and the focus on tourist services and the liquidation of excavations. The outflow reached its maximum in the autumn of 1992, when the surface of the land in the outskirts of the corridor was also destroyed. Securing the Mina was first carried out by lowering the hydrostatic pressure in the rock mass by taking in the inflowing brine. In 2007, a decision was made to close the corridor tightly, which carried the risk of pressure increase behind the dam, migration of undersaturated brine to other mine excavations and leaching of the rock mass. Therefore, in 2008, the President of the State Mining Authority appointed a Committee for issuing opinions on the state of water and collapse hazards in KS „Wieliczka", which formulated a number of recommendations. Experiences related to the elimination of the threat in the Mina corridor were extended to other excavations at risk. The risk reduction began with the liquidation of the Gussmann and Kosocice drifts in the area of W VI-6 and W VI-32 leaks in Z-28 and Z-32 chambers. Monitoring of the water table in the area of these leaks, as well as in the area of W VII-16 leak (i.e. the three largest inflows to the mine) showed the existence of two aquifers in the Chodenice beds: upper, well-permeable (piezometers PZ-1 and PZ-2), and lower, poorly permeable (PZ-3 hole). As part of the fight against natural hazards, approx. 83% of the chambers indicated by the Commission at the northern boundary of the de posit have been backfilled to date. At the same time, observations of delamination of roof and sidewall rocks and convergence measurements are carried out. In a number of excavations, the rock mass is anchored and cribs are built. Measurement results and observations in excavations do not show significant changes. Convergence measu rements showed its low intensity in most of the excavations of the lump deposit, and its increased intensity only in the bedded deposit. No significant changes were found in the condition of the chambers which could potentially collapse. In B-3 and W-l wells, the water table in the northern outskirts of the deposit is also recovering. Thus, the actions indicated by the State Mining Authority's Commission led to the reduction of the water hazard and the related collapse hazard in the „Wieliczka" Salt Mine.
W artykule omówiono działania podjęte dla zminimalizowania zagrożenia wodnego i zawałowego w Kopalni Soli „Wieliczka" w latach 1992-2021, po niekontrolowanym dopływie wód pozazłożowych do poprzeczni Mina. Szczegółowo przedstawiono realizację postanowień komisji powołanej przez prezesa WUG w 2009 r., która na podstawie zebranych doświadczeń zaproponowała kierunki likwidacji nieudostępnionych turystom wyrobisk górniczych.
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