Niniejszy opis dotyczy podstaw oraz prezentacji technologii, które mogą być wdrożone przy użyciu promieniowania jonizującego, zastosowań w energetyce, przetwórstwie polimerów i kompozytów, radiacyjnym sieciowaniu kabli, przewodów, powłok i pokryć powierzchniowych, produkcję komponentów dla energetyki i przemysłu takich jak: rury, taśmy termokurczliwe, wytwarzanie komponentów dla innych sektorów gospodarki (opony, części do samochodów elektrycznych, statków, części do samolotów i pojazdów szynowych.
This overview concerns the basics and presentation of technologies that can be implemented using ionizing radiation, applications in the power industry, processing of polymers and composites, radiation cross-linking of cables, wires, surface coatings and coatings, production of components for the power industry and industry, such as: pipes, heat shrinkable tapes, production of components for other sectors of the economy (tyres, parts for electric cars, ships, parts for airplanes and rail vehicles.
Operation of marine diesel engines causes signifi cant emission of sulphur and nitrogen oxides. It was noticed worldwide and the regulations concerning harmful emissions were introduced. There were several solutions elaborated; however, emission control for both SOx and NOx requires two distinctive processes realized in separated devices, which is problematic due to limited space on ship board and high overall costs. Therefore, the electron beam flue gas treatment (EBFGT) process was adopted to ensure the abatement of the problem of marine diesel off-gases. This novel solution combines two main processes: fi rst the fl ue gas is irradiated with electron beam where NO and SO2 are oxidized; the second stage is wet scrubbing to remove both pollutants with high efficiency. Laboratory tests showed that this process could be effectively applied to remove SO2 and NOx from diesel engine off-gases. Different compositions of absorbing solution with three different oxidants (NaClO, NaClO2 and NaClO3) were tested. The highest NOx removal efficiency (>96%) was obtained when seawater-NaClO2-NaOH was used as scrubber solution at 10.9 kGy dose. The process was further tested in real maritime conditions at Riga shipyard, Latvia. More than 45% NOx was removed at a 5.5 kGy dose, corresponding to 4800 Nm3 /h off-gases arising from ship emission. The operation of the plant was the first case of examination of the hybrid electron beam technology in real conditions. Taking into account the experiment conditions, good agreement was obtained with laboratory tests. The results obtained in Riga shipyard provided valuable information for the application of this technology for control of large cargo ship emission.
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