In the present article the author describes the issue of relation between Synagogue and Church in the context of Johannine writings. The author makes analysis of the Johannine texts in order to show the traces of polemic between Judaism and Christianity. He shows the hostility between Synagogue and Church in the light of terms like aposunagōgos, “Jews” and other polemical expressions which occur in the Gospel of John, in the Letters of John and the Book of Revelation. The author tries to answer the question of how Sitz im Leben of the Johannine writings influences their content. The analysis of Jewish and Christian sources shows the tension and hostility between Rabbinic Judaism and Johannine Community after the destruction of the Jerusalem Temple. It leads to gradual separation between Synagogue and Church. In this article there are shown the reasons for the parting of the ways between Judaism and Christianity and its meaning for the contemporary dialogue between Synagogue and Church.
Im folgenden Artikel wird die Problematik des Verhältnisses zwischen der Synagoge und der Kirche im Kontext der johanneischen Schriften untersucht. Der Autor analysiert die Texte der johanneischen Tradition mit der besonderen Aufmerksamkeit auf die Spuren der Polemik zwischen Judaismus und Christentum. Anhand der Begriffe aposunagōgos und "Juden" sowie der polemischen Wendungen wird die Feindschaft zwischen der Synagoge und der Kirche dargestellt. Der Autor zeigt Sitz im Leben der johanneischen Gemeinschaft, indem er den Einfluss der Polemik zwischen dem rabbinischen Judaismus und dem Christentum nach der Zerstörung des Tempels in Jerusalem auf den Inhalt der johanneischen Texte untersucht. Die Analyse der judaistischen und christlichen Quellen zeigt eine Spannung, verursacht durch die Bemühungen, die eigene Identität zu festigen. Dies führt zum fortschreitenden Auseinanderdriften der Wege der Synagoge und der Kirche. Im Artikel werden Motive dieser Spaltung dargelegt sowie deren Bedeutung für den gegenwärtigen Dialog zwischen Judaismus und Christentum.
W niniejszym artykule została podjęta problematyka relacji pomiędzy Synagogą i Kościołem w kontekście pism Janowych. Autor analizuje teksty tradycji Janowej wskazując na ślady polemiki między judaizmem i chrześcijaństwem. Przez pryzmat terminów aposunagōgos, i „Żydzi” oraz polemicznych wyrażeń zostaje ukazana wrogość pomiędzy Synagogą i Kościołem. Autor ukazuje Sitz im Leben wspólnoty Janowej badając wpływ polemiki między judaizmem rabincznym a chrześcijaństwem po zburzeniu świątyni jerozolimskiej na treść tekstów Janowych. Analiza źródeł żydowskich i chrześcijańskich wskazuje na napięcie spowodowane chęcią utrwalenia własnej tożsamości. Prowadzi to do stopniowego rozchodzenie się dróg Synagogi i Kościoła. W artykule zostają ukazane motywy rozejścia się dróg i ich znaczenie dla współczesnego dialogu pomiędzy judaizmem i chrześcijaństwem.
One of the most important features of the members of the Qumran community, who referred to themselves by the name “the sons of light,” was aspiration to holiness by observing the Law, purity and cult. The spirituality of the Qumran community was founded on the New Covenant which would be fulfilled “at the end of the days”. This eschatological reality was stressed in the practical spirituality of the members of the Qumran community. In the present article, the spirituality of the Qumran community will be presented via three points: (1) The origin of the Qumran community; (2) The community of a New Covenant with God; and (3) Eschatological beliefs. Our accumulated knowledge about the spirituality of the Qumran community and its beliefs enables us to better understand many eschatological texts of the Old Testament and Intertestamental Literature. It also indicates to us certain similarities and differences with the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth.
L'autore presenta il probierna dell'autorita nel IV Vangelo e lo situa sullo sfondo della teologia di Giovanni. Si parte dall'individuare i testi, in cui si trova la parola exousia. La lettura di questi testi permette di discutere diversi aspetti dell'autorita presentati nel IV Vangelo: l'autorita del Padre, l'autorita del Figlio, l'autorita dei nemici di Dio e l'autorita dei discepoli. Il Padre e la Fonte e ił Soggetto dell'autorita, la quale comunica al Figlio. Gesu attraverso la sua missione, la quale culmina nella morte sulla croce, rivela l' essenza dell 'autorita com e Amore e Vita. In questo modo Gesu vince l'autorita delle tenebre e del peccato. La vittoriosa missione del Figlio si prolunga nella vita dei suoi discepoli, i quali grazie allo Spirito Santo partecipano nel mistero salvifico di Dio Padre.
In the present article the author shows the different attitudes of Pharisees and Sadducees regarding the life after death and resurrection. First he describes the motives and the nature of Pharisaic faith in resurrection in the context of Old Testament, Josephus Flavius sources, and Apocryphal Literature. Then he shows the views of Sadducees who rejected the reality of life after death. At the end he describes novum of the teaching of Jesus about resurrection which can be better understood in the context of His discussion with Pharisees and Sadducees.
In the seventeenth chapter of the Gospel according to St. John, also called the prayer of the High Priest, John's priestly theology is clearly evident. On the one band Jesus is presented as a Priest: He is the Mediator relating the revelation of the Father; called and sent by the Father; fulfills the will of the Father and knows the Father; reveals to people the Glory of God; it is the New Sanctuary opening up to people entrance into eternal life; "perfected" by doing the "works"; "the hour"- the time of Sacrifice inspired by love. On the other band, His disciples remain called to participate in His priesthood. They ought to accomplish this through: remaining in the teaching-revelation brought by Jesus and brotherly love, by faith, by bringing fruit, and the unity of the ecclesiological community. The Spirit - Paraclete makes it possible for them to fully participate in Jesus' priesthood, allowing them to participate in His mystery, made present in the sacraments. Jesus the Highest Priest is the model o f true service and sacrifice for the first Christian community. Through the view of priestly theology, John the Evangelist strongly brings out the Father-Son relationship and points out the role of the disciples, who thanks to the strength of the Paraclete can undertake in their lives service and sacrifice for Love.
Recenzja: Samuel Byrskog, Jesus the Only Teacher. Didactic Authority and Transmission in Ancient Israel, Ancient Judaism and The Matthean Community, Stockholm 1994, ss. 485.
In polemical dialogue Jn 8:31-59 the expression about "the Jews w ho had believed in Jesus" (v. 31) seems to contradict what Jesus himself says later in the text. This problem can be resolved by translating the perfect participle as the pluperfect. In this case the expression in Jn 8:31 may be referred to those who had believed but who now believe no longer. The analysis of this expression shows the importance of the concept of faith in the Fourth Gospel. The process of faith of persons who meet Jesus is contrasted with those who do not believe. In the background of ethical and apocalyptical dualism the author of the Fourth Gospel wanted to show the dynamism ofthe faith and its existential nature.
Book review: Ks. Tomasz Siemieniec, Teologiczna rola „ludzi” (hoi anthrōpoi) w Apokalipsie Janowej (Kielce: Wydawnictwo Jedność 2018). 682 s. (opr. m.). ISBN 978-83-7971-928-0 DOI: